Mobile Mapping System and Application
Managing Construction Risk by Effective Planning, Programming and Progress Monitoring

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Mr. Andy Chan
Mr. John Battersby


Mr. Andy Chan is the Sales Manager of Topcon Beijing (H.K.) Ltd. He is a Fellow member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors. He has been an expert in Mobile Mapping and he will share his experiences in Mobile Mapping System and Application.

Mr. John Battersby is a Quantity Surveyor by profession having worked in the construction industry for 43 years. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers, Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. John has acted as an expert witness several times, both in arbitration and litigation, in respect of additional cost/loss and expense/damages claims, measurement issues, adjustment of rates, valuation of variations and causes and effects of delays to construction works. He has acted both as party appointed and “single joint expert” (or “tribunal expert”). He is a Practising Member of the Academy of Experts and accredited by the Academy as an Expert. He has also been appointed as Arbitrator, Assessor, Mediator and Dispute Resolution Advisor several times.


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