
On October 20 and November 28, the sophomores and seniors studying at the major of Electromechanical Engineering (EME) visited the electromechanical and fire protection facilities of Taipa Ferry Terminal and Morpheus Hotel of City of Dreams, respectively. The purpose of the activity is to cultivate the future professional electromechanical engineers. To support the professional engineer demand of the local engineering community, the Department of Electromechanical Engineering of UM has made adjustments to the undergraduate curriculum in 2016. Apart from the theoretical classes, students are also arranged to visit the different types of electromechanical facilities in order to making the EME professional courses more suitable to the needs of the community.

On October 20, the instructors led about 40 students to visit the electromechanical and fire protection facilities at the Taipa Ferry Terminal. The representative of the Port Affair Division of Marine and Water Bureau explained patiently the installation and the operation of the large-scale electromechanical and fire protection systems to the students so they could understand the practical application of those systems installed at the ferry terminal. On November 28, about 30 senior students studying at the elective course, “Fire Protection Engineering” visited the Morpheus Hotel construction site. Melco Resorts & Entertainment first arranged the MEP manager to briefly introduce the students about the fire protection facilities to the students and the use of performance-based design in the atrium of the hotel. After that, the Melco representative guided the students to some floors of the building to understand the distinct project design and the installation of fire protection facilities so as to enhance students’ knowledge of the practical construction of the electromechanical facilities.

EME greatly appreciate the help given by Marine and Water Bureau Director Susanna Wong Soi Man and leaderships of the Melco Resorts & Entertainment to provide the venues for the students studying at the two undergraduate courses, “Manufacturing Technology” and “Fire Protection Engineering”. The two courses instructors are Prof. Kwok Chi Tat, Prof. Tam Lap Mou, Dr. Lao Seng Kin, and Dr. Tam Hou Kuan.


