The University of Macau (UM) organises innovative programmes and activities on a regular basis to nurture technology professionals for Macao. Recently, UM’s Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion hosted the 2019 Macao Youth Innovation Challenge to provide professional guidance and training opportunities for winning students as well as students with outstanding performance. The centre also hosted the 2019 Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Youth Innovation Challenge to promote collaboration and exchange in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in science popularisation.
The Macao Youth Innovation Challenge was co-organised by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) and the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), with assistance from UM, the Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology of Macau, Macau Institute of Engineers, and Macao Innovation and Invention Association. Winners of the competition and those who did not win any awards but showed great potential at the competition will be invited to join a science and technology talent development programme organised by FDCT and DSEJ. The competition attracted more than 100 students from 15 secondary schools in Macao. Chief judges of the competition were Shu Degan, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xu Ao’ao, member of the International Academy of Astronautics; and Prof Iu Vai Pan from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, UM. Xue Quan, dean of the School of Electronic and Information Engineering at South China University of Technology, served as the principal judge. Prof Tam Kam Weng, director of UM’s Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion, served as the general-secretary. In addition, 48 faculty members and experts from Macao, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, were invited to serve as the reviewers.
In addition, the Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion hosted the 2019 Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Youth Innovation Challenge. During the event, teams from six schools in the GBA competed and exchanged ideas with their counterparts from Macao. In the future, the centre will continue to promote science popularisation and help develop Macao into a hub of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education in the GBA, in collaboration with FDCT.
UM hosts the 2019 Macao Youth Innovation Challenge
“二○一九全澳青少年創新挑戰賽” 圓滿舉行
The 2019 Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Youth Innovation Challenge attracts many students from the Greater Bay Area
“二○一九粵港澳青少年創新觀摩賽” 吸引大灣區學生參加
A group photo