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Ka Io WONG黃家耀 Adjunct Professor |
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University (2012-date)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University (2005-2012)
- Academic Visitor, Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London. (2003-2005)
- Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. (2002-2003)
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (specialized in Traffic and Transportation Engineering), The University of Hong Kong (2002)
- B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Macau (1998)
- Guest editor (with Robert B. Noland and Michael G.H. Bell), Special Issue: The theory and practice of congestion charging, Transportation Research part A, 39, 567-834. (2005)
- Guest editor (with S.S. Ganji and Mohammad Najafi), Special Issue: Freight Transport and Sustainability, Research in Transportation Economics, forthcoming. (2012)
- Member of Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies (MHKSTS) (2007-present)
- Chartered Member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CMILT) (2009-present)
- Chartered Member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Macao (CMILT) (2015-present)
Research Interests
- Transport modeling
- Transportation network analysis
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Traffic simulation and modelling
- Demand response transport (DRT) and taxi services
Research Projects (Principal Investigator)
- Safety evaluation of mixed traffic vehicle interactions using video data (MOST 105-2221-E-009-141, 2016-2017)
- A resilience-based freight network design under disruptions (MOST 103-2221-E-009 -157, 2014-2015)
- Modeling driving behavior of powered two-wheelers for urban arterial streets (NSC 102-2221-E-009 -109, 2013-2014)
- A multimodal freight transport network design considering network reliability (NSC 101-2221-E-009 -130, 2012-2013)
- Towards a sustainable multimodal freight transportation system with network reliability (NSC 100-2221-E-009 -125, 2011-2012)
- Short-term urban traffic forecasting with spatio-temporal correlations (NSC 99-2221-E-009 -094, 2010-2011)
- Short-term travel time forecasting for urban network (NSC 98-2221-E-009 -108, 2009-2010)
- Waiting strategies for the dynamic vehicle routing problem with time windows (NSC 97-2221-E-009 -119, 2008-2009)
- An adaptive approach to the dynamic vehicle dispatching problem with an application to emergency medical services (NSC 96-2221-E-009 -122, 2007-2008)
- Road pricing modeling with dynamic traffic information (NSC 95-2221-E-009 -348, 2006-2007)
- Heuristics and strategies for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem (NSC 94-2420-H-009 -004, 2005-2006)
Consultancy/Government project (建交合作研究計劃 )
- Macau government projects joined with University of Macau and UMTEC
- 「澳門輕軌系統社會經濟效益分析研究」(澳門運輸建設辦公室委託研究計畫,與澳大創科有限公司合作,2014-2016)
- 「澳門交通出行調查研究 2014」( 澳門交通事務局委託研究計畫,與澳大創科有限公司合作,2014-2016)
- 「澳門交通路網分析:道路承載能力評估」顧問委託(澳門大學附屬澳大創科有限公司委託)(2009)
- 澳門交通出行調查 (Co-Investigator, 2009)
- 公共巴士的服務改善之研究 (Co-Investigator, 2008)
- 公共巴士服務的運作模式研究 (Co-Investigator, 2007)
- 台灣交通部計畫
- 混合車流模擬技術研發-機車行為研究,計劃主持人(交通部委託研究計畫,2015)
- 機車行為模式在都市混合車流中之實証分析及模式建立,計劃主持人(交通部委託研究計畫,2014)
Refereed Journals
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. and Yang, H. (2001) Modeling urban taxi services in congested road networks with elastic demand. Transportation Research, 35B, 819-842.
- Yang, H., Wong, K.I. and Wong, S.C. (2001) Modeling urban taxi services in road networks: progress, problem and prospect. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 35, 237-258.
- Yang, H., Wong, S.C. and Wong, K.I. (2002) Demand-supply equilibrium of taxi services in a network under competition and regulation. Transportation Research, 36B, 799-819.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Tong, C.O. (2003) The effect of perceived profitability on the level of taxi service in remote areas. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 79-94.
- Wong, S.C., Tong, C.O., Wong, K.I., Lam, W.H.K., Lo, H.K., Yang, H. and Lo, H.P. (2005) Estimation of multiclass origin-destination matrices from traffic counts. Journal of Urban Planning and Development – ASCE, 131, 19-29.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Tong, C.O., Lam, W.H.K., Lo, H.K., Yang, H. and Lo, H.P. (2005) Estimation of origin-destination matrices for a multimodal public transit network. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 39(2), 139-168.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Bell, M.G.H. and Yang, H. (2005) Modeling the bilateral micro-searching behavior for urban taxi services using the absorbing Markov chain approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 39(1), 81-104.
- Wong, K.I. and Bell, M.G.H. (2006) The optimal dispatching of taxis under congestion: a rolling horizon approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 40(2), 203-220.
- Wong, W.K.I., Noland, R.B. and Bell, M.G.H. (2005) Editorial, Special Issue: The theory and practice of congestion charging. Transportation Research, 39A, 567-570.
- Wong, K.I. and Bell, M.G.H. (2006) Solution of the Dial-a-Ride Problem with multi-dimensional capacity constraints. International Transactions in Operational Research, 13(3), 195-208.
- Yuen, C.W., Wong, K.I. and Han, Anthony F. (2009) Waiting strategies for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8, No.3/4, 314 – 329.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Wu, J.H. (2008) Modeling urban taxi services with multiple user classes and vehicle modes. Transportation Research part B, 42, 985-1007.
- Yang, Hai, Fung, C.S., Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. (2010) Nonlinear pricing of taxi services. Transportation Research part A, 44(5), 337-348.
- Wong, K. I. and Yu, Siou-An (2011) Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices for Mass Events: A Case of Macau Grand Prix. Journal of King Saud University (Science), 23, 281-292. doi:10.1016/j.jksus.2010.12.008
- Hau, Timothy D., Loo, Becky P.Y., Wong, K.I. and Wong, S.C. (2011) An Estimation of Efficient Time-Varying Tolls for Cross Harbor Tunnels in Hong Kong. Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 56, No. 4, 467-488. doi: 10.1142/S0217590811004432
- Szeto, W.Y., Jiang, Yu, Wong, K.I. and Solayappan, Muthu (2013) Reliability-based stochastic transit assignment with capacity constraints: formulation and solution method. Transportation Research part C, 35, 286-304. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2011.09.001
- Wong, K.I., Han, A.F. and Yuen, C.W. (2014) On Dynamic Demand Responsive Transport Services with Degree of Dynamism, Transportmetrica,10(1), 55-73. DOI:10.1080/18128602.2012.694491
- Wong, K.I. (2013) An Analysis of Car and Motorcycle ownerships in Macao. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 7(3), 204-225. DOI:10.1080/15568318.2013.710057
- Ganji, S.S., Wong, K.I. and Najafi, Mohammad (2013) Editorial, Special Issue: Freight transport and sustainability. Research in Transportation Economics, 42(1), 1-2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.retrec.2012.11.003
- Wong, K.I., Kou, K.P. and Wan, I.M. (2013) Travel characteristics in Macao: a small and gaming-led tourism city. Asian Geographer, 30(2), 169-180. DOI: 10.1080/10225706.2013.832558.
- Lee, Tzu-Chang and Wong, K.I. (2016) An agent-based model for queue formation of powered two-wheelers in heterogeneous traffic. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 461, p. 199–216.
Book Chapters
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Tong, C.O. (2002) A sensitivity-based solution algorithm for the network model of urban taxi services. In M.A.P. Taylor (ed) Transportation and Traffic Theory in the 21st Century, Elsevier Science Ltd., pp 23-42. (ISBN: 0-08-043926-8)
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Wu, J.H., Yang, H. and Lam, W.H.K. (2004) A combined distribution, hierarchical mode choice, and assignment network model with multiple user and mode classes. In D.H. Lee (ed.) Chapter 2, Urban and Regional Transportation Modeling: Essays in Honor of David Boyce. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Northampton, USA, pp 25-42. (ISBN: 1-84376-306-0)
- Bell, M.G.H., Wong, K.I. and Nicholson, A.J. (2005) A rolling horizon approach to the optimal dispatching of taxis. Paper presented at the 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 19-21 July, University of Maryland, USA. In H.S. Mahmassani (ed.) Transportation and Traffic Theory: Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, Elsevier Science Ltd., pp 629-648. (ISBN: 0-08-044680-9)
- Wong, K.I., Kurauchi, Fumitaka and Bell, M.G.H. (2007) On-line ambulance dispatching heuristics with the consideration of triage. Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 22-25 July, London, UK. In R.E. Allsop, M.G.H. Bell and B.G. Heydecker (ed.) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007, pp 461-481. (ISBN 978-0080453750)
Conference Papers and Presentations
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. and Yang, H. (1999) Calibration and validation of a network equilibrium taxi model for Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 4 December, Hong Kong, pp 249-258.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. and Yang, H. (2000) Modeling urban taxi services in congested road networks with elastic demand. Paper presented at the 79th TRB Annual Meeting, 9-13 January, Washington D.C., USA.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. and Yang, H. (2000) Computational efficiency of two solution algorithms for a urban taxi model. Proceeding of the Fifth Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 2 December, Hong Kong, pp 245-254.
- Yang, H., Wong, S.C. and Wong, K.I. (2001) Demand-supply equilibrium of taxi services under competition and regulation. Paper presented at the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 22-27 July, Seoul, Korea.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Wu, J.H. (2001) Formulation of a multi-class model for urban taxi services. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies , 1 December, Hong Kong, pp 240-249.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Tong, C.O. (2002) A sensitivity-based solution algorithm for the network model of urban taxi services. Paper presented at the First Research Workshop on Behaviors in Network, 22-24 August, Kokkaido, Japan.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C. and Yang, H. (2002) A network equilibrium model for urban taxi services with explicit consideration of perceived profitability. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 14 December, Hong Kong, pp 297-299.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Tong, C.O. (2003) The effect of perceived profitability on the level of taxi service in remote areas. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 29 October – 1 November, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Yang, H. and Wu, J.H. (2004) Modeling urban taxi services with multiple user classes and vehicle modes. Proceedings of the Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Advanced Modeling for Transit Supply and Passenger Demand, 19-20 January, Hong Kong, pp A1.1-A1.28.
- Wong, K.I., Wong, S.C., Bell, M.G.H. and Yang,H. (2004) Modeling the bilateral micro-searching behavior for urban taxi services using the absorbing Markov chain approach. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Behavior in Networks, 22-23 July, Seoul, South Korea, pp 201-210.
- Bell, M.G.H. and Wong, K.I. (2004) The optimal dispatching of taxis: a rolling horizon approach. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Behavior in Networks, 22-23 July, Seoul, South Korea, pp 211-220.
- Wong, K.I. and Bell, M.G.H. (2004) An evaluation of reliability of taxi service quality. Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability, 20-24 August, Christchurch & Queenstown, New Zealand, pp 8-13. (ISBN: 0-476-00858-1)
- Bell, M.G.H. and Wong, K.I. (2004) Post-Lighthill Traffic Flow Theory. Lecture in Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 24 November, University College London.
- Hau, T.D., Wong, K.I. and Wong, S.C. (2004) Estimating optimal tolls for cross harbour tunnels in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 11 December, Hong Kong, pp 420-422.
- Wong, K.I. (2005) The optimal dispatching of taxis: a rolling horizon approach. Research Seminar Series at Centre for Transport Studies, 9 February, Imperial College London.
- Wong, K.I. and Bell, M.G.H. (2005) Solution of the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP) with multi-dimensional capacity constraints. 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), July 11-15, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Wong, K.I., Hor, K. and Bell, M.G.H. (2005) Efficient heuristics for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem. Fourth IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Transport: A Conference in Honour of Richard Allsop, 7 – 9 September, University College London, UK.
- Wong, K.I. (2005) Strategies for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 10 December, Hong Kong, pp 551-559.
- Wong K.I. (2006) Heuristics and strategies for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem. International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 5-7 January, Hong Kong, paper code: 0215.
- Han, Anthony F., Wong, K.I. and Lai, Yu-Ting (2006) Strategies for dynamic vehicle dispatching under different demand patterns. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 9-11 December, Hong Kong, pp 217-225.
- Yuen, C.W., Wong, K.I. and Han, Anthony F. (2007) Waiting strategies for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem. In Proceedings of International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 4-6 December, Taipei, Taiwan. Also presented in the Twelve International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 8-10 December, Hong Kong.
- Wong, K.I., Tsai, Augustine, Tsai, C.H., Liou, J. S. and Tang, C. S. (2008) Travel Time Estimation for Arterial Network. ITS annual conference: The Next Generation, 7-8 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Szeto, W.Y., Solayappan, Muthu and Wong, K.I. (2009) Reliability-based stochastic transit assignment with capacity constraints. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport (CASPT), 20-22 July 2009, Hong Kong.
- Wan, I.M., Wong, K.I. and Kou, K.P. (2009) Highlights of the 2009 travel characteristics survey of Macao. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 10-12 December, Hong Kong, pp 263-265.
- Hsieh, Ya-Chen and Wong, K.I. (2009) Short-term traffic flow forecasting for urban roads. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 10-12 December, Hong Kong, pp 779-788.
- Wong, K.I., Lee, Paul T.-W., Szeto, W.Y. and Lai, G. H. (2010) A multimodal network design problem for domestic container transportation with short sea shipping. The 12th World Conference on Transport Research, 11-15 July, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Yu, Siou-An and Wong, K. I. (2010) Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices for Mass Events: A Case of Macau Grand Prix. In Proceedings of the International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 8-10 December, Taichung, Taiwan. (in Chinese) (余修安,黃家耀 (2010)大型事件起迄矩陣推估之研究-以澳門格蘭披治大賽車為例,收錄於中華民國運輸學會99年學術論文國際研討會,99年12月。)
- Hsieh, Ya-Chen and Wong, K.I. (2010) Short-term traffic flow forecasting for urban roads. In Proceedings of International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 8-10 December, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Wong, K.I. and Hsieh, Ya-Chen (2010) Short-term traffic flow forecasting for urban roads using Space-time ARIMA. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 11-14 December, Hong Kong.
- Wan, I.M. and Wong, K.I. (2010) On the path towards sustainable transportation for gaming-led tourism city: the case of Macao. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU), 15-17 December, Hong Kong.
- Wong, K.I. and Lin, Hung-Ling (2011) Modeling household car and motorcycle ownership: a case of Macao. In Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, 19-23 June, Jeju, Korea
- Lai, G.H. and Wong, K.I. (2011) A Study for Domestic Container Transportation with Short Sea Shipping and an Analysis of External Costs in Taiwan, In Proceedings of International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 1-2 December, Hsinchu, Taiwan.(in Chinese) (賴冠豪、黃家耀(2011) 國內貨櫃短程航運運輸之研究與外部成本分析,收錄於中華民國運輸學會100 年學術論文國際研討會,100年12月,台灣新竹,pp 2112-2130.)
- Wong, K.I. and Lai, G.H. (2011) External costs of intermodal transportation for inland container transport: an empirical study of Taiwan. Presented in the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for
Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 17-20 December, Hong Kong. - Wong, K.I., Lee, Paul T.W., and Szeto, W.Y. (2012) Modeling the external costs of domestic container transport in a freight transportation network approach. In Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference, 6-8th September, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wang, J.Y., Wong, K.I. and Chen, Y.Y. (2012) Short-term Travel Time Estimation and Prediction for Long Freeway Corridor using NN and regression. 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 16-19, 582-587.
- Wong, K.I., Wang, J.Y. and Chen, Y.Y. (2012) Travel Time Estimation and Prediction for Long Freeway Corridor. Presented in the 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 15-17 December, Hong Kong.
- Li, Yi-Ju , Wang, Hung-Chieh and Wong , K.I. (2013) Analysis and comparison of vehicle lane-changing models for urban arterials under various scenarios. In Proceedings of International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 5-6 December, Yilan, Taiwan. (in Chinese) (李易如 李易如 、王鴻 傑、 黃家耀(2013) 小汽車於市區道路各情景下之變換車道行為模式分析及比較,收錄於中華民國運輸學會102 年學術論文國際研討會,102年12月)
- Jhu, Jhih-Jie and Wong , K.I. (2013) Travel Time Prediction for Freeway Using Vehicle Detector and Automatic Vehicle Identification Data. In Proceedings of International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, 5-6 December, Yilan, Taiwan. (in Chinese) (朱志杰、黃家耀(2013) 使用車輛偵測器和自動車輛辨識之資料預測高速公路旅行時間,收錄於中華民國運輸學會102 年學術論文國際研討會,102年12月)
- Wong, K.I., Wang, H.-C., Li, Y.-J., Lee, T.-C., Hsu, T.-P. and Chang, G.-L. (2013) Modelling driving behavior of powered two-wheelers in mixed traffic flow. Proceedings in the 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 14-16 December, Hong Kong.
- Lee, T.-C., Wong, K.I., Hsu, T.-P. and Chang, G.-L. (2013) Modelling the formation of queues made by a cluster of powered two-wheelers at signalised intersection. Proceedings in the 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 14-16 December, Hong Kong.
- 曾家瑜、黃維皓、羅峻庭、黃家耀 (2014) ,利用空中拍攝進行交通調查之可行性研究,中華民國運輸學會103年學術論文國際研討會,12月4-5日,南投,台灣。
- Hsu, C.I., Huang, Y.C. and Wong, K.I. (2014) Contagion Effect of Natural Disasters on International Cargo Flow by Industries. The 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 13-15 December, Hong Kong.
- Luo, J.T., Huang, Y.C. and Wong, K.I. (2014) The feasibility of aerial videography using multicopter for traffic surveys. The 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 13-15 December, Hong Kong. (Poster)
- Wong, K.I. and Lee, T.-C. (2015) Investigating the Heterogeneity in Driving Behavior of Powered Two-Wheelers under Mixed Traffic Flow. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 11th – 15th January 2015, Washington, D.C.
- Lee, T.-C. and Wong, K.I. (2015) Modeling the Formation of Queues by a Cluster of Powered Two-Wheelers at Signalized Intersections Using Discrete Panel Data. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 11th – 15th January 2015, Washington, D.C.
- Wong, K.I., Lee, T.-C. and Chen, Y.-Y. (2015) Traffic Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow in Urban Arterials. The 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 11-14 September 2015, Philippines, Cebu. (Accepted for publication in Asian Transport Studies)
- 黃郁傑、陳彥佑、黃家耀 (2015) 混合車流號誌化路口疏解時間預測模式之研究,中華民國運輸學會104年學術論文國際研討會,12月3-4日,基隆,台灣。
- Lo, H.Y., Liu, P.C., Chen, Y.Y. and Wong, K.I. (2015) Traffic characteristics of mixed traffic flow in roundabouts. The 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
- Liao, C.H., Chen, Y.Y. and Wong, K.I. (2015) Crash surrogate measures for mixed traffic flow. The 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
- Wong, K.I., Chen, Y.Y., Luo, J.T. and Lee, T.-C. (2016) Modeling the behavior of powered two-wheelers near a bus stop in mixed traffic. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 10th – 14th January 2016, Washington, D.C.
Contact Details
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau, E11
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa,
Macau, China
Telephone: +886-(0)3-5131219
Fax: (853) 8822-2426
Email: kiwong@mail.nctu.edu.tw