A glimpse of Microsoft Research Asia

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Dr. Winnie Cui
Microsoft Research Asia


Microsoft Research Asia is Microsoft’s fundamental research arm in the Asia Pacific region. Today, with more than 200 researchers and developers and more than 300 visiting scientists and students, the lab conducts basic and applied research in areas central to Microsoft’s long-term strategy and future computing vision. It also collaborates with many universities in Asia. How does it collaborate? Does it have internship program? Who qualifies for its Fellowship award? I’ll tell you more in this quick update about MSRA.


Winnie Cui is a senior manager in the Academic Outreach organization at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), responsible for promoting and championing academic collaborations and partnership between MSRA and top-tier universities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Since joining Microsoft in 2006, Winnie has served in various positions, including Area Manager for North Asia in Microsoft IT and Principal Solution Manager. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at GE Healthcare leading the global IT excellence in product digitization and optimization. Winnie also co-authored the chapter “Fluid Dynamics and Thrombosis” in the book “Advances in Cardiovascular Engineering” published by Springer. Winnie conducted her postdoctoral research at the University of Southern California and holds MS and PhD degrees in biomedical engineering from the University of Tennessee in the United States.


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