Year of Establishment: 1989

Number of Faculty and Staff (as of 1 Jul 2024)


Chair Professor 7
Distinguished Professor 5
Professor 26
Associate Professor 54
Assistant Professor 59
Research Assistant Professor 11
Senior Instructor 8
Emeritus Academic Staff 4
Adjunct Professor 4
Staff Administrative Staff 23
Technical Staff 26
Center CERT 25
  Total 252


Alumni Counts since 1993 (as of 11 Oct 2023)

Program Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) Master’s Degree (MSc) Ph.D. Total
Applied Physics and Chemistry 11     11
Civil Engineering 765 294 55 1114
Computer Science 383 129 98 610
E-Commerce Technology   191   191
Electrical and Computer Engineering 294 158 103 555
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 448 158 33 639
Electromechanical Engineering 768 264 53 1085
Financial Technology   32   32
Mathematics 300 238 85 623
Mechanical Engineering 11     11
Software Engineering 623 184 50 857
Total 3603 1648 477 5728