



The University of Macau (UM) and Tsinghua University launched their first student exchange programme at the beginning of this year. As part of the programme, seven outstanding undergraduate students from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University recently completed one semester at UM. According to them, UM’s courses are in line with the market trend. They have also improved their English language skills and accepted different challenges during their stay on campus..

At a meeting organised by UM’s Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) to conclude the exchange programme, the exchange students shared their learning experiences and research achievements at UM. Professors from both UM and Tsinghua University joined the event either in-person or online. According to the FST, the exchange programme serves as the beginning of various collaborations between the two universities and is expected to provide a more comprehensive and diverse exchange platform for students in the future. The two universities will deepen cooperation and will work together to cultivate more professionals who are innovative, patriotic, and globally minded.

In addition to experiencing UM’s unique residential college (RC) system, whole-person education, and multicultural environment, the exchange students also visited UM’s State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart city, which is the first of its kind in China. At the lab, the students joined some of the research projects and exchange ideas with UM professors. According to Ye Yihan, one of the exchange students, there are few opportunities to use English in mainland China, so he was not used to the English teaching environment upon his arrival at UM. As time went by, he noticed significant improvement on his English skills. He adds that the courses in electronics offered by UM are in line with the market trend and the professors at UM are very friendly and patient.

In terms of life on campus, the activities organised by the RCs to cultivate students’ teamwork, service commitment, cultural participation, and leadership skills deeply impressed the exchange students. Tan Xinyi, another exchange student, says that he joined rock climbing lessons, a high table dinner, and music concerts with his friends in the RC and found the experiences very refreshing. He adds that campus life is unique at UM because students have the opportunity to experience new things and take on new challenges, which can bring them out of their comfort zones.


澳大國際多元的辦學特色吸引世界不少的國際生,令校園洋溢多元文化色彩。在澳大交流近兩個月的清大生葉一涵說:「 相比內地,中西文化交融的澳門更顯特色,在澳門遊覽的時候,可以見到充滿異地風情的葡萄牙酒吧,也可以感覺到澳門濃厚歷史文化。」葉一涵表示:「初到澳大時,對大學的全英語教學是有些不習慣,因為內地較少有用英語的機會,但時間久了英語水平有所提高,就開始適應了。另外,澳大提供的電子技術課程也十分貼近市場,老師們也很耐心地解釋。」

學習生活上,另一位清大生譚心逸表示澳大教授們的專業和熱情讓他印象深刻, 他說: 「我和幾門課程的老師都有課後交流討論。春節前,老師主動向我們推薦澳門值得遊覽的地方,下課後在校園裡遇見也會打招呼,非常親切。」此外,住宿式書院發起形形色色的活動,著重培養學生團隊協作、服務投入、文化參與、領導能力等也令譚心逸感受甚深。譚心逸說: 「我跟著書院同學去看音樂劇、體驗攀岩及音樂會,都讓我覺得十分新奇有趣,也非常期待即將來臨的書院晚宴。澳大生活最大不同在於我可以更充分去體驗生活,邁出舒適圈,積極嘗試不同的挑戰。」



葉一涵 Ye Yihan

談心逸 Tan Xinyi

Tsinghua students and students from Resident college  joined rock climbing lessons



Presentations and research discussions between Tsinghua students and UM professors