Energy Storage System Developments

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Prof. Abdul-Ghani OLABI
Director, the Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies
Professor, the School of Engineering and Computing
the University of the West of Scotland


Targets established by the European Union for 2020, have introduced a huge attention for the electrical energy management, starting from its sustainable production, researching and developing new production technologies based on renewable power sources, to its correct use and storage. In base of different applications, and often in base of the concrete availability of these sources, there are several energy storage systems used today worldwide, each one based on a different electricity transformation principle (mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical). During the last decades, a lot of technologies have been developed, using new materials and new concepts in order to satisfy the overall and specific applications requirements. This talk concerns with the latest developments of energy storage systems.


Professor Olabi is the director of the Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies at the University of the West of Scotland

Prof Olabi graduated with B Eng. from a 5 year course, in 1984. Then he worked in an R&D company for 4 years. Between 1988 and 1993, Prof Olabi completed a masters degree and PhD at Dublin City University. Between 1994-1998, he joined the academic staff as a lecturer at HIAST “Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology”. Between 1999-2002, he joined the research centre of FIAT in Italy “CRF” working on different projects related to alternative fuel systems for vehicles. From Oct 2002 until joining UWS in 2013, he was working as a lecturer and a senior lecturer at Dublin City University.

In the last 10 years, Prof Olabi has supervised postgraduate research students (10 M.Eng and 24 PhD) to successful completion. Prof Olabi has edited 10 proceedings, and has published more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and about 120 papers in international conferences, in addition to 15 book chapters. In the last 12 months Prof Olabi has patented 2 innovative projects.

Prof Olabi is the founder of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP,

He is the Subject Editor of the Elsevier Energy Journal and board member of a few other journals. Prof Olabi has coordinated different National, EU and International Projects. He has produced different reports to the Irish Gov. regarding: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and Solar Energy.

Prof Olabi’s Main Research Interests are: Sustainable Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Transportation.

Prof Olabi is assisted by large group (35) of academics (Prof, reader, SL L, PDRA) working on different aspects related to Engineering, Energy and the Environment.


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