News 2021

UM developed intelligent disinfection robot helps fight the epidemic

  Prof Xu Qingsong and his team in the University of Macau’s (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) have developed Smart Cleaner, a low-cost, obstacle-avoiding, full-orientation, intelligent disinfection robot with autonomous positionin ...


UM launches a Master of Science in Financial Technology (FinTech) Programme to cultivate the future talents of FinTech

Fintech is a new and multidisciplinary industry where information technology, mathematics, statistics, financial innovation, law and supervision are integrated. While creating new businesses and technologies for the rapidly changing world, it brings ...


UM wins awards at national contest of AI application in power dispatching

A team from the University of Macau (UM) State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC), also the students of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) today (28 January) won a second prize and the only Best Innovation Award ...


UM-HKU teams win multiple first prizes at 2020 World Robot Contest

Two teams formed by the University of Macau (UM) and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) participated in the 2020 World Robot Contest, which is known as the ‘Olympics’ of the robot industry. In the Technical Competition of the Brain-Computer Interface ...


UM Open Day showcases distinctive characteristics

  The University of Macau held an Open Day today (17 January). Many students, parents, and residents attended the event to learn more about the university, including admission information, teaching mode, and campus facilities, while experienc ...



澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室與澳門電力股份有限公司合辦、澳門大學科學暨工程科普推廣中心承辦“二○二○全澳青少年智慧街燈創新挑戰賽”,以鼓勵同學展現自我才華與奇思妙想。該活動頒獎典禮昨(十七)日上午九時於智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室五樓展廳舉行。 ...


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