Periodic homogenization of non-symmetric Levy-type processes

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Prof. Xin CHEN
Special Research Fellow
School of Mathematical Sciences
Shanghai Jiao Tong University


In this paper, we consider the homogenization problem for a non-symmetric L´evy-type operator in a medium with a periodic structure. Under a proper scaling of this operator, we establish the limit behavior of the rescaled operator as the scaling parameter tends to zero. This talk is based on a joint work with Zhen-qing Chen, Takashi Kumagai and Jian Wang.


Prof. Chen received his PhD at Warwick University, and is now a special research fellow (equal to associate professor) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main research fields are stochastic process and stochastic analysis. Prof. Chen has published nearly 20 papers in top journals such as Probability Theory and Related Fields, Communication in Mathematical Physics, Journal of Functional Analysis and so on.


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