Sustainable Architecture in Hot Climates: the SURE-Africa Project

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Prof. Manuel Correia Guedes
Associate Professor
Head of the Architectural Research Centre
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal


A general overview is presented on the subject of sustainable architecture in Hot Regions, focusing on the African context: the most striking aspects, present needs and future trends. A brief presentation is also made on the 3-year E.U. SURE-Africa COOPENER project, which involved various E.U. and African Universities.

Keywords: Sustainable architecture; hot climates; developing countries; Africa.


Architect, Ph.D. (Univ. Cambridge), Associated Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. Currently the Head of the Architectural Research Centre of the IST (ICIST-n6), and former Director of the Course of Architecture. Specialised in Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, is responsible for the disciplines of Environmental Design and Sustainable Architecture at the Master and Ph.D. courses. Participant in national and international research projects in the area, Coordinator of E.U. cooperation projects with Africa.

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