News 2022

UM professor Tam Kam Weng elected IEEE International STEM Ambassador

Professor Tam Kam Weng in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau (UM), has been elected an International STEM Ambassador of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engin ...


Prof Hui Kong: Research about sensors, perception and high precision sensor positioning of autonomous mobile robot
專訪孔慧教授: 研究自主移動機器人的傳感和高精定位

Prof. Kong Hui joined the University of Macau in 2021 and currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering and Department of Computer and Information Science of the Faculty of Science and Technology and a ...


UM and Alibaba Damo Academy win first prizes at top machine translation competition

The Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Laboratory (NLP2CT) under the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) participated in the Metrics Shared Task at the Sixth Conference on Machine Tr ...


UM and South China University of Technology launch 2+2 Joint Programme

澳門大學早前與華南理工大學現推出 「本科生2+2聯合培養計劃」,是首個粵港澳大灣區高校合作的雙學位本科聯培計劃。計劃以土木工程領域為試點,招生對象是澳大土木及環境工程系的在讀一年級生。參與的學生需修讀為期2年的澳大理學士學位 (土木工程) 中的指定科目,以及在華南理工大學修讀同樣為期2年的工學學士學位土木工程專業課程中的指定科目。澳大學生將參與華南理工大學的卓越全英班。符合畢業要求的學生最快4年可獲澳大理學士學位及華南理工大學工學學士學位。 頒授的學位: 澳門大學的理學士學位及華南理工大學的工 ...


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