Two professors from the University of Macau’s (UM) Department of Mathematics, namely Distinguished Professor Jin Xiaoqing and Full Professor Sun Haiwei, recently attended the Eighth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2019) held at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Both professors gave a 45-minute academic report. Prof Jin was also invited to serve as a member of the Executive Committee of the conference.
Initiated in 1998 by the world-renowned mathematician Prof Shing-Tung Yau, the ICCM is a triennial event that brings together Chinese and overseas mathematicians to discuss the latest developments and future directions in both pure and applied mathematics. It is the largest and most influential maths conference in the world.
At the conference, Prof Jin gave a presentation titled ‘A Brief Survey of Matrix Manifold Computation’. He discussed the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, and reformulated the problem as an underdetermined constrained nonlinear matrix equation over several matrix manifolds. He then proposed a Riemannian inexact Newton-CG method for solving the nonlinear matrix equation. Under some mild assumptions, he established the global and quadratic convergence of the proposed method. Prof Sun gave a presentation titled ‘Fast Algorithms for Numerical Solutions of Fractional Partial Differential Equations’. He discretised the fractional partial differential equation by the implicit finite difference scheme with the shifted Grunwald formula. The scheme is unconditionally stable and the coefficient matrix possesses a Toeplitz-like structure. He then explained several fast iterative methods for solving the resulting systems. He also discussed how the fast Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication is utilised to lower the computational cost with only O(N log N) complexity, where N is the number of grid points.
The research team in computational mathematics, led by Prof Jin, has achieved impressive results in the past decade. Team members have received two second prizes of the Natural Science Award from the Macao SAR government. Graduates from the department have also won numerous awards.
會上,金小慶以“矩陣梳形計算之簡要綜述”為題,介紹了非負矩陣特徵值反問題以及電子結構計算中一類特殊非線性特徵值問題。針對兩類問題,他分別提出兩類不同的非精確黎曼牛頓型演算法。在一定假設條件下,兩類方法均具有全局以及局部二次收斂的特性。孫海衛則以“分數階偏微分方程數值解的快速方法”為題,利用隱式格式結合帶位移的GL公式去離散分數階偏微分方程,這一離散格式無條件穩定,並且其系數矩陣具有擬托普利茲結構。他還介紹了幾類快速反覆運算法求解離散後的線性系統。其中,利用快速傅立葉變換,托普利茲矩陣乘以向量的計算量可以降低到N log N的數量級,這裡N是格點的個數。
Prof Jin Xiaoqing (left) at the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians
Sun Haiwei