
The 2016 EME Football Competition, which was organized by the Department of Electromechanical Engineering (DEME), supported by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Office of Sports Affairs (OSA), and sponsored by the Institute for the Development and Quality, Macau (IDQ), was held at the UM Mini Soccer Pitch on 5 Nov 2016. Including the UM staff and the EME students, there are 6 teams of almost 60 players to participate at the Football Competition.

After several exciting and fair matches, the Staff Team, which was organized by the UM staff from the different departments such as Faculty of Science and Technology, Residential Colleges, Campus Management Office, and Student Affairs Office, won the champion. The 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up were given to the Newton Law Team (Year 1 and 3 students) and the SST Team (Master students).

Head of Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Prof. Kwok Chi Tat; and his EME colleagues Prof. Tam Lap Mou, Prof. Lo Kin Ho, Prof. Sin Vai Kuong, Dr. Valentino Anok Melo Cristino, Dr. Tam Hou Kuan presented and supported the 2016 EME Football Competition. Prof. Kwok thanked for the supporters, the sponsor, and the organizing staffs and students. He stated that the well-organized activity provided the healthy platform for the UM colleagues and the students and also enhanced the relationship among the EME students, the EME teachers, and the UM staff. Moreover, it was a chance for the engineering students organizing the competition to learn how to plan a project and use the sponsorship fee honestly and effectively.

獲澳門大學科技學院及體育事務部支持,並得到澳門發展及質量研究所贊助,澳門大學科技學院機電工程系主辦的2016 EME足球賽,順利在11月5日在澳門大學人造草足球場舉行。是次體育活動吸引了六支隊伍參與,參與球員包括澳大職員及機電工程系學生合共60人。

經過連場公平的激戰,最終由來自澳門大學不同部門(科技學院、書院、校園管理部、學生事務部等)所組成的職員隊贏得比賽冠軍。而亞軍及季軍分別由一年級及三年級學生組成的Newton Law隊,以及由研究生組成的SST隊奪得。
