申平教授獲邀分享泥石流災害風險演變和氣候變化影響, 有興趣的同學可參與, 毋須報名。詳情如下:
日期Date: 2021.05.11 (Wednesday)
時間Time: 16:00 – 17:00 changed to 17:00-18:00
地點Venue: N21 5樓展覽廳 N21-5/F EXHIBITION HALL
語言Language: 英語English
人物簡介 Introduction:
申平教授於香港科技大學獲土木工程博士學位,2019年起任澳大任教土木及環境工程系任教。曾於香港科技大學擔任研究助理及博士後。他的研究方向是雨致多災種模擬、沿海城市災害分析及災害監測與緩解。詳情: https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/people/pingshen/
Prof. Ping Shen is invited as speaker of IOTSC Talk series, he will share the topic about Debris Flow Disaster Risk Evolution and Climate Change Impacts. He received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and was the research assistant and post-doctoral fellow in HKUST. He has been an Assistant professor in the Department of CEE since 2019. His research interests are Rain-induced multi-hazard simulation, Coastal urban hazard analysis and Hazard monitoring and mitigation.