Electrical and Computer Engineering MSc Course List
ECEN7001 – Introduction to Research
ELCE701 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE001 (before 2013)
Course Description
This is one of the fundamental courses in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Master of Science Programme and the course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge about the research topics in the specialized areas and lead students to make a survey on that topic and afterwards to write a report about it. The responsibility of supervising this course is given to the student’s supervisor.
Course Syllabus

ECEN7002 – Advanced Mathematics
ELCE702 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE002 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course is intended to introduce students of engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, and related fields to those areas of applied mathematics that are most relevant for solving practical problems. This course will cover the following topics: ordinary differential equations, numeric linear algebra, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and optimization.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7003 – Microelectronic Circuit Design
ELCE704 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE004 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce Analog Integrated Circuit (IC) design fundamentals with an emphasis on the current deep submicron and nanometer CMOS technologies. The course content includes semiconductor physics, single and multi-stage amplifiers, current mirrors, current/voltage reference, CMOS operational amplifier, and its stability analysis and noise analysis. The layout of the individual circuit blocks will also be introduced in parallel with the main course outline, such that the students can have a good understanding of the physical implementation of analog ICs. Students will gain a basic understanding of analog IC design as well as familiar with the necessary IC design and simulation tools.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7004 – Digital Signal Processing
ELCE705 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE005 (before 2013)
Course Description
Digital Signal Processing focuses on the general and universal concepts in discrete-time signal processing. This course introduces the fundamental theorems and properties of discrete-time signals and systems, the time-domain and frequency domain analyses, continuous to discrete-time conversion, sampling rate conversion, multirate processing, system structures, design and implementation. Projects and exercises to be done using the software package like MATLAB are included to provide the students state-of-the-art training in digital signal processing.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7005 – Active Network Theory
ELCE706 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE006 (before 2013)
Course Description
Active Network Theory deals with the architecture and RF design techniques for receivers and transmitters used in modern wireless analog and digital communication systems with the emphasize of RF/MW network with active elements likes diodes, BJT and FET, etc.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7006 – Advanced Topics in Control Systems
ELCE707 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE007 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course aims to provide some advanced modeling and control techniques that are necessary for relevant research at the graduate level. It covers a brief review of some background knowledge such as mathematical preliminaries, classical control and linear system theory, and selected topics including system identification, adaptive control, fuzzy systems and control, and other customized topics like model predictive control, nonlinear control and robust control. Numerical simulation and practical implementation with MATLAB are to be discussed through real control system examples.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7007 – Advanced Topics in Simulation
ELCE708 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE008 (before 2013)
Course Description
Simulation of electronic circuits with SPICE has replaced bread boarding as a powerful means of analyzing the performance of complex circuits (including IC circuits) and systems. However, with the development of the high frequency analog or digital circuits in the advance system. High frequency effects of transmission signals are concerned and these would affect the electrical and electronics performance of the design. In this course, the basis theory and principles computational electromagnetics (CEM) will be introduced and applications of CEM will be given as well. Moreover, the simulations for multiphysics will be introduced based on the similar principle of CEM.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7008 – Expert Systems
ELCE709 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE009 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course aims to provide graduate students in ECE some necessary theories and methods in artificial intelligence and machine learning, including expert systems, neural networks, statistical learning and pattern classification, and other selected topics such as deep learning and transfer learning. Practical examples and applications of these methods and techniques to students’ own research fields are to be discussed, with the use of MATLAB and Python.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7009 – Microelectronics for Telecommunication and Signal Processing
ELCE711 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE011 (before 2013)
Course Description
The primary goal of this course is to present the most important functions that can be encountered in most of the applications in Telecommunications and Signal Processing. These functions that include, namely: Sampling, Discrete-Time and Digital Filtering and A/D and D/A Conversion, are presented both in theory and practice. The theory includes the basic fundamentals associated with each function and the practice comprises the presentation of different architectures for implementation, using for example Switched-Capacitor and Digital Techniques.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7010 – Laser and Semiconductor Physics
ELCE712 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE012 (before 2013)
Course Description
The course includes two parts. Part one introduces concepts and characteristics of laser principles, theories, operations and optic fiber. Other technologies for laser cavity and laser beam are covered. For part two, the objective is for engineering students to understand and to apply the knowledge of quantum physics to the semiconductor applications. Student learns elementary properties of semiconductor, energy bands structure, carrier properties, devices properties and various semiconductor fabrication techniques.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7011 – Advanced Topics in Telecommunications
ELCE713 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE013 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the key techniques in digital communications systems and wireless networks including source coding, channel coding, modulation, communication channels, performance evaluation, wireless cellular networks, WiFi, and IoT networks; Channel coding schemes including block codes and convolutional codes, basic modulation schemes including PSK, ASK, FSK, QAM and TCM, advanced communication techniques including MIMO, OFDM and edge computing are particularly introduced.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7018 – Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System
ELCE720 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE020 (before 2013)
Course Description
The Flexible Alternating Current (AC) Transmission System and Distribution Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS/DFACTS) are a converging technology based on the Power Electronics, Control Theory and Power Grid for revolution of ever more efficient control and better utilization of power and energy in the existing systems. The FACTS offers an opportunity to enhance controllability, stability and power transfer capability of AC transmission systems with fastest control speed. DFACTS is the extended technique of FACTS to focus on the custom power quality issues or power line conditioning in the distribution power system site. This course covers the fundamental concepts and basic operational principles of FACTS/DFACTS.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7019 – Embedded System
ELCE721 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE021 (before 2013)
Course Description
This is a project oriented course of Embedded Systems for postgraduate students. It emphasizes general concepts and design techniques of an embedded system. Topics include overview of embedded systems, real-time systems, hardware and software co-design, and components selection.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7020 – Advanced Topics in Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits
ELCE722 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE022 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course will provide a detailed discussion to the various types of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, e.g. data conversion and RF communication ICs, which are the key components in electronic systems. The performance characterization of data converters and RF circuits will be presented, and various types of data converters (including analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog) and RF building block (low-noise amplifier and mixer) will be discussed. The students are expected to complete several design and simulation projects with the implementation of the whole data converters and RF building blocks and the projects are expected to lead to chip fabrications for experimental verification.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7021 – Biomedical Transducers and Instruments
ELCE723 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE023 (before 2013)
Course Description
This essentially interdisciplinary course aims to introduce students the basic principles & techniques for biomedical transducers and instrumentations. This course covers sensing and measurement for qualitative description and quantitative analysis in biomedical engineering field.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7022 – Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
ELCE724 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE024 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course introduces principles, mathematical models and implementation of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. The principle of electrochemistry is introduced, including components of an electrolytic cell, Nernst’s equation, thermodynamics and electrokinetics. The basic of power conversion is also introduced, including power electronics switches, converters and their control. The applications to batteries, solar cells, fuel cells and other emerging energy generation technologies are explored.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7023 – Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering – MRI Principles and Practice
ELCE725 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE025 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course provides a systematic overview on the physical principles and practice of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Special topics include: MRI hardware and safety, MRI scanner operation, human subject safety, principles of MR signal generation and image formation, MR contrast and pulse sequences, neural basis and imaging principles of fMRI, designs and setup of fMRI experiments, image reconstruction and preprocessing, statistical analysis of fMRI data, visualization of functional brain activity, structural and functional connectivity, and mapping the human brain with fMRI.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7024 – Medical Imaging Systems
ELCE726 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
The course aims to introduce the physics and principles of operation behind the major medical imaging systems including X-ray radiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US) and nuclear medicine imaging (SPECT and PET). Image quality such as impulse response, signal-to-noise, resolution and its tradeoffs with system design for different imaging modalities will also be discussed.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7025 – Modelling and Theoretical Analysis for Communication Systems
ELCE727 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce fundamental knowledge on the several theoretic methods and how to use them to model and analyze different issues in communication systems such as resource allocation in mobile computing, routing in the networking, and protocol design in wireless communication systems. For instance, the strategic making decision can be used to analyze the task and resource allocation in mobile computing. The VCG auction can be used to analyze the shortest path routing problem in communication networks. Reverse auction can be used to design incentive mechanism in the mobile intelligent sensing network. Coalitional activity can be used to analyze the cooperative relay networks. By learning this course, students should have deep understanding on these theoretic analysis methods and have the capability of using these methods to mathematically model and analyze various interactive problems in communication systems. All of these are assessed in assignments, presentations and projects.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7101 Introduction to Internet of Things
Course Description
This course introduces students to advanced topics in Internet of Things. The detailed contents may change from year to year depending on current developments and teacher specialization
Course Syllabus
ECEN7102 Advanced Topics in Applied Probability and Statistics
Course Description
This course introduces students to advanced topics in Internet of Things. The detailed contents may change from year to year depending on current developments and teacher specialization.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7103 RFID Principle and Applications
Course Description
This course provides students about radio frequency identification (RFID) information systems from hardware architecture, communication protocols to applications. Students will learn various types of RFID (e.g. HF, UHF RFID) technologies and different types of tags (i.e., active, passive, antenna polarizations, etc.), and their operating principles in hardware. The communication protocol for anti-collision and security enhancement will also be introduced. This course brings out various examples of both prevalent and emerging applications, to allow the students to obtain an idea of the potential applications in IoT such as item tracking and tracing, inventory monitoring and control, asset monitoring and management, anti-theft, electronic payment, access control, anti-counterfeit, smart tags.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7104 Advanced Integrated Circuit Design for Internet of Things
Course Description
This course targets to provide an overview of the enabling integrated circuit design techniques for the development of energy constrained Internet of Thing (IoT) systems. The fundamental building blocks in an IoT system will be systematically introduced, including the analog interface, power management circuits, energy harvesting modules, analog-to-digital converters, short-range radios, digital architecture, non-volatile memory, hardware security and battery/packaging. Advanced circuit design techniques targeting for ultra-low power consumption to fulfill the application level requirements will also be introduced.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7105 Embedded Systems for Internet of Things Applications
Course Description
This is a project oriented course for IoT related smart applications, especially the sensors for collecting data/information. It emphasizes the multi-tasking and time-driven programming for real-time applications. Topics include overview of embedded systems, time-driven multi-tasking programming, hardware and software co-design, and sensors interfaces.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7106 Convex Optimization for Internet of Things Applications
Course Description
This course focuses on convex optimization with applications to wireless communication systems, information theory, signal processing, control systems and machine learning. The first part will be on the theory of convex optimization–recognizing convex sets, convex functions, convex optimization problems and duality. The second part of the course will be on algorithms for solving convex optimization problems. This course is crucial to students and researchers in the above fields of engineering.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7107 Data Analysis for Internet of Things
Course Description
This course is an introductory course on data analytics and its application in IoT. It covers three major topics: 1) Primary data analytics theory including classification, regression, principal component analysis, etc.; 2) Hands on data analytics experiences with NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, & Scikit-learn packages; and 3) Applications in IOT (with a special example on buildings energy systems), in which comprehensive experiments with real data will be included.
In this course, students will learn systematic knowledge on data analytics and Python. They will also gain solid hands-on experiences in using Python to analyze IOT data.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7108 Advanced Topics in Internet of Things
Course Description
This course introduces students to advanced topics in Internet of Things. The detailed contents may change from year to year depending on current developments and teacher specialization.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7197 Internship and Report
Course Description
An independent project in cooperation with industry carried out under the supervision of a faculty staff member and co-supervised by an industrial supervisor.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7198 Project Report
Course Description
Project Report is distinguished from the Academic Thesis by its focus on combining existing academic theories or advanced technologies with an evaluation of a case study or academic project. Project Report focuses on combining existing academic theories or advanced technologies with an evaluation of a case study or academic project. The goal of this option is to facilitate the integration of practice with academic research.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7996 – Applied Thesis
ELCE797 (from 2013 to 2015)
IMSE999 (before 2013)
Course Description
This course is to finish an independent project under the supervision of a faculty staff member. An applied thesis focuses on combining existing academic theories or advanced technologies with an evaluation of a case study or industrial project.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7997 Internship and Report
Course Description
An independent project in cooperation with industry carried out under the supervision of a faculty staff member and co-supervised by an industrial supervisor.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7998 Project Report
Course Description
Project Report is distinguished from the Academic Thesis by its focus on combining existing academic theories or advanced technologies with an evaluation of a case study or academic project. Project Report focuses on combining existing academic theories or advanced technologies with an evaluation of a case study or academic project. The goal of this option is to facilitate the integration of practice with academic research.
Course Syllabus
ECEN7999 – Academic Thesis
ELCE798 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
The course is about the independent and original research study under the supervision of a faculty staff member. An academic thesis is a scholarly written document of a piece of original research on a particular topic in consistent with every details of research methodology.
Course Syllabus
CISC7002 – Computer Communications and Networks
Course Description
A postgraduate level course focusing on the area of computer communications and networks. Topics include data communications, network architectures and service model, data link control, medium access control, local area networks, routing algorithms, reliable data transfer, TCP/IP, application layer protocols, wireless access network and mobile networks, and some other current topics.
Course Syllabus
CISC7013 Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Course Description
Overview of Artificial Intelligence Application Areas, Languages and Programming Techniques for Artificial Intelligence, Problem Solving, Knowledge-based Systems, Knowledge Representation, Planning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Genetic Algorithms.
Course Syllabus
CISC7022 Big Data Processing and Analysis
Course Description
This course introduces the latest development of data engineering techniques, including data query processing (e.g., multi-dimensional data, sequence data, and spatial-temporal data) in cloud computing and HPC environments. Students will learn study and learn how to formulate and investigate the state-of-the-art problems and solutions on related topics.
Course Syllabus
CISC7102 – Computer Networks and Internet
ECOM702 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
A postgraduate level course focusing on the area of computer networks and Internet. Topics include data communications, network architectures and service model, data link control, medium access control, local area networks, routing algorithms, reliable data transfer, TCP/IP, application layer protocols, mobile Internet services, and some other current topics.
Course Syllabus
CISC7107 Data Mining and Decision Support Systems
Course Description
The course will introduce principles and techniques of data-mining and knowledge-based decision support for E-Commerce. Topics will include clustering, regression, classification, estimation, forecasting, statistical analysis, warehousing principles, knowledge acquisition and representation, as well as decision support systems.
Course Syllabus
CISC7109 – Internet Security and Cryptography
Course Description
The course introduces fundamental technical issues concerning Internet security and applied cryptography. The areas covered are protecting information using symmetric and public key cryptography, key management, trust models and public key infrastructure, system security, authentication and handshake protocols, digital cash and payment mechanisms.
Course Syllabus
CISC7110 – Electronic Payment Systems
ECOM710 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
This course covers two parts. The first part introduces the foundational concepts relevant to the course. The second part introduces various mechanisms of electronic payments. Topics of this course include basics of monetary, banking and accounting systems, cryptographic basics of confidentiality and integrity, secure payment protocols, blockchain and its types, consensus mechanisms, distributed ledger and smart contract, blockchain-based distributed applications, decentralized autonomous organizations, account transfer model, electronic cash and cryptocurrency, micropayment, electronic billing, electronic trade payment, and financial supply chain.
Course Syllabus
CISC7111 – Smart Card Technology and Applications
ECOM711 (from 2013 to 2015)
Course Description
This course covers the current state-of-the-art in smart card hardware and software. It emphasizes on designing systems and developing application programmes that incorporate smart card technologies. It also illustrates how smart card technology can be successfully employed in an information technology architecture.
Course Syllabus
CISC7303 Cloud Computing
Course Description
This course will introduce Cloud Computing and relevant technologies in designing and implementing large-scale and composite business web applications on Cloud Computing platform. Topics covered include Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), and Cloud Computing Ecosystem. This course will cover scalable computing services in a pay-as-you-go model and Cloud Computing approaches for development and deployment of web services and information systems. This course will also introduce computer network high level protocols, internetworking techniques, client server architecture, API for Networking programming, High speed networks and ATM technology, Network management, Mobile and Wireless communication technology. The Important protocols for Internet in TCP/IP suit protocols will be discussed in detail. Students will study state-of-the-art solutions for cloud computing developed by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Tencent Cloud, and Aliyun (Ali Cloud), etc.
Course Syllabus
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