
Studying geological hazards

Prof Shen Ping, who has joined UM as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental and Engineering of FST. He is also one of the research members of State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IoTSC) and the Centre for Regional Oceans. For a densely populated city like Macau which has continue its development on reclamation and infrastructure to meet the growth of population, every single disaster such as typhoon, geological disaster, seawater intrusion, rainfall, landslides, storm surges and mudslides might cause major casualties and public safety issues, and could also affect urban economic development and sustainable development with far-reaching impacts. Prof Shen’s research interest are related to coastal city disaster analysis, hazard monitoring and mitigation, multi-hazard simulation caused by rainfall, and risk assessment and management, which are in line with the situation in Macau.

Alleviate the damage from storm surge and promote the development of the Greater Bay Area

In order to get closer to the society of Macau and understand the problem of seawater intrusion during the storm surge, Prof Shen visited Macau’s inner harbor and discussed with government departments several times. Prof Shen said that during the onsite visit, the level of the sea’s surface in Macau is normal. However, if the rise in sea level occurs during tropical cyclones, there could be an extreme situation like the Typhoon Hato in 2017. Prof Shen wishes his research can offer more scientific data for local government to make better and faster decisions. In addition, Prof Shen also participated into the national key research and development plan related to the integrated application of intelligent operation and maintenance technology for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. He wishes to contribute more to the intelligent development and maintenance of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and promote the development of infrastructure and regional marine engineering within the Greater Bay Area. .

Personal experience sharing

When discussing about the reasons of teaching at UM, Prof Shen says, ‘The ranking of UM has risen rapidly in recent years, some international scholars and Professors also want to join this university.’ When recruiting PhD students in 2019, Prof Shen said he received many applications from mainland students and some of them are outstanding. In regards of his feeling of teaching in UM, ‘I can feel the academic freedom in here. Except for the fruitful resources, colleagues in here also provide great support.’ Prof Shen started studying Ph.D. degree right after completing his undergraduate degree. He encourages his students and says, ‘whether you are seeking employment or continuing your studies in the future, it is important to create a life plan. Try your best to increase GPA during the first and two years of bachelor, so that you would be able to choose your favor path and create more possibilities.’







Professor Shen Ping: A geological hazards scholar