Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering

The Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering programme is designed to educate highly qualified researchers required for the expansion of fundamental knowledge and technological innovation through research and development, as well as the needs of institutions of higher level education. These postgraduate programmes are consistent with the aims of the department, which are to teach, conduct research and serve the community through professional development.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes

  • An ability to engage in the quality and successful research.
  • An ability to produce good quality research outputs in the form of journal articles, book chapters and conference papers.
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems in research or practical approach.
  • An ability to create innovative ideas to improve the efficiency of the civil related works.
  • An ability to communicate effectively on the research outputs.
  • An ability to demonstrate advanced technical knowledge to pursue careers in civil and environmental engineering.

Contact Us

  • Room E11-3027,
    Faculty of Science and Technology,
    University of Macau, E11,
    Avenida da Universidade, Taipa,
    Macau, China

  • Please click here to let us know if you have any comment or suggestion about the civil engineering programme that you are studying in.

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