土木工程夏令營為期三天, 活動內容包括:實驗室參觀和示範、互動趣味工程實驗、集體遊戲、工程模型製作比賽,住宿式書院體驗。土木工程夏令營之目的是以互動和啓發式的科普活動使中學生了解土木工程各領域的相關知識,培養學生對土木工程的興趣,並認識有關專業操守和責任。同時,舉辦夏令營可增強學生的組織、合作、社交和溝通的能力。
The activities of the three-day Civil Engineering Summer Camp (CESC) include: laboratory visits and demonstrations, interactive experiments, group games, engineering model fabrication competition and experiencing camp of residential college. The purpose of CESC is to provide interactive and heuristic science activities to high students for gaining knowledge in various fields of civil engineering, stimulating the student interests in civil engineering and understanding of the professional ethics and responsibilities. Meanwhile, the CESC can enhance student organization, cooperation, social and communication skills.
8月3日 | August 3 | 8月4日 | August 4 | 8月5日 | August 5 |
參觀土朩工程實驗室 認識澳門輕軌系統及遊戲 書院體驗營/力學遊戲+住宿Experiencing Camp of Residential |
認識結構工程及遊戲 製作結構模型 書院體驗營/結構模型測試比賽+住宿 |
認識土力工程 互動土力工程遊戲和比賽+歡聚晚宴 |