Modelling air pollution: from my neighborhood to global scale

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Prof. Ana Isabel Miranda
Vice Director
Department of Environment and Planning
University of Aveiro


Air quality modeling allows obtaining temporal 3D fields of air pollutants in the air. Nowadays the use of models to support air quality assessment and planning is becoming a common practice with clear benefits. There are different types of models based on different mathematical approaches and dealing with different applications. This seminar aims to highlight this variety of models taking into consideration the different scales of application, from the local to the global scale. Examples of modeling studies will be provided and discussed.


Professor Ana Isabel Miranda is the Vice Director of the Department of Environment and Planning of the University of Aveiro. She is a Full Professor of Environmental Engineering co-coordinating the research group on emissions, modelling and climate change of the same university. Her group mainly works in the areas of air quality modelling, environmental impact assessment, forest fire studies, urban air quality, climate change, and health effects of air pollution. Professor Miranda is also the Local Director of the ERASMUS/MUNDUS Joint European Master in Environmental Studies in Portugal. She participated in 25 national and 20 European research projects with the scientific coordination of 4 and 2 of these projects, respectively. Her research work includes over 450 scientific and technical publications (53 ISI web of knowledge peer-reviewed scientific published papers).

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