
Mr. U Wa Tang in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau has won the ‘Outstanding Student Paper Award of 2007’ in the Twelfth International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). In the past 12 years, the HKSTS annual conference has grown in size and scope to become one of the leading regional conferences in transportation and logistics. The conference in 2007 attracted the participation of over 130 transportation and logistics researchers and practitioners from 26 countries and regions all over the world. The paper presented by Mr. U Wa Tang, entitled ‘A Model System to Determine Traffic-Induced Air Pollution in Highly Compact Urban Forms’ was selected as one of the two best papers. The complex traffic emissions and street configurations in the highly compact Macao Peninsula are taken into account by this model system, which can simulate the traffic-induced air and noise pollutions in front of one thousand buildings in a few minutes. Therefore, it is particularly useful for environmental assessments in urban and transport planning in Macao. Applying the model system, a preliminary study investigated the ways that four historic or modern urban forms existing nowadays on the Macao Peninsula influenced vehicle transport and street environment. In addition, considering the lack of vehicle emission data for air quality modelling in Macao, an innovated vehicle-following measurement technique was applied in this study. Compared with the traditional laboratory tests, the vehicle-following measurement technique can obtain a wide variety of vehicle emission data on the road because cooperation from the vehicle’s owners is not necessary. The paper summarized the research results of U Wa Tang’s PhD study supervised by Prof. Zhishi Wang.

Details of the HKSTS Outstanding Student Paper Award of 2007 can be found in the following web site:

澳門大學科技學院土木及環境工程系博士生鄧宇華在第十二屆香港交通研究學會國際研討會上獲得2007年度最佳學生論文獎。經過十二年的發展, 香港交通研究學會年會已成為地區上具有影響力的交通和物流研究會議。本屆會議吸引超過130個來自26個不同國家和地區的學者和專家參加。經過經過評審委員激烈的討論, 2007年度最佳學生論文獎最終由兩篇論文同時獲得。其中一篇為鄧宇華博士生提交的論文, 題目為“一個研究緊湊型城市中的空氣污染和交通噪音的模型系統”。該模型系統能根據不同街道的幾何形狀和交通狀況, 在十數分鐘內模擬出澳門一千多棟建築物前的空氣污染和交通噪音, 從而得到詳細空氣污染和交通噪音空間分佈, 因此特別適用於支持澳門這種細小緊湊型城市的環境規劃, 交通規劃, 和城市規劃。研究發現, 澳門的城市建設受到西方不同時期的風格所影響, 四個階段的城市擴張具有各自鮮明的城市建設形態, 從而導致不同的空氣污染和交通噪音。此外, 考慮到澳門非常缺乏汽車尾氣排放數據來支持空氣污染模擬, 該研究首次在澳門採用追車測量尾氣排放技術, 通過設計一個移動式汽車實驗室來測量路面行走中的汽車尾氣。因為不需要傳統的車檢安排程序, 該研究能在較短時間內測出近兩百部不同車型的實時氣體和顆粒物排放。行車狀態中的實測結果更能反映實際運行工況下和非車檢其間的真實排放。鄧宇華博士生在研討會上發表的論文是王志石教授指導下所完成的博士論文的一部分。

獲獎詳情已於香港交通研究學會網頁內發佈, 網址如下:

Figure 1: Paper presentation by U Wa Tang.
圖1: 鄧宇華在演示論文內容

Figure 2: Ir. Chai-Kwong MAK, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), HKSAR, awarded the certificate of merit.
圖2: 香港發展局常任秘書長(工務)麥齊光頒發獎狀

Figure 3: U Wa Tang and his supervisor Prof. Zhishi Wang.
圖3: 鄧宇華博士生和導師王志石教授

Figure 4: The Medal of Merit.
圖4: 獎座

Figure 5: The Certificate of Merit.
圖5: 獎狀