
Chan Pak Ian, a first-year PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and the Institute of Microelectronics at the University of Macau (UM) received the 13th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award. He is one of the 89 awardees across the country and the only university student in Macao to receive this honour this year.

As the highest award for youth science and technology innovation in China, the China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award was established in 2004 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping and is jointly organised, reviewed, and selected by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, All-China Youth Federation, All-China Students’ Federation, and the National Permanent Standing Commission-Young Pioneers of China. Since 2004, more than 1,000 students have received this award. The organisers believe that Chan has already attained plenty of academic and creative achievements, developed a good sense of technological innovation, and has huge potential for innovation and growth. This is reflected by his recognition by leading international institutions that have published his research papers, the technology transfer of his research results, his outstanding academic performance, and his hard work and dedication during his undergraduate studies. Based on the above, Chan was awarded the China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award for his innovative spirit and ambition to serve the country through science and innovation.

Thanks to the guidance of Lam Chi Seng, associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the FST, the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and the Institute of Microelectronics at UM, Chan already produced a variety of research results during his undergraduate studies. He graduated from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the FST in 2022 and began his PhD studies in the department in August in the same year.

During his busy undergraduate studies, he spent his spare time working on a project titled ‘Practical Application of Advanced Controlled New Generation Current Quality Compensation Device’, which was funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR (File no: 0027/2021/A1). He has authored or co-authored six papers with team members of the above project. Two of them have been published by internationally-renowned journals in power electronics, namely IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (SCI, Q1) and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (SCI, Q1), and three of them have been published by the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. One of the papers is still under review process by the journals mentioned above.

In addition, Chan is actively involved in a UM project to apply a new generation current quality compensation device to the Macao Water Supply Company Limited. The research team is now discussing the details of production via an industrial platform with enterprises in mainland China. Chan also developed a new single-phase hybrid active power compensation device for his undergraduate final year project. The project received the FST Dean’s Honorary Award for Final Year Project and the Best Final Year Project Award of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It also won the championship of the IEEE IES Macao Chapter 2022 Undergraduate Project Competition. Chan entered the Dean’s Honor List every year during his undergraduate studies and received two MGM Elite Scholarships as well as one Macao Foundation Scholarship. Because of his outstanding academic and research achievements, he was admitted to UM as a direct PhD student and was awarded the UM PhD Assistantship.



在澳大科技學院電機及電腦工程系、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室、微電子研究院副教授林智聲的指導下,陳泊仁憑著本科時獲得的豐富研究成果獲此殊榮。陳泊仁是澳大科技學院電機及電腦工程系的2022年本科畢業生,並於今年8月份開始修讀該學系的博士課程。他在忙碌的本科學習中,利用課餘時間進行由澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金資助的“先進控制的新一代電流質量補償裝置的實際應用”項目(檔案編號:0027/2021/A1);他主導及協助團隊成員完成了6項上述項目的研究工作,其中兩項研究成果被收錄於國際著名電力電子期刊《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》(SCI一區)及《IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics》(SCI一區),3項被收錄於IEEE工業電子學會國際年度會議(IECON),還有1項正在被上述期刊審稿中。

此外,陳泊仁積極參與澳大研究團隊將新一代電流質量補償裝置的研究成果應用到澳門自來水股份有限公司的項目,現在團隊與國內企業商討工業化平台生產。在設計本科畢業項目期間,陳泊仁搭建了一個全新的單相混合有源濾波器補償裝置,並獲“科技學院畢業設計項目院長榮譽獎”、“電機及電腦工程系最佳畢業設計項目獎”、“IEEE IES澳門分會2022年本科項目競賽冠軍”等榮譽。大學四年,陳泊仁每一年都選入“院長榮譽榜名單”,並獲取兩次“美高梅展才獎學金”和一次“澳門基金會優秀在讀學生獎學金”。基於上述傑出的學術及研究成果,他被澳大直接錄取為直博生,並獲得“澳大博士生助學金”。


Chan Pak Ian (left) and Prof Lam Chi Seng

獎狀 Award and certificate