Revised Accreditation Criteria for Engineering Degree Programmes under Outcomes Based Approach

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Mr. Albert CHOW
Director of Qualifications
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


This Seminar aims to introduce outcomes based accreditation implementation of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). It includes a detailed explanation of the approach and emphasis of outcomes based accreditation, including the practical aspects in assisting the preparation of faculty members in the submission. It would serve as an authoritative guide in preparing for future accreditations by the HKIE.


Mr Albert CHOW is currently the Director of Qualifications of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Concurrently, he is also the Registrar of the Engineers Registration Board established under the Engineers Registration Ordinance. Mr CHOW has extensive experience in accreditation, training, continuing professional development and international recognition. He was responsible for developing accreditation systems for engineering degrees, computer science degrees and higher diplomas in Hong Kong leading to international recognition under the Washington Accord, the Sydney Accord and the Seoul Accord. He was also responsible for establishing 16 Reciprocal Recognition Agreements with authorities all over the world, including two agreements on mutual recognition on Information Technology qualifications. He is currently a Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Directors, a Fellow of the Institute of Administrative Management (UK) and a Member of the Chartered Management Institute (UK). He was a Founding Member, Treasurer, Executive and Council Member of the Chartered Management Institute (Hong Kong Branch).

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