About this course

CISC1000 is a foundational course in Language and Skills that explores the impact of information technology in our modern society.

CISC1000 is an online course that is accessible at UMMoodle. Students may access the course at any time and find out all resources related to the course online, including course materials, video lectures and exercises. A face-to-face Q&A tutorial hour is arranged for students every week. If any of your enrolled courses has schedule conflict with the tutorial hour of your CISC1000 section, please send an email to fst.cisc1000 and seek FST’s advice and/or approval to change your tutorial hour to other time slot.

Course Completion by Examination

Students need to complete this course by writing a course examination, during the semester. The course examination will be conducted online. Students are required to register the examination at the UMMoodle. Students can choose only one examination session at a time. If students pass the examination, P grade will be recorded. If students do not pass the examination, they can register another examination session within the semester and retake the examination. There is no limit to the number of times students could retake the examination. However, if students do not pass the examination within a semester, NP grade will be recorded and students will be required to retake CISC1000 in the following semester.

The examination schedule will be announced at the UMMoodle at the beginning of each semester when CISC1000 is offered.

QR Code

UMMoodle UMMoodle Online Examination Registration
https://ummoodle.um.edu.mo https://ummoodle.um.edu.mo/course/view.php?id=98262

Course Instructors

Name Tel Email Office
Dr. Kam Hou VAT 8822-4476 fstkhv E11-4087
Mr. Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior 8822-4378 mcosta E11-4088
Mr. Teng LAM 8822-4580 tlam E11-4086

Course Leaflet

Click here to download the course leaflet.

Upcoming Examination Information & Instructions