Computational Hemodynamics – From the Medical Imaging and Computational Simulation Perspectives

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Prof. Kelvin Kian Loong WONG
Western Sydney University
University of Adelaide


Cardiac diseases remain a major cause of ill health and death in our society despite advancement in current clinical therapies. Due to the aging population and epidemic situation of obesity, the increase in incidence of heart diseases spurs forth the market for therapeutic systems that are computationally based and dedicated to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The shift in computing and flow visualisation technology for cardiac diagnosis is reported. As such, there will be an increasing demand for Computational Hemodynamic analysis technique to facilitate the prognosis and diagnosis of a failing heart. Hemodynamics parameters have the potential utility for clinical study of cardiac patients. The framework can be used to diagnose pre- and post- surgical treatments. In particular, fluid mechanically flow quantification can be adequately documented from simulated cardiovascular flow for diagnosis of the heart, cardiac flow analysis and medical imaging provides an alternative approach to characterize cardiac abnormalities. Future research will look at combining numerical simulations and various medical imaging devices or therapies, and building a more concise report on physiological abnormalities. Computational Hemodynamics (CHD) is the computer simulation of blood flow in the cardiovascular system. The motion of blood flow can be modelled by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and interaction with blood vessel structure can be studied by combination with the use of Finite Element Method (FEM). This is becoming an emerging research field that may lead to a renaissance of computer modelling techniques for many biomedical engineering applications. The biomedical engineering industry comprises the health, pharmaceutical, and medical research fields, whereby interest is increasing in the use of CHD modelling for cardiac flow analysis, effectiveness of stents, and discovery of new phenomena related to physiological flows.


Kelvin Kian Loong Wong was born in Singapore in 1976. Dr Kelvin Wong has more than 10 years of medical imaging, computational hemodynamics and simulation modelling experience. He obtained a BEng (Hons, 2001) in Mechanical and Production Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, a MAIT (2003) in Applied Information Technology from The University of Sydney, followed by a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2009) from The University of Adelaide. From 2006 to 2009, he was doing research work on medical imaging and cardiac flow analysis. Since 2009 to now, he was involved in computational fluid and solid dynamics. In 2013, he began working on discrete element method with applications in nuclear reactor design, first at Tsinghua University, and later in biological systems at The University of Western Australia. Dr Wong was the originator of the spatial game moment concept, in which multi-objective multi-constraint combinatorial optimisation problems can be treated as decision-making problems in the game theoretical sense, and solved with high efficiency. In addition, he is the first author of the book “Methods in Research and Development of Biomedical Devices”, and a co-author of a second book “Computational Hemodynamics – Theory, Modelling and Applications”. He has served as associate editors and as guest editors for journals in the area of biomedical engineering and science. Dr Kelvin Wong is currently a medical research lecturer at the School of Medicine, Western Sydney University. He is also Adjunct Professor at University of Adelaide. His publications now span a diverse range of topics in the medical science and engineering field. Dr Wong’s research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and many other grants.


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