
4 UM graduates in Civil Engineering, namely Lei Ka Chon, Lin Fei I, Pak Kam In, and Leong Ion Man are awarded “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Outstanding Graduates Award in Civil Engineering” in 2021.

“Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Outstanding Graduates Award in Civil Engineering” has been established by the Civil Engineering and Architectural Society of Guangdong, and supported by Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology since 2017. The award is established for appreciating the excellent graduates in Civil Engineering and strengthening the exchange of students among high schools. After a series of assessment process, 42 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Graduates in Civil Engineering (including Engineering Management) received the award, of which 4 are UM graduates.

四名澳門大學土木工程系應屆畢業生李嘉俊、林菲兒、白錦賢、梁潤民榮獲2021年度 “粵港澳大灣區高校土木工程專業優秀本科畢業生獎”。

“粵港澳大灣區高校土木工程專業優秀本科畢業生獎”始創於2017年,由廣東省土木建築學會設立,廣東省科學技術協會支持,目標為獎勵粵港澳大灣區高等院校土木工程專業優秀本科畢業生,同時加強各高校學生交流。經過一輪評選工作,2021年度 “粵港澳大灣區高校土木工程專業優秀本科畢業生獎”共有42名粵港澳大灣區高等院校應屆本科土木工程專業(包括工程管理專業)畢業生獲獎,而澳門大學則佔四席。