
Starting from UM, exploring the world to cultivate scientific capabilities

Ieong Un Teng (Jacqueline) and Ieong Un Kio (Jessica) are the outstanding students of the Department of Civil and Engineering (CEE) in academic year 2019/2020. Both of them are diligent and energetic, and love to experience different cultures. Jacqueline and Jessica are active in various competitions and courses of UM, they visited many cities in the world in the past 4 years. Except for joining the summer exchange to the United States and Taiwan, they also went to Wuhan for a national structural design competition and went to Israel for a smart city program. 4 years ago, both of them were recommended for direct admission to UM by local high school. Today, they become outstanding students of CEE, when asking about their experiences of studying in UM, they say, ‘Although the courses in UM are relatively compact and there were not many students in the class, but the relationship among us here is very warm and harmonious.’  Jacqueline, who had participated into UM’s exchange program to the United States, described the relationship among students are as “teammates” She said students here will support each other and that is the team spirit cannot be found in foreign university. In regards of experiencing different cultures, both of them are excited, ‘The biggest treasure of studying here is the opportunity to go to different places. Most exchange programs are funded by UM and other organizations, so the cost is relatively low.’ In the summer of 2018, they got an opportunity to go to Israel for a smart city program which was funded by the Macau Science and Technology Fund. The program attracted students from all over the world, including the United States, Brazil, and Australia to learn to build up a high-tech city. Except for studying abroad, Jacqueline and Jessica are also allowed to exchange skills with other university students, they and their teammate Wong Chan Hou won a third prize at the 11th National Structure Design Contest for College Students held in Wuhan. They competed with 108 teams formed by more than 300 faculty members and students from universities in China. With a structure of only 179.2 grams to support a 6.5-metre water pipe with a full water load of 50 kilograms, which has the water intake and drainage functions.

Exploring recycled building materials and analyzing consolidation of pervious concrete piles embankment

For Jacqueline and Jessica who want to find jobs in Macau, their final year projects are about local civil engineering. As currently, Macau still relies on disposal area for waste disposal, many recycled materials are sent to disposal area without properly recycled, such as glass bottles. Jacqueline who loves to study geotechnical engineering and interested in environmental issues, her final year project is to combine glass cullet into marine clay and portland cement to become a new material. This new material can be used in construction, cooperate with the use of artificial neural networks to obtain the best ratio of these materials. Jacqueline’s study provides more room for the use of recycled materials. The final year project of Jessica is to use 3D PLAXIS, a geotechnical engineering finite element analysis software, to analyze and improve the permeable concrete earth embankment. By using this software, the strength of the soil, drainage speed can be analyzed and predicted. Specialist who able to use this software is demanding in Macau civil engineering market, therefore having the knowledge of using PLAXIS will become an employment advantage. Jacqueline and Jessica wish their final year project can become a reference for underclassmen in the future.

Looking forward to the future, giving full play to their potential and talents

Although the graduates of this year need to confront employment problems due to the impact of epidemic, Jacqueline and Jessica have already been employed by a local Macao construction consultancy company. Their valuable experiences in university give them a head start in the job market, and these all thanks to their professors. For example, Prof. Lok Man Hoi and Mr. Wan Iat Meng are the instructors of their final year project who gave them many important suggestions. Prof. Lok used to have video call with them once a week to answer their questions even during the epidemic.  In the future, they wish to give full play to their potentials in a new working environment, and contribute to the society so as to thank you for professors’ cultivation.


楊沅婷Jacqueline及楊沅喬Jessica是本學年土木及環境工程系優秀學生,兩人性格活潑好動,一直熱愛交流及感受不同文化。大學時期積極參與各項比賽及課程,四年間已走訪世界多個城市。除了到美國及台灣交流外,也曾到武漢參與全國大學生結構設計比賽及遠赴以色列特拉維夫參與智慧城市課程。四年前,兩人獲本地高中推薦入讀澳大,四年後以優秀畢業生身份畢業,談及這些年在澳大讀書的感受時,兩人不約而同地表示:「澳大課程雖然比較緊湊,但同學之間的關係卻十分好。班上學生雖然不多,但關係卻十分溫馨融洽。」曾到美國交流的沅婷形容同學之間的關係就像 “隊友” 一樣,四年來一同做報告溫習,大家相互幫助,度過一個又一個考核,這正是外國大學沒有的。對於能夠到不同地方見識及交流,兩人都很興奮地說:「在澳大最大的收穫就是有機會去不同地方交流,大部分課程有澳大及其他基金提供資助,費用相對低廉。」就在2018年的暑假,兩人把握機會參加了由澳門科學技術基金資助的以色列智慧城市課程,課程雲集由世界各地來的包括美國、巴西、澳洲等地的大學生, 一起去認識如何建立一個智慧及高科技城市。除了到世界各地交流,沅婷及沅喬還能與其他大學生切磋技能。在大二時期,兩人聯同另一位澳大同學黃振豪與來自全國各省市共108支大學隊伍在武漢同台較量,他們以179.2克的模型總重製作了一個可以承受50公斤之渡槽支承系統結構,並同時滿足入水及排水功能,贏得獲評審團一致好評,最終奪得三等奬。


對於有志在澳門發展的沅婷及沅喬,她們畢業設計項目也是圍繞著本地土木工程。鑑於澳門目前仍然依賴堆積區處理垃圾,很多可循環再用的物料沒有被回收而是直接被送往堆積區,如玻璃瓶。對於喜愛研究岩土工程及關注環保問題的沅婷,她的畢業設計項目是將玻璃沙混合到海泥及水泥中,成為可用於建築的物料,再配合人工神經網絡的應用,得出各項原料最佳比例,此研究為循環物料的運用提供了更多發揮空間。而沅喬的畢業設計項目則是運用3D PLAXIS 岩土工程分析軟件分析及改善透水性混凝土土堤,運用此軟件可以分析及預測到泥土的強度,排水速度等要素。而澳門的土木及建築公司剛好缺乏這類人才,懂得運用PLAXIS也成為就業優勢。兩人寄望這次的畢業設計項目能夠被其他學生用作參考,促進更多相關方面的研究。



The outstanding student of CEE – Jacqueline Ieong
土木及環境工程系的優秀學生 – 楊沅婷

Another outstanding student of CEE – Jessica Ieong
另一位土木及環境工程系的優秀學生- 楊沅喬

Jacqueline, Jessica and students from all over the world
joined the smart city program at Israel
楊沅婷(前排左四)及楊沅喬 (最後排左二) 及


Jacqueline, Jessica and Wong Chan Hou won a third prize
楊沅婷、楊沅喬 及黃振豪奪得三等奬