Electric Manipulation and Readout of Spintronic Materials

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Prof. Rui WU


Spin-X Institute, South China University of Technology



Electric manipulation of magnetism is expected to reduce the size and power consumption of spintronic devices. However, the current material systems in which magnetic properties can be controlled electrically often suffer from drawbacks such as high operation voltage, small magnetoelectric coefficient, and obvious leakage current (especially in the 3-1 magnetoelectric composite system). In this talk, I will introduce our latest results on 3-1 type magnetoelectric nanocomposite films. Through material and structural design, we have successfully solved the leakage problem of 3-1 magnetoelectric systems, realized the obvious converse magnetoelectric effect (i.e. electric control of magnetism) and self-biased converse magnetoelectric effects at room temperature, which is of great significance for the device applications. In addition, the two-dimensional/van der Waals magnets that emerged in the past five years are expected to overcome Moore’s law limit in spintronic devices, and this report will also introduce our latest progress in the electric readout of magnetism in the van der Waals antiferromagnet.



Dr. Rui Wu is a full professor (PI) at the Spin-X Institute, South China University of Technology. In 2015, he obtained his PhD in condensed matter physics from Peking University, and then has been engaged in postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and the University of Mainz. He was an associate research scientist at the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences in 2021. He is mainly engaged in the research of low-dimensional spintronic materials and devices closely related to next-generation information storage and computing technology. He has published 46 papers in journals including Nature Electron., Advanced Functional Materials., ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, Phys. Rev. Appl., Phys Rev. B, etc.



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