“2017四軸飛行器三維重建夏令營”主要介紹流行的四軸飛行器Parrot AR. Drone 及三維重建技術。 夏令營有兩天的活動,包括講授與實作課程。學員們在最後部分還有透過使用四軸飛行器AR. Drone對場境進行三維重建的競賽。通過這些活動,學生們將體驗新穎的飛行機器人並認識實用的場景三維重建技術。

“3D reconstruction with Quadcopters Summer Camp 2017” mainly introduces the basic knowledge of quadcopter using popular Parrot AR. Drone and 3D reconstruction techniques, which includes two-day activities such as lecturing and practical courses. At last, the participants will have a competition on 3D reconstruction using AR. Drone. Through these activities, the students will experience the novel quadcopters and learn some practical techniques in 3D scene reconstruction from 2D images.

主題一: 探索四軸飛行器
-四軸飛行器Parrot AR. Drone的基本概念及各種功能模塊。
-四軸飛行器Parrot AR. Drone的基本操作。
-四軸飛行器Parrot AR. Drone的基本編程。


主題二: 三維重建 (透過二維圖像 / 光學雷達)
-圖像三維重建的基本概念: 運動恢復結構, 視覺里程計, 視覺 SLAM.

學生們透過相機/光學雷達設備實現三維重建,並學會如何對三維輸出進行後處理,適用於3D打印。最後,學生分組作賽–透過使用四軸飛行器Parrot AR. Drone進行三維重建。

Theme one: Exploration of Quacopters
-Basic concept and different functional mechanisms of a quadcopter such as Ar.Drone
-Basic operations of Ar. Drone
-Basic programming of Ar. Drone

Practice one:
Students have opportunity to tele-operate the quadcopters through handheld device and programming.

Theme two: 3D Reconstruction (from 2D images / LiDAR)
-Image features extraction and image matching
-Basic concept and methods on image-based 3D reconstruction: Structure from motion, Visual Odometry, Visual SLAM.
-Basic concept and methods on laser-based 3D reconstruction.

Practice two:
Students have opportunity to practice 3D reconstruction through hand-held camera / LiDAR and learn how to post-process the 3D output to be suitable in 3D printing. Finally, students will form in groups to have a competition on 3D reconstruction using AR. Drone.

7月27日 | 27 July 7月28日 | 28 July

Theme: Exploration of Quadcopters

Theme: 3D Reconstruction 四軸飛行器操控 + 三維重建競賽
Control + 3D reconstruction competition using quadcopters