SKL-IOTSC Talk Series: Electric Energy Router and its Technologies
智慧城市物聯網系列講座: 電能路由器及其相關技術

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科技學院教授獲邀在智慧城市物聯網系列講座上分享相關領域的專業知識, 黃民聰教授將分享電能路由器及其相關技術的知識

日期Date: 2021.07.7 (Wednesday)
時間Time: 16:00 – 17:00
地點Venue: N21 5樓展覽廳 N21-5/F EXHIBITION HALL
語言Language: 英語English



Prof. Man Chung Wong joined UM in 1993, now he is a Professor in the Department of ECE. He is also one of the research members of SKL-IOTSC. Prof. Wong obtained his PhD degree in Tsinghua University in 2003 and his master and bachelor degrees from UM in 1997 and 1993. His research areas include Power Electronics, Power System, Instrumentation and Measurement, Smart Grid, Active Power Filter, Integrated Power and Energy IOT.

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