The annual meeting of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Working Group to Investigate Climate Change and Global Trends of Phytoplankton in the Oceans (IOC WG TrendsPO) recently held its annual meeting at University of Macau and Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus. This conference brought together top scientists from 18 countries across Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Africa, to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing marine ecosystems. This conference not only fostered collaboration among research institutions worldwide, but also delved into how interdisciplinary cooperation can address the complex issues of global ocean conservation and climate change. The discussions held during this meeting are significant for advancing global marine ecological protection and responding to climate change.
During the meeting, experts engaged in thorough and productive discussions on a range of ocean-related topics , including qualitative and quantitative indicators of phytoplankton responses to ecosystem changes, the impact of human activities on phytoplankton ecology, and the effects of long-term climate change on red tides. Furthermore, the meeting delved into using molecular diversity data to predict phytoplankton changes and provided forward-looking analyses on the future development direction of the global ocean observing system.
The IOC WG TrendsPO consists of scientists from 18 countries spanning Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Africa. Established at the IOC 49th Executive Council in Paris in June 2016, the group focuses on exploring the intricate relationship between climate change and phytoplankton trends. Prof. Jie XU from the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Macau and Prof. Jacob Carstensen from Aarhus University are currently co-chair of the IOC WG TrendsPO.
聯合國科教文組織政府間海洋委員會海洋中氣候變化和浮游植物全球趨勢工作組(IOC WG TrendsPO)早前在澳門大學及中山大學珠海校區成功舉辦年度會議。此次盛會匯聚了來自亞洲、北美、南美、歐洲、澳大利亞和非洲等18個國家的頂尖科學家,共同探討海洋生態系統所面臨的挑戰與機遇。此次年會不僅促進了各國科研機構間的合作,更深入探討了如何通過跨學科合作來解決全球海洋保護和氣候變化中的複雜問題,對於促進全球海洋生態保護和應對氣候變化具有重要意義。
IOC WG TrendsPO工作組由來自亞洲、北美、南美、歐洲、澳大利亞和非洲等18個國家的科學家組成。該工作組於2016年6月在巴黎舉行的IOC第49屆執行委員會上成立,旨在探討氣候變化與浮游植物趨勢之間的複雜關係。目前,澳門大學科技學院徐杰副教授和奧胡斯大學Jacob Carstensen教授共同擔任IOC工作組(IOC WG TrendsPO)主席。