Scientific Research and Education Through EntertainmentStory of Outstanding MAT graduate – Lio Chon Long寓興趣於研究及學習2021/2022數學系優秀畢業生故事 – 廖俊龍2022-07-14|
UM graduates more than 1,800 students, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Ao Ieong U: UM’s academic standing has been further elevated千八學子畢業! 社文司歐陽瑜:澳大辦學水平進一步提升2022-05-28|
FST students showcase creativity through graduation works of science and technology澳大科技學院學生畢業作品展盡顯創意科技2022-05-27|
UM FST’s first Symposium on Frontier Technology promotes Interdisciplinary exchange澳大科技學院首屆前沿科技研討會促跨學科對話2022-05-26|
UMDF named professor Cai Xiaochuan gives talk on math algorithms for predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health澳大發展基金會冠名教授蔡小川談預測心腦血管健康的數學算法2022-04-25|
FST presents the 2021/2022 “Teaching Excellence Award” and “Research Excellence Award”澳大科技學院今頒發年度「優秀教學獎」及「卓越研究獎」2022-03-23|
The journey of a mainland student pursing PhD degree at UM – Li Tianyi from the Department of Mathematics數學系李天怡在澳大讀博之旅2022-03-08|
UM FST exhibits graduation projects to promote academia-industry collaboration澳大科技學院辦畢業成果展促產學研合作2021-06-24|