Building a world class center of excellence in both research and education. Responding swiftly to the change of the world, particularly to the needs of the digital economy
- Provide student-centric PRIS (Professionalism, Responsibility, Integrity, Self-learning ability) education
- Provide high quality research with impact on disciplines, society and economy
- Provide professional services to society and community
澳門大學科技學院直面世界快速變革和數字化轉型所帶來的機遇與挑戰,以發展為國際一流的科研和人才培養基地為目標,致力於開展以學生為中心,以專業(Professionalism)、責任 (Responsibility)、誠信(Integrity)、自學能力 (Self-learning ability)為要素的PRIS教育,持續產出高質量、高影響力的研究成果,積極配合特區政府將澳門發展成智慧城市和世界旅遊休閒中心的目標,並將服務延伸到粵港澳大灣區,面向國內外的最新需求,用一流的教學和研究成果服務於社會。