科技學院教授獲邀在智慧城市物聯網系列講座上分享相關領域的專業知識, 蔡忠亞助理教授將分享南海環流動力過程的知識
日期Date: 2021.07.2 (Friday)
時間Time: 16:00 – 17:00
地點Venue: N21 5樓展覽廳 N21-5/F EXHIBITION HALL
語言Language: 英語English
Prof. Cai Zhongya has joined UM in 2020 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of CEE. He is also one of the research members of SKL-IOTSC and the Centre for Regional Oceans. Prof. Cai obtained his bachelor and master degrees in Ocean University of China, which is an university well-known for studying marine and aquatic subjects. Afterwards, he completed his PhD degree in Marine Environmental Sciences at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research areas include seawater flow, marine environmental ecology, and multi-scale circulation and dynamics in the South China Sea. Among them, Prof. Cai is better at numerical simulation, inputting data into the designed model, observing and analyzing the results.