
On the occasion of 1-month after the official launch of CTM5G , the Inauguration Ceremony of CTM 5G New Era and Ushering Into Digital Macau 3.0 Forum jointly hosted by CITIC Telecom International and CTM was held today at the University of Macau. The event was attended by guests from various government departments, enterprises, associations and educational institutions, together witnessed Macau advance into the new 5G era, to collect wisdom on the promotion of “Digital Macau 3.0” developmentinject forces to create a greener and liveable smart city, and to inaugurate a new chapter of digital economy in the Greater Bay Area.

 Guests officiated the ceremony included the Vice Chairman of CPPCC National Committee, Mr. Ho Hau Wah, the Chairman of Macau Legislative Assembly, Mr. Kou Hoi In, Director of the Economic Department of the China Liaison Office, Mr Liu Decheng, Director of the Office of the Commissioner’s Office, Counselor Fu Aimin, Director of CTT, Ms. Derby Lau, Rector of University of Macau, Mr. Song Yonghua, Executive Director of Board, Huawei, Mr. Wang Tao, Chairman of Board, CAM, Mr. Ma Iao Hang, Chairman of CITIC Telecom International, Mr. Xin Yuejiang, Executive Director and CFO of CITIC Telecom International, Mr. Luan Zhenjun, CEO of CTM, Mr. Vandy Poon. The Vice President of CITIC Group, Mr. Wang Guoquan presided at the ceremony via online.

 Contribute to the steady development of “One Country Two System” for Macau

During the opening speech delivered by Mr.Xi GuohuaVice President and General Manager of CITIC Group, said that the Group started investing in Macau as soon as its establishment in early 80s for Macau Cement Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and CTM. Over the years, CITIC’s enterprises in Macau have been adhering to the principle of “grow together with Macau”, benefitting by the characteristics of CITIC Group’s rich combination of industriesand actively participated in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, while fully cooperating with the MSAR government’s policy.  The business development in Macau has gained fruitful results, CITIC forces have also contributed to the long-term economic and social development in Macau, facilitating Macau to create a successful model of “One Country Two Systems”. The unique advantage of CITIC Group’s combination of industries and finance, and diversified business sectors will create great achievements in Macau’s economic transformation development.

 According to introduction, in recent years, CITIC Group has given full play to its advantages in comprehensive financial services and fully supported the development of a number of 5G leading companies and key companies in the industrial chain. In addition, CITIC Group has a spectrum of investment in the information industry, covering cross-border telecommunications, satellite communications, basic telecommunications, network services, cloud services, and has leading digital and intelligent service capabilities, meanwhile, through the continuous expansion of new technologies such as 5G and the integration and application of its comprehensive finance, advanced intelligent manufacturing, modern agriculture, urban construction and other scenarios, CITIC Group has achieved the industrial transformation and high-quality development.

 Mr. Wang Guoquan delivered the keynote speech of topic “Embrace 5G , jointly creating a smart future”  at the Digital Macau 3.0 Forum that the key objective of 5G applications is to empower efficiency, and ecological cooperation is the only way to achieve..  With the inauguration a new 5G era in Macau, CITIC Group will continue to support CITIC Telecom International and CTM in strengthening their strategic layout, to fully promote the construction of 5G network, fiber network and cloud network facilities in accordance with the principle of moderate advancement, and improve high-speed ubiquitous and cloud network Converged, secure and controllable digital information infrastructure. Rooting on the development stage of Macau industry,  to exploit  5G dedicated service  and solutions to facilitate  industrial transformation  including finance, education, medical care, and government affairs, while actively seeking practical cooperation in the fields of finance, urban construction and operation, medical health, green low-carbon, cultural tourism, etc., to create a good platform in data sharing, technology research and development, and talent training to promote the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and Guangdong-Macau Hengqin In-depth Cooperation Zone,  to support the moderate  diversified development of Macau’s economy and the improvement of people’s livelihood.

During the occasion, through the video “Inaugurate a New Chapter of Smart Macau”, CTM demonstrated that with the full support from CITIC Group and CITIC Telecom International Group and riding on the advantages of information technology, it will foster the momentum of innovative development and promote the realization of the “Digital Macau” smart city blueprint , serve the economic and social development of Macau , continue to usher Macau to integrate into the overall national development of the country, and enrich the practice of “One country Two systems”. During the occasion, CTM announced the number of 5G customers has reached over 50,000 after 1-month following the official launch of 5G service.

 Get together depicting Macau’s smart future 

The Chairman of CITIC Telecom International, Mr. Xin Yuejiang, the Rector of University of Macau, Mr. Song Yonghua, and the Executive Director of Huawei, Mr. Wang Tao delivered opening speeches at the “Ushering into Digital Macau 3.0 Forum”.

Mr. Xin Yuejiang expressed thankfulness to the guests for participating in the forum and thanked all sectors of the society for their long-term support and trust to CTM over the years. He said that CITIC Telecom International has a deep relationship with Macau and remained confident in the future of MacauWith the official launched of 5G, CTM will accelerate the construction of “Digital Macau” smart city and stimulate Macau’s economic development. CITIC Telecom International and CTM will continue to uphold the moral of “Be with Macau, Build Macau, Serve Macau”, to cope with the policy of the MSAR Government to support various sectors in the society to further develop the economy and livelihood, as well as practicing the great national strategy of “One Country Two Systems”, contributing to the brilliant future of Macau.

The Chief Consultant of Network Industry Policy of HuaweiMr. Chen Guanhong, the Assistant Director of the SKL-IOTSC, University of Macau, Ma Shao Dan, President/Partner of XiaoMi Corp., Mr. Wang Xiang, the General Manager of Baidu AI Technology Ecology, Mr. Ma Yanjun, and CEO of CTM, Vandy Poon, share their insights  of various topics namely: “Embrace 5G Development to Create a Smarter Future Together”, “New Infrastructure Enables Macau‘s New Digital Future“, “A Thinking of 5G Empowering Smart City”, “Deep Learning Open Source Platform Accelerates Industrial Intelligence Upgrade“

 Formed the “Macau 5G Smart Service Development Alliance”

Congratulations message were received from industry leaders in Mainland and overseas including. Ren Xian Liang, SecretaryGeneral of the World Internet Conference, John Hoffman, CEO of the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), Joao Santana, President of AICEP, Ong Geok Chwee, CEO of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity, Li Feng, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of China Mobile International, and Meng Shu Sen, Chairman & President of China Unicom Global.  

  “ Appreciation ceremony of CTM 5G New Era Important Partners” was held at the event to express thankfulness to various organizations in Macau who joined CTM for co-organizing different activities to promote 5G popularization in the society.   Mr. Xin Yue Jiang and Mr. Vandy Poon presented token of appreciation to the 5G Pioneerincluding MGTOIPIM, CTT, TDM, Macao Daily News, Charity Fund from the Readers of the Macao Daily News, UGAMM, University of Macau, Pui Ching Middle School, CPTTM, Macau Science and Technology Association, Bank of China Macau Branch, Sands China Ltd., MGMMacau Caritas, Macau Live Association.

With the objective of joining hands with different partners to deepen the collaboration of 5G application ecology, CTM invited long-term partners to form the “Macau 5G Smart Service Development Alliance”. The launching ceremony was jointly officiated by Ms. Ng Sio Lai, President of UGAMM, Ms. Lao Kam Leng, President of The Women’s General Association of Macau, Mr. Lei Chong Cheng, Director of FAOM, Ms. Chan Hong, President of Macau Chinese Educators’ Association, Mr. Pun Chi Meng, Secretary-General of Macau Caritas, Mr. Xin Yue Jiang and Mr. Vandy Poon.

 CTM’s 5G + cloud-network integration applications were showcased on site, enabling guests to experience various smart application life scenarios brought by 5G. The event was also held simultaneously in CTM Metaverse, enabling guests in mainland China and overseas to participate interactively in the Metaverse environment.







 中信集團副總經理王國權先生以「擁抱5G發展 共創智慧未來」為題在邁向數碼澳門3.0論壇演講時指出,5G應用應以賦能增效爲關鍵目標,以生態合作爲必由之路,以科技向善爲價值追求。中信集團將以澳門開啓5G新時代爲契機,繼續支持中信國際電訊、澳門電訊加强戰略佈局,按照適度超前原則,全力推動5G網、光網和雲網等設施建設,完善高速泛在、雲網融合、安全可控的數字信息基礎設施。立足澳門産業發展階段,積極開發5G專項服務和解决方案,爲金融、教育、醫療、政務等行業提供轉型機會。積極尋求與澳門金融、城市建設和運營、醫療健康、綠色低碳、文化旅遊等領域的務實合作,在數據共享、技術研發、人才培養等方面搭好平台,助力粵港澳大灣區和橫琴粵澳深度合作區建設,支持澳門經濟適度多元發展和民生改善。

 活動上,澳門電訊透過「開啟智慧澳門新篇章」短片,向來賓展示在中信集團及中信國際電訊集團的全力支持下,依托信息技術優勢,培育創新發展動能,推動實現「數碼澳門」智慧城市藍圖,全力服務澳門經濟社會發展,持續助力澳門融入國家發展大局,豐富“一國兩制”實踐。同日,澳門電訊宣佈在5G推出首月之際,升級5G服務的客戶已超過5萬 。

 業界代表共聚一堂  描畫澳門智慧未來



 華為公司網絡產業政府首席顧問陳冠宏、澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室助理主任馬少丹、小米總裁王翔,百度AI技術生態總經理馬艷軍、以及澳門電訊行政總裁潘福禧,分別以「擁抱5G發展 共創智慧未來」、「新基建使能澳門數碼新未來」、「5G賦能智慧城市的思考」、「深度學習開源開放平台加速產業智能化升級」等為主題做了分享發言。



活動中還舉行了「澳門電訊 5G新世代重要伙伴感謝禮」感謝本澳各機構與澳門電訊合辦不同活動在社會層面上推廣5G普及。




CTM hosted the Inauguration Ceremony of 5G New Era and Ushering into Digital Macau 3.0 Forum

「5G新世代開啟儀式」 暨「邁向數碼澳門3.0論壇」