I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Macau, leading the Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Research Group (NLP2CT Lab). I am working on natural language processing, focusing on deep learning and machine translation. I received the Second Prize in the Technological Invention Award and the Second-class Prize in the Science and Technology Progress Award category of the Macao Science and Technology Award in 2022 and 2012, respectively. My recent NSFC, MOST, and FDCT projects focus on low-resource machine translation.

Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Machine Learning


  • 06-2024: I am excited to receive the university-level Teaching Excellence Award, presented at the 2024 Congregation held on June 2.
  • 05-2024: I have been invited to serve as an Action Editor for TACL.
  • 05-2024: We have one paper accepted to the ACL 2024 main conference and six ACL Findings papers. Congratulations to Shanshan Wang, Runzhe Zhan, Jianhui Pang, Kaixin Lan, and all co-authors. Check out our papers on What is the Best Way for ChatGPT to Translate Poetry?, Prefix Text as a Yarn: Eliciting Non-English Alignment in Foundation Language Model, FOCUS: Forging Originality through Contrastive Use in Self-Plagiarism for Language Models, Anchor-based Large Language Models, Benchmarking and Improving Long-Text Translation with Large Language Models, Domain-Aware k-Nearest-Neighbor Knowledge Distillation for Machine Translation, and Towards Demonstration-Aware Large Language Models for Machine Translation.
  • 03-2024: Received the Teaching Excellence Award, presented by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM).
  • 02-2024: We have three papers accepted to the LREC-COLING 2024 main conference. Congratulations to Jianhui Pang, Guanhua Chen, Xinyu Ma, and all co-authors. Check out our papers on MoNMT: Modularly Leveraging Monolingual and Bilingual Knowledge for Neural Machine Translation, A Two-Stage Prediction-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Multi-Intent NLU, and 3AM: An Ambiguity-Aware Multimodal Machine Translation Dataset.
  • 10-2023: We have a paper accepted to the EMNLP 2023. Congratulations to Andy Cheang and all co-authors. Check out our paper on Can LMs Generalize to Future Data? An Empirical Analysis on Text Summarization.
  • 06-2023: Our paper, Rethinking the Exploitation of Monolingual Data for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation, was accepted by Computational Linguistics. 
  • 05-2023: We have five papers accepted to the ACL 2023 main conference, and two ACL Findings papers. Congratulations to Runzhe Zhan, Tao Fang, Shudong Liu, and all co-authors. Check out our papers on Test-time Adaptation for Machine Translation Evaluation by Uncertainty Minimization, kNN-TL: k-Nearest-Neighbor Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation, Revisiting Commonsense Reasoning in Machine Translation: Training, Evaluation and Challenge, Toward Human-Like Evaluation for Natural Language Generation with Error Analysis, TemplateGEC: Improving Grammatical Error Correction with Detection Template, Improving Grammatical Error Correction with Multimodal Feature Integration, and TransGEC: Improving Grammatical Error Correction with Translationese.
  • 02-2023: Our demo paper was accepted by the EACL 2023. Congratulations to Jingkun Ma and Runzhe Zhan. Check out the paper on Yu Sheng: Human-in-Loop Classical Chinese Poetry Generation System and the online system at: https://yusheng.cis.um.edu.mo/.
  • University of Macau, Macau SAR
    • Jul. 2022 ~ Jun. 2023: Interim Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology
    • Aug. 2017 ~ present: Associate Professor
    • Feb. 2008 ~ Jul. 2017: Assistant Professor
    • Sep. 2005 ~ Jan. 2008: Research Fellow
  • Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
    • Sep. 2018 ~ Nov. 2018: Visiting Scholar
  • Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering of Macau, INESC-Macau, Macau SAR (2nd Appointment)
    • Feb. 2008 ~ Dec. 2011: Project Manager
    • Sep. 2005 ~ Jan. 2008: Research Fellow
  • University-level Teaching Excellence Award 2023/2024, University of Macau, 2024.
  • FST Teaching Excellence Award 2023/2024, University of Macau, 2024.
  • The Second Prize of the Technological Invention Award, Macao Science and Technology Award 2022
  • 2021/2022 Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff, presented by the University of Macau Development Foundation (UMDF) of the University of Macau (UM), 2022.
  • FST Research Excellence Award, presented by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM), 2022.
  • FST Teaching Excellence Award 2017/2018, University of Macau, 2018.
  • The Second Prize of Macau Science and Technology Progress Award, Macao Science and Technology Award 2012.
  • Research on Chinese-Oriented Low-Resource Machine Translation Technologies, NSFC-FDCT, FDCT/060/2022/AFJ, 2023/01-2025/12, PI.
  • Modularized Semantic Neural Machine Translation: Fundamentals & Application, MOST-FDCT, FDCT/070/2022/AMJ, 2022/12-2025/12, PI.
  • Pretraining-based Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation, MYRG, MYRG-GRG2023-00006-FST-UMDF, 2024/01-2025/12, PI.
  • Large Language Models for Machine Translation with Enhanced Discourse Modeling, Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird, 2023/07-2024/06, PI.
  • Research of Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation, MYRG, MYRG2020-00054-FST, 2021/01-2023/12, PI.
  • How does a Machine Translate Human Language? The 4th Macau Young Scientists Conference Seminars and Award Ceremony, Macau, 2022
  • Advances in Neural Network Machine Translation and Its Applications, The NewTranx Forum: The Fourth Lecture, Shenzhen, 2022
  • Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Research, Artificial Intelligence & International Communication Forum, Beijing, 2022
  • Word or Attributes: Learning Better Bilingual Word Embeddings for NMT, First Symposium on Frontiers of Science and Technology, University of Macau, 2022
  • Neural Machine Translation Model Training & Evaluation Methods, Beihang University, 2021
  • Difficulty-Aware NMT Model Training & Evaluation Methods, The 2021 International Conference on Big Data and Machine Intelligence: Models, Algorithms and Applications (ICBM), 2021
  • A Cognitive Perspective for Understanding NMT Training and Evaluation, The Alibaba Apsara Conference 2021, 2021
  • Probing the Learning of an NMT Model and Its Training Strategy, NiuTrans Forum: The First Online Machine Translation Forum, 2021
  • Will AI Replace Human Translators? TEDx Senado Square 2020, 2020
  • Enhancing Neural MT via Linguistic Information, The iFLYTEK 1024 Global Developer Fest, 2019
  • Deep Learning for Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation, Coimbra University, Portugal, 2019
  • Intelligent Translation Technologies: Building Multilingual Translation Ecosystem, Fábrica de Startup Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019
  • Linguistic Inspired Machine Translation Model, Huawei Noah Ark Lab, 2019
  • The Research of Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Based on Deep Learning, Tsinghua University, 2019
  • Recent MT Research in UM: An Application to Portuguese-Chinese Translation, University of Macau, 2019
  • Enhancing NMT via Linguistic Information, ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland, 2018
  • Bidirectional Hierarchical Representations for Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation, Soochow University, 2017
  • Chinese-Portuguese MT: Toward Better Chinese Word Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation via Graph Knowledge Constraints, The 16th China-Japan Natural Language Processing Joint Promotion Conference (CJNLP 2016), Shenyang, China, 2016
  • Data
    • UM-Corpus: A large, multi-domain English-Chinese parallel corpus (Tian et al., 2014).
    • UM-pCorpus: A Large Portuguese-Chinese Parallel Corpus (Chao et al., 2018).
  • Software
    • UM-CAT: The University of Macau’s online computer-aided translation platform for Portuguese, Chinese, and English.
    • UM-NMT: An online neural machine translation for Portuguese and Chinese.
    • Pomotion: Portuguese Morphological Variation analyzer, featured with word lemmatizer and verb conjugation.
  • Graduate Courses
    • Fall, 2019 ~ 2021 Data Science and Data Visualization
    • Fall, 2016 ~ 2021 Applied Natural Language Processing
    • Spring, 2012 ~ 2015 Machine Translation
    • Fall, 2016 University Teaching II
    • Spring, 2015 University Teaching I
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Spring 2018 ~ 2021 Natural Language Processing
    • Fall 2018 Introduction to Database Systems
    • Fall, 2012 ~ 2017 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
    • Fall, 2018 Computer Organization
    • Fall, 2009 ~ 2017 Compiler Construction
  • Current Students
    • Cuilian Zhang, PhD, since 2017
    • Mingzhou Xu, PhD, since 2017
    • Yu Wan, PhD, since 2018
    • Wai Lei Song, Master, since 2019
    • Tao Fang, PhD, since 2020
    • Songsheng Wang, PhD, since 2020
    • Jianjui Pang, PhD, since 2020
    • Zhaocong Li, Master, since 2020
    • Yanming Sun, Master, since 2020
    • Zefeng Du, Master, since 2020
    • Zhihong Huang, Master, since 2020
    • Runzhe Zhan, PhD, since 2021
    • Shanshan Wang, PhD, since 2022
    • Guanhua Chen, PhD, since 2023
  • Organizations
    • 2023 ~ present: Member, NLPCC  Technical Committee, China Computer Federation (CCF)
    • 2019 ~ present: Member, Machine Translation Steering Committee, Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS)
    • 2019 ~ 2021: Member-at-Large, Executive Committee Members, Asian Federation of Natural Language (AFNLP)
    • 2019 ~ present: Vice President, Board of Director, Macau Greater Bay Area Artificial Intelligence Institute
    • 2015 ~ 2016: Chair, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Hong Kong – Macau Joint Chapter
    • 2012 ~ present: Member, Board of Director, Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS)
    • 2012 ~ present: President, Board of Director, Macau Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) Association
    • 2010 ~ present: Vice President, Board of Supervisors, Macau Society of Biomedical Engineering (MSBME)
  • Journals
    • Associate Editor: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (TASLP, 2023~present)
    • Associate Editor: ACM Transactions on Asian and Low Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP, 2022~present)
    • Action Editor: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL, 2024~present)
    • Action Editor: ACL Rolling Review (ARR, 2023~present)
    • Editorial Board Member: Machine Translation Journal, Springer (2019~present)
    • Editorial Board Member: Natural Language Processing, Elsevier (2022~present)
    • Reviewer: ACL Rolling Review (ARR, 2021), Computational Linguistics (CL, 2020~present), Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL, 2020~2022), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP, 2016~present), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP, 2015~present), Neurocomputing (2021~present)
  • Conferences
    • Organizer: MT Summit (2023), IJCAI (2019), CWMT (2014), O-COCOSDA (2012)
    • Program Co-Chair: NLPCC (2024), CWMT (2017), O-COCOSDA (2012)
    • Senior PC Member/Area Chair: NAACL (2024), ECAI (2024), IJCAI (2020)
    • Area Co-Chair: LREC-COLING (2024), EMNLP (2020), CCL (2016, 2019, 2021), NLPCC (2019, 2021)
    • Demo Co-Chair: AACL-IJCNLP (2020), EMNLP (2019)
    • Publication Co-Chair: COLING (2020), IJCNLP (2017)
    • Local Organization Committee Member: EMNLP-IJCNLP (2019), IJCAI (2019), CWMT (2014)
    • Sponsorship Co-Chair: NLPCC (2020), WAIM (2014)
    • Student Research Workshop Co-Chair: IJCNLP-AACL (2023), ACL-IJCNLP (2021)
    • PC Member: ICML (2021~ ), ICLR (2021~ ), NeurIPS (2020~ ), AAAI (2019~ ), IJCAI (2019~ ), ACL (2014~ ), EMNLP (2015~ ), NAACL-HLT (2016~ ), EACL (2021), MT Summit (2021), COLING (2014, 2018, 2020), CCL (2016~ ), NLPCC (2015, 2018~ )

Copyright © Derek F. Wong. Last Updates: 2021-08