Physically-based Realistic Hair Dynamics Simulation

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Prof. Bin SHENG
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Realistic hair simulation is essential in many fields such as Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Currently, many models have successfully made progress in high-quality hair simulation. However, the computation cost of these models is very high and is not suite for realtime simulation and rendering. In order to simulate realistic hair in a very short time, we introduced a data-driven reduced hair model solution. Our approach captured a small set of guide hair and the corresponding interpolation relationship using a list of precomputed full simulation hair movement sequences. In simulation step, we only simulated the guide hair with a mass-spring model and interpolated the rest hair strands using the interpolation relationship we extracted from the full simulating data. Furthermore, we used a signed distance field to resolve the hair-body collision and introduced an improved hair-hair correction model based on “Position Based Dynamic” framework. Our model successfully simulate 40K hair strands in real-time with very high quality with complex head movement, which can also be applied to different hairstyle and hair geometry.


SHENG Bin received his BA degree in English and BE degree in computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2004, and MS degree in software engineering from University of Macau in 2007, and PhD Degree in computer science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. He is currently an associate professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He serves on the editorial board of IET Image Processing. His research interests include virtual reality, computer graphics and image based techniques.


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