Two Members of FST received the Medal of Merit



The SAR Macao Government has announced Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit awarded for 2021 by the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) on 19 Dec 2021. They are being given to 22 individuals and organisations in recognition of, respectively, achievement, outstanding contribution and distinguished service.

Medals for Distinguished Service are awarded to public entities, organisations or their staff for outstanding performance in their duties or community service. UM Vice Rector Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins is the recipient of Medal of Merit – Education, and Prof. U Seng Pan, alumnus of FST, is the recipient of Medal of Merit – Industry and Commerce. The ceremony to award the Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit to the recipients will be held in late January 2022.


功績勳章共分七種,是頒授給在專業活動、推動和發展工商業、旅遊業、從事教育事業、發展藝術和文化事業、推動社會福利和慈善事業,以及體育事業方面有傑出貢獻的人士或實體。其中澳門大學副校長及科技學院講座教授馬許願(Rui Paulo da Silva Martins)獲教育功績勳章, 而科技學院校友余成斌教授則獲工商功績勳章。2021年度勳章、獎章和獎狀的頒授儀式,將於2022年1月下旬舉行。

來源: 新聞局(GCS)

馬許願 Rui Paulo da Silva Martins

余成斌 U Seng Pan

UM scholar becomes the first in Macao to receive international automatic identification and mobility award



Prof Tam Kam Weng in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau (UM), has received the Ted Williams Award from the Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility – AIM Global, the world’s largest organisation in automatic identification and mobile technology. Of the six industrial award recipients for 2020, Prof Tam is the only one from Macao.

Prof Tam is dedicated to the study of wireless communication, which has earned him an international reputation in the fields of RFID technology and microwave sensors. He has received numerous honours and has been serving in various important positions in the industry since 2014. He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, a chartered engineer of the United Kingdom, a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s review committee for chartered engineers, vice president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Council on RFID, and a recipient of a scholarship from the European Union for visiting professors. In addition, Prof Tam has received various awards from the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), namely the Natural Science Award, the Technological Invention Award, and the Science and Technology Progress Award. He also serves as a member of the Technical Accreditation Committee and a consultant for radiation safety research of the Macao SAR government. He has published more than 200 papers and obtained a total of five patents, in China and abroad.

With the financial support of from FDCT (Project No.: 015/2013/A1 and 042/2006/A3), Prof Tam has invented a novel planar circularly-polarised antenna based on complementary dipole antenna elements. The design greatly reduces the profile for handheld RFID readers. An ESI paper on the study has been published and frequently cited by industry experts. In addition to research, Prof Tam has provided assistance to the establishment of Macao’s first high-tech RFID company, which was founded by local master’s degree graduates in related research fields. The company facilitates industry-academia collaboration by providing intelligent asset management services for public and private institutions in Macao. During his term as the vice chairman of the IEEE Council on RFID, Prof Tam successfully organised four large-scale international conferences for RFID applications in Europe and Asia; these conferences were attended by more than 1,000 scholars and industry practitioners from the two continents, who exchanged ideas on industry-academia collaboration.

Founded in 1972, AIM Global is the largest international organisation in the global automatic identification and mobile technology industry. Its members are well-known companies from around the world, including INTEL, NXP Semiconductors, and Zebra Technologies Corporation. It is mainly focused on key technologies that support smart economy, including barcode technology, radio frequency identification technology, and smart card identification technology. In the past 40 years, AIM Global has been committed to the development of international standards for automatic identification and mobile technology, as well as collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in formulating international standards in related fields. In recent years, the one- and two-dimensional barcode technologies widely used in the world, in applications such as mobile payment and goods identification, are important examples of the international standards developed by the association. In 2007, AIM Global established the Ted Williams Award, which is presented annually to experts and scholars who have made outstanding contributions to the global industry in the application of automatic identification and mobile technology. Previous winners include scholars from world-renowned universities, including the University of Pittsburgh, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Ohio University.

澳門大學科技學院電機與電腦工程系教授譚錦榮獲全球最大的國際自動識別與移動技術協會(Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility——AIM Global) 頒發《泰德威廉斯獎》(TED WILLIAMS AWARD),是該會今屆6項工業獎獲獎人士中唯一的澳門專家學者。

譚錦榮長期從事無線通訊領域的研究,並在射頻識別技術、微波傳感器等領域享有國際聲譽。2014年起先後當選英國工程技術學會會士、英國特許工程師、英國工程技術學會特許工程師評審委員委員、美國電氣和電子工程師協會射頻識別技術議會副主席、歐盟訪問教授學者獎學金獲獎者;曾獲澳門科學技術獎的自然科學獎、 技術發明獎和科技進步獎三獎;是澳門特別行政區政府認可技術委員會委員、澳門特別行政區政府無線電輻射安全研究顧問。發表論文200餘篇,國內外發明專利5項。

譚錦榮憑藉澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金(檔案編號:015/2013/A1及 042/2006/A3)資助,成功研發國際上首創的互補型的偶極子天線單元實現平面端射圓極化天線,大幅度降低了射頻識別技術閱讀器手持機的剖面高度,縮小手持機大小以及減少了系統的加工製作成本,發表的高水準ESI 高被引論文廣受工業界專家等引用。亦推動了參與相關研發的本澳研究畢業生創立了澳門首家提供射頻識別解決方案的高科技公司,為澳門公私機構提供智能資產管理服務,推進成果產業化。譚錦榮任美國電氣和電子工程師協會射頻識別技術議會副主席時間成功完成四次大型歐、亞射頻識別技術應用會議交替,推進逾千歐洲和亞洲學術界及工業界人員產學術可研交流。

AIM Global成立於1972,為全球自動識別與移動技術工業界中最大的國際組織,成員來自全球的知名企業例如INTEL、NXP Semiconductors和Zebra Technologies Corporation等。涉及技術領域為智慧經濟信息化建設的重要核心支撐科技,包括條碼技術、射頻識別技術、智能卡識別技術等。在過去40多年,AIM Global致力於國際自動識別與移動技術標準制訂以及,與國際標準化組織 (ISO) 合作制訂相關領域的國際標準,近年全球廣泛使用的流動支付和貨物辨別的一維、二維條碼技術是協會重要國際標準例子。AIM Global於2007年設立TED WILLIAMS AWARD,每年經過嚴格評審,評定出對全球自動識別與移動技術工業界應用上有卓越貢獻的專家學者予以嘉許獎勵。歷屆得獎者均來自全球著名學府如匹茲堡大學、佐治亞理工學院、俄亥俄大學等。

Prof Tam Kam Weng

UM FST student received 2020 Young Researcher Award


Zeng Wenliang, a doctoral student in the University of Macau’s (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology received the 2020 Young Researcher Award from the International Institute of Macau (IIM) in the categories of applied sciences.

Zeng is a doctoral student in the university’s State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, Institute of Microelectronics, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His PhD thesis, titled ‘Design, Control, and Analysis of Integrated DC-DC Converters for Low-Power Applications’, is the sole winner of the first prize in the applied sciences category this year. He is also the second young scholar to receive an award in this category since 2016. Zeng has developed four new high-performance integrated DC-DC converter chips and has published seven papers in SCI-indexed journals and two papers at international conferences. The ultra-low quiescent current DC buck converter chip, which he developed in collaboration with Allwinner Technology, is suitable for electronic products based on internet of things technology, and its performance is comparable to that of products developed by Texas Instruments and Analog Devices.

Established by the IIM in 2001, the Young Researcher Award aims to encourage young students, teachers, graduates of higher education institutions, and professionals in creative industries in Macao to conduct in-depth study of the development path of the Macao Special Administrative Region, focusing on areas such as economy and diversified industries, heritage and identity, as well as applied sciences and Macao’s history.





(From left) Prof Lam Chi Seng, Zeng
Wenliang and Prof Sin Sai Weng

Zeng Wenliang


Zeng Wenliang won the award


Group Photo大合照

UM wins awards at national contest of AI application in power dispatching


A team from the University of Macau (UM) State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC), also the students of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) today (28 January) won a second prize and the only Best Innovation Award at a contest of AI application in power dispatching in China, it was the only university team to win awards at this competition.

45 teams were qualified to compete in the preliminaries. They came from various well-known companies, universities, and organisations, including China Southern Power Grid Co, Guangdong Grid Co, China Energy Engineering Group Co, NARI Technology Development Co, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiangtong University, Wuhan University, South China University of Technology, and Alibaba Group. The UM team advanced to the final with a third place in overall prediction accuracy, and was the only university team to advance to the final.

All members of the UM team are postgraduate students in the SKL-IOTSC. They include Yu Peipei (team leader), Zou Bin, Hui Hongxun, Feng Guangxu, and Yang Qifan. Because of requirements for epidemic prevention, Only Yu Peipei and Zou Bin went to Guangzhou to participate in the competition while the remaining three students provided support remotely. Their advisors are UM Rector Yonghua Song, who is also the director of the SKL-IOTSC and the Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of FST, Associate Professor of ECE Dai Ningyi and Assistant Professor of ECE Zhang Hongcai. Among judges for the final round were member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, well-known professors in the field of power systems, and chief scientists at Huawei and Alibaba Group. In the end, the UM team won a second prize with the second best overall ranking. The team also won the only Best Innovation Award for its novel theoretical algorithms in the field of renewable energy prediction.

The event was co-organised by China Southern Power Grid’s dispatching and control center, hosted by the company’s two research institutes and media team as well as Alibaba Cloud, with assistance from various parties, including the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering. The topic of the preliminaries is ‘Bus Load Forecasting of 220kV Substations in Zhanjiang Area of China Southern Power Grid’. Participating teams were required to predict the load curves of 17 substations and 33 generator transformers in one week. Load forecasting is one of the key technical issues in power system operation and management. It is also a hot research topic in the academic circle. This contest included a variety of forecasting scenarios, such as residential loads, commercial and industrial loads, high-speed railway loads, and distributed renewable energy generators, which added to the difficulty and complexity of this load forecasting competition.

Established in July 2018, the SKL-IOTSC is China’s first state key lab in the internet of things for smart city and was founded with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The lab aims to meet the needs of the country by developing into a world-class laboratory with local characteristics, with the support of experts in Macao. To solve the key technical issues in internet of things technology for smart city development, the lab develops common theories, algorithms, and systems that are of fundamental importance, and creates exemplary applications for smart city development. So far, the lab has established its research offices in five areas: intelligent sensing and network communication, urban big data and intelligent technology, smart energy, intelligent transportation, and public safety and disaster prevention. The lab is led by its director Prof Yonghua Song, who is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering of the United Kingdom and a member of the Academia Europaea. The lab’s team consists of three scholars who are at the rank of chair professor or distinguished professor, as well as 24 scholars who are at the rank of full professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or lecturer.






A group photo of the wining team 獲獎團隊合照

The team received a second prize


The team received
the only Best Innovation Award

UM-HKU teams win multiple first prizes at 2020 World Robot Contest



Two teams formed by the University of Macau (UM) and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) participated in the 2020 World Robot Contest, which is known as the ‘Olympics’ of the robot industry. In the Technical Competition of the Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) Controlled Robot Contest / the Fourth China BCI Contest, Team A won the Grand Championship (tied with the team formed by Tsinghua University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) and the championship in the ERP-based BCI competition, as well as four first prizes in seven individual competitions. Team B won multiple second and third prizes.

This year’s contest attracted teams from many renowned universities, including Tsinghua University, the University of Science and Technology of China, Tianjin University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Southeast University, Shandong University, Shanghai University, Northwestern Polytechnic University, the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, the University of China Academy of Science, the Institute of Automation under the China Academy of Science (CAS), the Institute of Semiconductors under the CAS, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Tencent Tianyan Laboratory.

The two teams were supervised by Associate Professor Wan Feng in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, UM, and Associate Professor Hu Yong in Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU. In the same event in 2019, the UM-HKU teams also won the Grand Championship/Grand Prize and established the BCI Tying Record, as well as two championships/first prizes in three individual competitions. The algorithms developed by the teams used advanced machine learning methods and online adaptive optimisation strategies, and the related research results have been published in several prestigious academic journals.







(From left) Wang Ze, Liu Xucheng, Wong Chiman, Wan Feng, Shen Lu and Tao Wei

A brain-computer interface experiment

UM team wins first prize at international competition of intelligent vessels



A team of postgraduate students from the Sensor-based Cooperative Robotics Laboratory (SCORE Lab), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau (UM), recently received a first prize in the first Zhuhai Wanshan International Intelligent Vessel Competition. During the event, the UM team beat 10 teams with its autonomous navigation technology for unmanned surface vessels (USVs).

The competition received applications from more than 20 universities and research institutes in different countries, including the United States, Singapore, and India. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the organiser eventually shortlisted eleven outstanding teams from institutions in China, including Dalian University of Technology, Southeast University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shenyang Institute of Automation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuyi University, Ocean University of China, Sun Yat-sen University, Dalian Ocean University, Wuhan University of Technology, and UM.

All participating teams were required to use a unified intelligent boat platform to complete certain tasks, including autonomous navigation, intelligent obstacle avoidance, target recognition, parking, as well as emergency rescue at sea. In one of the tasks, the vessel needed to pass through five waypoints arranged in an M-shaped path. Under the guidance of Prof Carlos Silvestre, and the leadership of Dr Joel Reis, PhD students Yu Gan and Xie Wei developed a motion control application for autonomous navigation of a USV. The strategy engineered by the UM team surpassed all other participating teams in terms of tracking accuracy. During the awards ceremony, their performance was praised by head of the competition’s software department, who remarked that the accuracy of the USV of the UM team was unprecedented.

The Zhuhai Wanshan International Intelligent Vessel Competition was jointly held by Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) and Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Testing Field under the guidance of China Classification Society and Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology, with assistance from Sun Yat-Sen University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, UM, and Wuhan University of Technology.



參賽隊伍需採用統一的智能船艇作平台進行比賽,內容包括模擬海上航行、海上應急救援等應用場景,考驗參賽者的自主航行、智能避障、目標識別、停泊等技術能力。比賽期間,船隻更需通過五個M字形路徑佈置的航路點。在科技學院教授Carlos Silvestre指導及博士Joel Reis領導下,博士生余甘和謝威開發及編寫了用於自動導航的運動控制應用程式,令船隻在跟蹤準確性上,遠超於其他參賽隊伍。過程中更獲主辦方軟件部門主管賞識,在頒獎典禮上讚揚澳大團隊在無人水面船艇操控的準確性是前所未有。


A UM team wins a first prize at an international competition of intelligent vessels

Carlos Silvestre, Yu Gan, Xie Wei and Joel Reis

UM launches Macao’s first course in autonomous driving



With the launch of the Macao Autonomous Driving Bus Testing Platform, the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and State Key Laboratory of the Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IoTSC) recently held Macao’s first intensive course in autonomous driving. The course aimed to nurture talent for swarm-intelligence-based collaborative control platforms and experimental bases for autonomous driving in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. UM plans to continue organising similar courses in the future to promote the development of next-generation autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous driving represents the future of the automotive industry. The FST designed the course to increase students’ understanding of autonomous driving platforms based on swarm intelligence. The course was taught by experts in related fields, including FST Dean Xu Chengzhong, FST and SKL-IoTSC associate professors Zhou Jiantao, U Leong Hou, Wu Yuan, and Kou Kun Pang, postdoctoral fellows Li Zhenning and Chan Hou Pong, Prof Kong Hui from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, researcher Liu Yandong from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and UM research assistant Xiao Zehe. A total of 75 students, including a science teacher from Pui Ching Middle School Macau, were selected for the course, and 25 students from other regions participated in the course through an online platform.

繼“澳門自動駕駛巴士測試平台” 正式啟動,澳門大學科技學院和智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室開辦澳門首個自動駕駛課程,為大灣區的自動駕駛群體智能協同控制平台和實驗基地提供人才培養。澳大將持續舉辦相關課程,加快推動新一代智能自動駕駛發展。


The course combines theory and practice

Macao’s first course in autonomous driving attracts many students

UM Rector Yonghua Song receives Science and Technology Progress Award from Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation



The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation held an award ceremony today (3 November) at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Liu He, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Shen Yueyue, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Wan Gang, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, also attended the ceremony. During the event, Yonghua Song, rector of the University of Macau (UM), received the Science and Technology Progress Award, in recognition of his significant contributions to the field of electric power systems. Other award recipients at the ceremony include Zhong Nanshan, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.




UM professor appointed associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics




Lam Chi Seng, an associate professor in the University of Macau’s (UM) State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, Institute of Microelectronics, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the Faculty of Science and Technology, has been appointed an associate editor of the internationally renowned journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, through a rigorous review process by the editorial board of the Industrial Electronics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Prof Lam is the first and only scholar from Macao to be appointed to this position.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial is a monthly peer-reviewed journal. Published by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, it is a top Q1 journal in the Science Citation Index (SCI) as well as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is ranked top in the field of power electronics. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including electronics, controls and communications, and the application of instrumentation and computing intelligence in industrial systems, such as power electronics and drive control techniques, system control and signal processing, fault detection and diagnosis, power systems, measurement and testing, robotics, as well as artificial intelligence in industrial systems, communications and computer networks.Prof Lam is a native of Macao and an outstanding scholar of power electronics who received training at UM under the supervision of Prof Han Yingduo, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He has co-authored and edited four books and published more than 110 papers in journals and at conferences. He has received six invention patents in the United States and China. During his PhD study, he developed a current quality compensation device with a full-load efficiency of up to 98.8 per cent, which was put into use in Macao Water Supply Company Limited in 2014. In 2019, Prof Lam worked with Allwinner Technology Company to develop an ultra-low quiescent current DC-DC buck converter chip, which is very suitable for internet of things electronic devices. The chip’s measurement performance is comparable to that of similar products developed by Texas Instruments and Analog Devices. In recent years, Prof Lam has formed a team with Prof Elvis Mak Pui In and Dr Huang Zhicong. The team provides guidance for undergraduate students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the studies of key technologies and applications of wireless power transfer. The team also seeks to find practical industrial applications for its research results in Macao and the Greater Bay Area. They have filed patent applications in the US and China for their wireless charging technique and are now exploring industrial applications for high-quality wireless charging systems. In addition, some final-year projects conducted by the undergraduate students under their supervision have been published by the internationally renowned journal IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (a Q1 journal in SCI). The projects have also won multiple awards in entrepreneurship competitions and project design competitions. The research projects above were funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR (File no. 098/2005/A;109/2013/A3;120/2016/A3;025/2017/A1;SKL-AMSV Fund), UM’s research fund (File no. MYRG137(Y1-L4)-FST12-WMC;MYRG2017-00090-AMSV;MYRG2018-00020-AMSV), and Allwinner Technology Company. Prof Lam has been recognised by leading experts and scholars in the international power electronics industry and appointed to the position of associate editor because of his fruitful research results and his experience in industrial applications. He is currently an associate editor of IEEE Access, a guest editor of the special issues of IET Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II–Express Briefs, as well as the chair of the Power Quality Subcommittee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

澳門大學模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室、微電子研究院、科技學院電機及電腦工程系副教授林智聲經過IEEE工業電子學會編委會嚴格評審後,獲委任為國際著名期刊《IEEE工業電子期刊》(IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics)副編輯,成為首位及唯一獲委任的澳門學者。 《IEEE工業電子期刊》是一份同行評審月刊,由IEEE工業電子學會出版,是SCI一區及中科院一區頂級期刊,亦是電力電子範疇排名最高的期刊。其範圍包括電子、控制和通信、儀器儀錶和計算智能在工業系統中的應用,如電力電子和驅動控制技術、系統控制和信號處理、故障檢測和診斷、電力系統、測量和測試、機器人技術、工業系統、通信和計算機網絡中的人工智能等等。 林智聲是土生土長澳門人,是澳大培養的本土電力電子優秀學者;師承中國工程院院士韓英鐸教授,主力研究和結合電力電子及微電子技術,已合著/編輯了4部國際專著,發表了110多篇期刊和會議論文,6個授權美國及中國發明專利。攻讀博士期間,他主力研發了電流質量補償裝置,並於2014年投入澳門自來水有限公司實際應用,滿載效能高達98.8%。2019年,林智聲與全志科技公司合作研發出一款“超低靜態電流直流降壓轉換器”芯片;該芯片適用於物聯網電子産品中,測驗性能可比德州儀器(TI)和亞德諾半導體(ADI)的産品。 近年,林智聲與麥沛然教授和黃智聰博士組成團隊指導電機及電腦工程系本科生研究無綫電力傳輸的關鍵技術及應用,致力推廣至澳門以至大灣區的實際工業應用。此外,團隊研發出的無線充電技術已申請美國及中國發明專利,現正積極研究用於工業的高質量無線充電系統;而團隊裡的本科生的畢業設計項目亦同時發表於國際著名期刊《IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics》(SCI一區),並獲得多個創業大賽及項目設計比賽獎項。上述的研究項目獲澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金 (檔案編號:098/2005/A;109/2013/A3;120/2016/A3;025/2017/A1;SKL-AMSV Fund)、澳門大學(檔案編號:MYRG137(Y1-L4)-FST12-WMC;MYRG2017-00090-AMSV;MYRG2018-00020-AMSV)及全志科技公司資助。 基於以上豐富的學術研究成果和工業化經驗,林智聲獲得世界(電力)電子行業領先專家學者的高度認可,因而獲得今次委任。目前,林智聲還是《IEEE Access》期刊副編輯、《IET Power Electronics》特刊客座編輯、《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II – Express Briefs》特刊客座編輯及IEEE工業電子學會電能質量小組委員會主席。


UM recommended for 11 prizes at Macao Science and Technology Awards



The list of the recipients of the 2020 Macao Science and Technology Awards has been released. The University of Macau (UM) has been recommended for 11 prizes out of the 16 prizes, including six prizes in the Natural Science Award category, four prizes in the Technological Invention Award category, and one prize in the Science and Technology Progress Award category, becoming the institution in Macao to receive the most prizes at this year’s award.

Four prizes in the Technological Invention Award category:



Key Personnel

First Prize

Enabling Internet-of-Everything (IoE) Connectivity with Advanced Electronic Chips

Mak Pui In, Yin Jun, Chen Yong, Law Man Kay, Rui Paulo da Silva Martins

Second Prize

Leading-Edge-Efficiency Data and Power Conversion Integrated Circuit Designs for Emerging Systems

Chan Chi Hang, Zhu Yan, Lu Yan, Sin Sai Weng, Rui Paulo da Silva Martins

Third Prize

The Development of User-friendly Formulation of Paraquat

Wang Ruibing, Lee Ming-Yuen, Gao Cheng

High-throughput Microfluidic Small Whole-organism Screening System and Its Use in Pharmaceutical Research and Environmental Monitoring

Lee Ming-Yuen, Hoi Pui Man, Chen Ging

Six prizes in the Natural Science Award category:

Award Project Key Personnel
Second Prize Bayesian Methods for Structural Dynamics: from Offline to Real-Time Yuen Ka Veng
Research on New Discriminative and Generative Learning Methods: Broad Learning System and Generative Fuzzy Networks Philip Chen, Liu Zhulin, Feng Shuang
Research on Multi-Mode Resonance Structure and Its Application in Wideband Microwave Circuits Zhu Lei、Tam Kam Weng、Choi Wai Wa、Yang Li、Qiu Leilei 
Third Prize Nuclear Medicine Physics and Its Applications in Precision Medicine Mok Seng Peng
Image Encryption Technologies and Applications Zhou Yicong
Study on Macau Mushroom Li Shaoping、Zhao Jing、Wang Lanying

One prize in the Science and Technology Progress Award category:



Key Personnel
Third Prize Research on Key Technologies of UHF RFID Antennas for Intelligent Public Asset Management Tam Kam Weng、Cheang Ka Heng、Cheang Chan Pong、Cheong Man Hoi

Yang Wei is the chair of this year’s award review committee. Members of the committee include Joseph Sung, Lap-Chee Tsui, Gao Sihua, Mei Hong, Hui Yongzheng, Huang Luqi, Yeung Tsun Man, Liu Chung Laung, Zhong Nanshan, and Han Yingduo.

Established by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund, the Macao Science and Technology Award aims to reward those who have contributed to science and technology advancement in Macao and to increase the motivation and creativity of local professionals, especially young scholars. The award is presented every two years.


UM has been recommended for 11 prizes at Macao Science and Technology Awards

UM has been recommended for 11 prizes at Macao Science and Technology Awards
"創建萬物連網關鍵微電子晶片" 項目獲建技術發明獎一等獎






UM scholar wins IEEE ComSoc Young Author Best Paper Award



Wu Qingqing, assistant professor of the University of Macau (UM) State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City, received the Young Author Best Paper Award from the Communications Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The award is open to papers published in the past three years in all IEEE Communications Society journals, and only one or two papers are awarded each year worldwide, making it the highest academic honour for young researchers in the field of international wireless communications.

Dr Wu is the first author of the award-winning paper. Titled ‘Joint Trajectory and Communication Design for Multi-UAV Enabled Wireless Networks’, the paper was published in 2018 in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

Wu Qingqing

The award certificate


IEEE’s 2019 fellow list released; UM professor Elvis Mak Pui In becomes first Macao native to be elected IEEE Fellow


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has released its 2019 fellow list. Prof Elvis Mak Pui In from the University of Macau (UM) has made the list, for his contributions to the fields of radio frequency and analog circuits. He is the first native of Macao to receive this prestigious honour.

IEEE is an international association of engineers in the fields of electronics technology and information science, with more than 420,000 members in over 160 countries. The total number of IEEE fellows selected each year cannot exceed 0.1 per cent of the total voting membership. The 2019 list includes 295 new fellows, 30 of whom are scientists from China. Prof Mak belongs to the youngest category (in the 31-39 age bracket), which is very rare.

Prof Mak is the associate director (research) of the State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI at UM and a professor in the university’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is recognised internationally as one of the foremost scholars in the field of integrated circuits, with over 260 published papers. 20 of these papers have been presented at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, which is hailed as the ‘Chip Olympics’. Earlier this year, he was appointed an overseas expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) of the United Kingdom for his contributions to engineering research, education, and services. The IET is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with close to 170,000 members in 150 countries.

Prof Elvis Mak Pui In has been elected the 2019
IEEE Fellow





Prof Elvis Mak elected fellow of the UK Royal Society of Chemistry 


The University of Macau (UM) has reached a next level in microelectronics research! Prof Elvis Mak Pui-In in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UM, who is also the associate director (research) of the State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI and the Institute of Microelectronics, has been elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1841, RSC ( is the oldest chemical society in the world, with more than 54,000 members. Achieving fellow status in the chemical profession denotes to the wider community a high level of accomplishment as a professional chemist.

Prof Mak’s multidisciplinary research group developed a series of digital microfluidic and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technologies for advancing the analytical chemistry via the microelectronics. The inventions are internationally recognised with a number of patents, books, and articles, some of which have been published in RSC Lab on a Chip, RSC Analyst, RSC Advances, ACS Analytical Chemistry, Oxford Bioinformatics, Nature PG – Microsystems & Nanoengineering, Elsevier Sensors and Actuators, Springer Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Nature PG – Scientific Reports and IET Micro & Nano Letters. In 2019, the team founded the DigiFluidic Biotech Ltd. ( , a spin-off company of UM that commercialises digital microfluidic chips for virus screening and food-quality monitoring.

Prof Mak is a native of Macao and an alumnus of UM. He was elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2019 for his contributions to radio-frequency and analog circuits. He was elected a fellow of the UK Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in 2018 for his contributions to engineering research, education, and service. In the same year, he was named an Overseas Expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for his expertise in microelectronics. He received the Commemorative Medal for the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in 2019.

Microelectronics is one of the main research areas at UM. It has won the second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and was ranked second in the world in terms of the number of papers published at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, second only to Intel.

澳門大學微電子研究更上一層樓!澳門大學電機及電腦工程系教授、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室和微電子研究院研究副主任麥沛然當選為英國皇家化學學會(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)會士。RSC成立於1841年,是世界上最歷史悠久的化學學會,也是最有影響力的國際權威學術機構之一。是次獲選彰顯了麥沛然在相關領域的卓越成就和貢獻。

麥教授的多學科研究團隊開發了一系列數字微流控和核磁共振(NMR)技術,冀通過微電子技術促進分析化學的發展。相關發明獲得了多項專利,團隊也就相關研究成果發表了一系列書籍文章,其中一些被刊登在不同期刊中,包括《RSC芯片實驗室》(RSC Lab on a Chip)、《RSC分析師》(RSC Analyst)、《RSC進展》(RSC Advances)、《分析化學》(ACS Analytical Chemistry)、《牛津生物信息學》(Oxford Bioinformatics)、《自然PG-微系統和納米工程》(Nature PG-Microsystems&Nanoengineering)、愛思維爾傳感器與執行器》(Elsevier Sensors and Actuators)、《Springer微流體和納米流體》(Springer Microfluidics and Nanofluidics)和《自然PG-科學報告和IET微納米信》(Nature PG – Scientific Reports and IET Micro & Nano Letters)。2019年,該團隊成立了澳大的衍生公司——迪奇孚瑞生物科技公司(,致力於病毒篩查和食品質量監測的數字微流控芯片商業化。

Prof Elvis Mak Pui In

Portable NMR relaxometry instrument





Recipients of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award share research experience with secondary school students

澳門首獲國家科學技術進步獎成果分享會今舉行 得主勉勵學子努力創更高成就

On 28 February 2012, the University of Macau (UM) and the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macao SAR will co-organize a “Macao Chip by Macao People” – Sharing Session on the First State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for Macao. Prof. Ben U Seng Pan, Prof. Elvis Mak Pui In and Dr. Terry Sin Sai Weng of UM, who received the award for their project, “Design and Development of High Performance Analog & Mixed-Signal Circuit Techniques”, will share their research experiences to give the public a deeper understanding of the development of cutting-edge research in Macao.

Apart from obtaining the first State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for Macao, the project also contributed to the founding of the first branch office of a world leading company in analog IP, as well as the successful transfer of technology to the industry. The project can be applied to name-brand consumer products and electronic products. It is expected to generate considerable economic benefits and play a positive role in advancing state-of-the-art research, industrial diversification, and internationalization of Macao.

During the session, the three professors will share experience in research and technology transfer. Applications of the project in state-of-the-art electronic consumer products will also be demonstrated.










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