UM FST’s first Symposium on Frontier Technology promotes Interdisciplinary exchange

2022-05-26|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM) successfully held a Symposium on Frontiers of Science and Technology on 26 May 2022, attracting more than 100 scholars from different fields to discuss cutting-edge technology issues and applications. The symposium also exhibited numerous scientific research of UM postdoctoral fellows, joint doctoral students and doctoral candidates.

The one-day symposium is held at the Faculty of Science and Technology of UM. According to Cheng-Zhong Xu, Dean of FST, FST attaches great importance to innovation and technology and interdisciplinary research. It aims to establish a better exchange platform, foster interdisciplinary research and explore more opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation through the symposium. It also hopes to inspire innovative thinking, analyse major challenges and create influential research results to Macao and the global society in response to the development of a knowledge-based society.

A number of scholars from Computer and Information Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer engineering, and Electromechanical Engineering were invited as speakers to share their research, including Prof. Cheng-Zhong Xu, the awardees of “Research Excellence Award”, Prof. Wanhuan Zhou, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Prof. Fai Wong, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Sciences and also Prof. Junwen Zhong, Assistant Professor of Electromechanical Engineering, representatives from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT), Dr Joel Reis, postdoctoral fellow and Hongfei Zhan and Shuyu He, FST PhD students, attended as speakers. In addition, 5 students namely Feifei Chen, Xiangyu Chen, Yingzhi Liu, Junjie Zeng and Jing Zhao received the Best Poster Awards, FST also took this opportunity to discuss the joint doctoral program with the representatives of SIAT. FST professors and students, the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and the Institute of Collaborative Innovation also attended the symposium.



多名計算機科學、土木及環境工程、電機及電腦工程及機電工程的學者獲邀擔任演講嘉賓,其中包括科技學院院長須成忠、兩位本學年「卓越研究獎」得主土木及環境工程系教授周萬歡及電腦及資訊科學系副教授黃輝、機電工程系助理教授鍾俊文、中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院的學術代表、博士後研究員Joel Reis及兩位博士生何書玉及詹泓飛。研討會上,5名學生獲頒發最佳海報獎,分別為陳飛飛、陳翔宇、 劉穎智、曾俊杰及趙晶。科技學院更借此機會與中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院的代表討論未來聯合培養博士計劃。是次會議吸引澳大科技學院、智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室及協同創新研究院的師生參與。

大合照Group Photo

所有演講嘉賓 All Speakers

Event attracted many students and professors

Research in different fields are shown in the symposium


FST Team won a second prize at Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition

2022-05-06|Tags: , , , |

Team joined by University of Macau (UM FST) professors ‘Macau Smart City Terahertz Light Quantum Energy Saver Equipment Project’, recently won a second prize at the 2022 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition. The winning team includes the student in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Mr. Hoi Kuan Kei and his supervisor Prof Wong Pak Kin. They will represent Macao in the grand final of the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition.

This year’s competition received a total of 71 applications, covering areas as medical equipment, biotechnology, smart city, and financial technology. The team of ‘Macau Smart City Terahertz Light Quantum Energy Saver Equipment Project’ won the second prize for their Terahertz light quantum energy saver device, which can be used for smart city development in Macao.

The following guests attended the award ceremony: Chan Hon Sang, deputy director of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau; Xu Jian, vice rector of UM; Chan Iok Wai, head of the Department of Students of the Education and Youth Development Bureau; Simon Che, senior manager of the Project Transformation and Support Department of the Science and Technology Development Fund; Sou Man Kin, deputy director of Personal Banking and Channel Management Department of the Bank of China (Macau Branch); Stanley Ngai, deputy CEO of Parafuturo De Macau Investment and Development Limited; Avi Sun, vice president of Success Capital Co, Ltd; Danny Chau, director of Gold Chess Asia Consulting Ltd; Evan Yin, general manager of the Research and Development Department of InfoMacro Information Technology Limited; Lou I Lam, treasurer of Macao Legal Exchange and Promotion Association; Jerome Yen, head of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of UM; Paul Pang, dean of students of UM; Cindy Lam, director of the Alumni and Development Office of UM; and Elvo Sou, head of the Student Counselling Section of Student Affairs Office of UM.

The One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition was launched in 2011 by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This year’s regional competitions were held in Hong Kong, Macao, Foshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, and the Yangtze River delta. The event aimed to provide a platform for students, entrepreneurs, and investors to exchange ideas, collaborate in competitions, in order to get to know more about each other. The Macao regional competition was organisesd by HKUST, hosted by UM, and sponsored by the Bank of China (Macau Branch).

Source: Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship


今年賽事共收到71支隊伍申請,參賽作品涵蓋醫療設備、生物科技、智慧城市、金融科技等。第二名隊伍“澳門智慧城市太赫茲光量子節能器設備項目”是 “太赫茲光量子節能器”設備項目,採用光敏陶瓷發出的廣譜光波透過濾鏡獲得特定頻段的光波,對金屬導體產生量子康普頓效應,降低電纜的傳輸損耗,應用設備廣泛,助力澳門智慧城市設備建設。




Awardee, Hoi Kuan Kei (left) and his professor, Pak Kin Wong





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