Department of Electromechanical Engineering (EME) of FST holds its annual event − EME DAY 2019
澳大機電工程系 舉行周年晚會

2019-12-17|Tags: , , |

The annual EME Day 2019/2020 organized by the Department of Electromechanical Engineering (EME) of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM), was successfully held at the Multi-Function Hall of UM Guest House (N1) on 5th November 2019. This annual event was organized by the EME Year-2 students with assistance from EME administrative staff. The EME day served as a welcome reception of the freshmen, harmonize all EME students and provide a good chance for the students, alumni, staff and engineering companies and organizations to share their experience in real life world. There were around 250 participants including students, professors, alumni and representatives of sponsors, which signified the important support from the industry as well as harmony and friendship in Department of EME.

The party started with a welcoming speech delivered by Prof. Chi Tat Kwok, Head of Department of EME, followed by the first EME promotional video competition filmed by students. The video competition amazed all the guests and students with a burst of applause. The promotional video enriched everyone’s understanding of the Department of EME, especially for the freshmen. One of the entrants stated that the competition not only enhanced his ability, but also made his university life more brilliant.

The success of this annual EME Day is credited to all the sponsors for their support as well as the help of the Facility Development Section (FDS) and Facility Management and Maintenance Section (FMM) of Campus Management and Development Office (CMDO) for providing the show venue and Audio-Visual equipment and setup support. Staff and students are grateful for the sponsors. The sponsors for this year’s EME day includes (listed in no particular order): The Macau Institution of Engineers, The Macao Institution of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Institute for the Development and Quality Macau, Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau, Companhia De Engenharia Young’s (Macau), Limitada, Engenharia De Design E Consultadoria BUILDPRO Limitada, Sociedade De Engenharia ACEL Limitada, Kam Hou Air-Condition & Electrical Engineering Limited, Companhia De Engenharia KENTO Limitada, Companhia De Engenharia KEKOON Lda. and Macau Industrial Limitada.


晚會活動由機電工程系系主任郭志達教授致歡迎辭揭開序幕。隨後便進行首屆機電工程系宣傳片設計比賽。學生拍攝的宣傳片進贏得觀眾不少掌聲。宣傳片豐富了有參與者對機電工程系的了解,特別是新生。 其中一位參賽學生表示,此比賽不但能增強工程學生的設計及組織能力,亦讓大學生活變得更精彩。

澳大機電系衷心感謝各個贊助單位的支持,亦感謝澳大校園管理及發展部轄下設施拓展處能借出場地讓學生舉行此次有意義的活動。贊助機構包括(排名不分先後): 澳門工程師學會、澳門機電工程師學會、澳門發展及質量研究所、澳門土木工程實驗室、景福工程(澳門)有限公司、建和工程設計顧問有限公司、進力工程有限公司、金濠冷氣電業工程有限公司、建滔工程有限公司、科冠工程有限公司及澳門工藝有限公司。

Group Photo taken in EME Day 2019

EME professors and sponsors happy reunion

Stay Steady and Be Up with the Times: Interview with Alumnus Sou Kun Tou

2019-11-27|Tags: |

For those who were born in the 60s and had good fortune with stable pay, it would take great effort to step out from one’s comfort zone and start a new venture, especially if the overall investment environment was bad and one needed to stay on his own without any extra support. However, starting with small-scale electromechanical projects, this alumnus was able to accomplish this, and kept running his company with steady growth, finally becoming a renowned integrated construction engineering contractor and power substations constructor in Macau. “Stay steady and be up with the times” can best describe the career path of alumnus Sou Kun Tou, who is currently the Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of MECOM Power & Construction Limited.

Professional Qualifications Matter in Career

Alumnus Sou has been interested in electronics and machines since childhood because of his father, who was an electronics worker. Therefore, he chose to study electromechanical engineering in college. After graduation, he served in engineering and management positions in local companies and government. In the year 1997, UM set up a new master’s program in electronical mechanics and alumnus Sou decided to enroll in the program to expand his horizons. “In response to the actual needs of development in Macau, UM changed the program name from mechanical engineering to electromechanical engineering. This was also helpful in acquiring the qualification to endorse plans for electrical mechanical work in Macau as well. So I joined in and became part of the first batch of students to enroll in the course after the renaming. During the former Portuguese Macao government, almost all construction plans were endorsed by Portuguese engineers. However, the law was modified at the time of the Macau SAR government and a Committee of Professional Qualification was established. Hence, I was part of the first batch of local E&M engineers registered in the committee with the UM master’s degree of electromechanical engineering,” he said. Alumnus Sou concluded that the good timing was a coincidence, but if he hadn’t been well prepared, he would have missed these golden opportunities.


Courage to Step Out of His Comfort Zone

“I got the chance to be admitted by the ‘PEP Especial’ programme organized by the local government after graduation. This would ensure career advancement in my working life in civil services after I completed the program. All my colleagues agreed that I was so lucky to get this chance. But I just gave it up and decided to work in industry to equip myself before I finally worked in the government in 1994.” Having served in the civil service sector, which used to be one of the most reliable and sought-after jobs, alumnus Sou chose to quit his job and stepped out of his comfort zone to start a new venture after working there for ten years. He started his business in 2006, when the investment environment was unfavorable and without having any policy support. However, with his managerial experience in private enterprises and good knowledge of local governmental procedures, he was able to keep running his business successfully and smoothly. Then he met his partner and jointly established the “Hung Yip Group” (HYG). This change helped him gain a foothold in the local market. They later set up “MECOM Power & Construction Limited”, which was successfully listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in early 2018. “The rapid development in Macau appeals to many companies coming here for construction projects, among which are some large listed companies. Considering that the aspects of talent, technical skills and quality possessed by our company were competitive to those listed companies, we decided that we should also be listed to make ourselves more competitive in the market,” he added.   

“Trust” is the Foundation of Teamwork

Over the last decade, HYG has participated in a wide range of large-scale and high-profile technically challenging construction projects in Macau. Among these works, three landmark projects were honored with the gold award (Hong Kong-Macau Region) by the China Construction Metal Structure Association (CCMSA): structural steelworks construction for City of Dreams, Morpheus hotel and the Banquet Hall and Theatre at The Parisian, which signify HYG’s great achievement in large-scale steel structure construction. In addition, they have completed numerous landmark structural projects, such as the “8 ferris wheel” and 60 meter-high stainless steel statues at Studio City. Alumnus Sou believes that keeping pace with what’s happening in your industry can lead you to success. The mutual trust and support from partners and employees also plays a vital role. He explained, “As a one-person business, you can make all the decisions by yourself, but sometimes you might not consider things comprehensively. As for the partnership, you can brainstorm ideas with your partners and you can figure out solutions by discussion and listening to them. I think it is more effective than working alone. Besides, searching for a partner is just like finding a marriage partner. We must have common goals, ideas and mutual trust. Therefore, cooperation is also an important element in our career life.”

Valuing Employees’ Ability to Work Under Pressure

In talking about the trend of entrepreneurship in recent years, alumnus Sou said that entrepreneurs will think differently in different stages. “Young entrepreneurs will have the advantage of having more enthusiasm and motivation. But they are easily defeated by reality after entering the industry. Even though there are no golden rules of how to become an entrepreneur, working experience in society and business will increase the chance of success.” As a top manager, alumnus Sou places the most value on employees’ ability to work under pressure. He explained, “From the customer’s point of view, it is most important to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and safely. Therefore, the engineers’ preparation work for the projects is very important. As such, the pressure and responsibility are much greater than that in the time of construction work. Besides, you have to liaise and coordinate among parties including customers, construction workers and government departments; communication skills are also important in this job. We recruit interns every year who have strong working abilities, but are easily defeated by failures.” Alumnus Sou encouraged and advised younger alumni it is easy to fall into frustration no matter if you are an employee or entrepreneur. Just learn how to switch your mindset positively and you will find a way out.

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