
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM) has been made fruitful achievements in scientific research in recent years. Since the launch of ‘Autonomous Driving Bus Testing Platform’ in October, many students and professors were eager to get a glimpse of the bus. Today (24 Nov), FST has invited the Director of Transport Bureau (DSAT) to have a trial ride of the autonomous driving bus. The trial ride has offered an opportunity for relevant departments to review the autonomous driving technology, laws and transportation policies, and discuss the feasibility of expanding this technology into public transport services in the future, so as to promote the development of industry-university-research and stimulate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Intelligent transport represents the future of the automotive industry, with the continuous advancement of autonomous driving technology in Macao, it could be applied into the improvement of the traffic conditions in Macao in the near future. This autonomous driving project successfully uses Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Processing, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and other technologies to collect road information (such as traffic signals, pedestrians and vehicles on the road), so the bus can run safely and reliably. The bus has successfully integrated into the environment to form an efficient transportation system of ‘people- vehicles-roads’.  This trial ride has accelerated the discussion about self-driving technology, such as examining the feasibility of current technology in Macao, applying the technology to more public services, and using big data, cloud computing to accelerate the realization of traffic planning and the development of Macao as a smart city.

澳門大學科技學院近年在科研路上穩步前進,碩果累累,繼早前 “澳門自動駕駛巴士測試平台”啟動後,一眾師生皆想爭先一睹自動駕駛巴士的風彩或親身體驗。澳門交通事務局局長林衍新等今天(24日)也前來試乘自動駕駛巴士,期望與有關部門共同檢視自駕技術及制度和交通政策,一同探討未來拓展公共運輸服務的可行性,為推動產學研發展及激發科技成果轉化邁進一步。



Dean Xu Cheng-Zhong, Lam Hin San,
Director of DSAT and
Prof Kou Kun Pang (from Left)
科技學院院長須成忠, 交通事務局局長林衍新