Energy Transformation and Smart Grid

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Prof. Xiaoli HUANG
Deputy Chief Engineer of the Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute (National Electric Power Planning and Research Center)
Director of the Smart Grid Department, and Professor-level Chartered Engineer


Energy is essential for human activities and is one of the main driving forces for the development of the world economy. Every major advancement in human civilization is accompanied by reforms in energy. Nowadays, the development of energy industry faces new challenges. The large-scale consumption of fossil resources has brought serious threats to global climate environment. Environmental pollution problems caused by improper development and use of energy are becoming more and more severe. The increasing energy consumption makes the contradiction between energy shortage and social development more prominent. There is an urgent need for energy transformation and development. Smart grids play an important role in energy transformation. The smart grid has been widely recognized worldwide since it was proposed. After more than ten years of practice, the concept, characteristics, value and application of smart grid have been continuously enriched and developed. In general, the smart grid enhances the flexibility of the power network. It improves the interaction between the elements of the network, and therefore improves the flexibility and adaptability of the overall system, meeting the needs of future energy development. Smart grid is the key to energy structure adjustments and to the future energy system.


Prof. Xiaoli HUANG, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute (National Electric Power Planning and Research Center), Director of the Smart Grid Department, and Professor-level Chartered Engineer. She has long been engaged in power system planning, design, power engineering consulting works. She was the deputy director of the Power Planning and Design Standards Committee and a member of the National Smart Grid Promotion Working Group. She presided over the national “13th Five-Year” power planning topic “Smart Power Grid Planning Research”, the National Energy Administration’s major research topic “New Model of Energy Development, New Business and Internet + Smart Energy Development Pathway”, US Energy Foundation “Adaptation Research on new power planning methods for renewable energy development”, World Bank “Research on distribution network technical specifications and trading mechanisms for high-proportion distributed renewable energy access”, and other research projects, hosted in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics “Low Carbon Olympic Green Energy Planning”, “Zhangjiakou Green Energy System Planning”, “Distribution Network Planning and Design Regulations”, “Southern Power Grid Smart Grid Planning Research” and “Inner Mongolia Grid’s 13th Five-Year Information Planning”. She is a co-editor of the book “Energy Transformation and Smart Grid”.


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