Book Chapter

  1. Wang-Ji Yan, Lambros Katafygiotis, Costas Papadimitriou, “Fast Bayesian Approach for Stochastic Model Updating Incorporating Modal Information from Multiple Setups”, Chapter 7 in “Bayesian Inverse Problems”, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

Journal Paper

  1. Mo J, Wang-Ji Yan*. StocIPNet: A Novel Probabilistic Interpretable Network with Affine-Embedded Reparameterization Layer for High-Dimensional Stochastic Inverse Problems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  220 (2024): 111623. (JCR Q1) 
  2. TT Hao, Wang-Ji Yan*, JB Chen, TT Sun, KV Yuen, Multi-Output Multi-Physics-Informed Neural Network for Learning Dimension-Reduced Probability Density Evolution Equation with Unknown Spatio-Temporal-Dependent Coefficients. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  221(2024): 111683. (JCR Q1)  
  3. YS Liu, Wang-Ji Yan*, KV Yuen, WH Zhou, Element-wise Parallel Learning for Structural Distributed Damage Detection by Leveraging Physical Properties of Long-Gauge Static Strain Transmissibility under Moving Loads, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  221 (2024): 111680. (JCR Q1)
  4. MH Ping, XY Jia, C Papadimitriou, X Han, C Jiang, Wang-Ji Yan*, A hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework for identification of Non-Gaussian processes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  208(2024): 110968. (JCR Q1) 
  5. Peng Yuen, KV Yuen*, M. Beer, C.S. Cai, Wang-Ji Yan,  A non-iterative partitioned computational method with the energy conservation property for time-variant dynamic systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 209 (2024): 111105. (JCR Q1)
  6. WJ Zhang, KV Yuen*, Wang-Ji Yan,  Active learning aided Bayesian nonparametric general regression for model updating using modal data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 204(2023): 110830. (JCR Q1)
  7. LF Mei, Wang-Ji Yan*, KV Yuen, WX Ren, M Beer, Transmissibility-based damage detection with hierarchical clustering enhanced by multivariate probabilistic distance accommodating uncertainty and correlation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  202(2023): 11072. (JCR Q1)   https://10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110702
  8. XA Yan, Wang-Ji Yan*, YD Xu, KV Yuen,  Multi-sensor fault diagnosis based on adaptive multivariate feature mode decomposition and multi-attention fusion residual convolutional neural network. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 202(2023): 110664. (JCR Q1)   https://10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110664 
  9. ZC Wang, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen. A transfer matrix method-based closed-form solution of sensitivities of dynamic properties and FRF for multi-span pipes under complex boundary conditions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 198 (2023): 110428. (JCR Q1)  
  10. Xinyu Jia, Wang-Ji Yan*, Costas Papadimitriou, and Ka-Veng Yuen. An analytically tractable solution for hierarchical Bayesian model updating with variational inference scheme. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 189 (2023): 110060. (JCR Q1) 
  11. Mo Jiang, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen, and Michael Beer. Efficient inner-outer decoupling scheme for non-probabilistic model updating with high dimensional model representation and Chebyshev approximation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 188 (2023): 110040. (JCR Q1)
  12. Ping Menghao, Xinyu Jia, Costas Papadimitriou, Xu Han, Chao Jiang, and Wangji Yan. A hierarchical Bayesian framework embedded with an improved orthogonal series expansion for Gaussian processes and fields identification. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 187 (2023): 109933. (JCR Q1)
  13. Wang-Ji Yan*, Hao T.T., Yuen, K.V., Papadimitriou C (2022): Monitoring gross vehicle weight with a probabilistic and influence line-free bridge weight-In-motion scheme based on a transmissibility-like index. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177, 109133. (JCR Q1) 
  14. Yuen K.V.*, Liu Y.S., Wang-Ji Yan* (2022): Estimation of time-varying noise parameters for unscented Kalman filter. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 180, 109439. (JCR Q1)
  15. Wang-Ji Yan*, Feng, Z.Q., Yang, W., Yuen, K.V. (2022): Bayesian inference for the dynamic properties of long-span bridges under vortex-induced vibration with Scanlan’s model and dense optical flow scheme. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 174, 109078. (JCR Q1)
  16. Wang-Ji Yan*, DimitriosChronopoulos, Ka-VengYuen, Yi-Chen Zhu (2022): Structural anomaly detection based on probabilistic distance measures of transmissibility function and statistical threshold selection scheme, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162, 108009. (JCR Q1)
  17. Wang-Ji Yan*, Shi-Ze Cao, Wei-Xin Ren, Ka-Veng Yuen, et al. (2021): Vectorization and distributed parallelization of Bayesian model updating based on a multivariate complex-valued probabilistic model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 156, 107615. (JCR Q1)
  18. Meng-Yun Zhao, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen, Micheal Beer, (2021): Non-Probabilistic uncertainty quantification for dynamic characterization functions using complex ratio interval arithmetic operation of multidimensional parallelepiped model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 156, 107559. (JCR Q1)
  19. Wang-Ji Yan*, Dimitrios Chronopoulos, Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla, Ka-Veng Yuen, Costas Papadimitriou (2020): A fast Bayesian inference scheme for identification of local structural properties of layered composites based on wave and finite element-assisted metamodeling strategy and Ultrasound measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143,106802. (JCR Q1)
  20. Wang-Ji Yan*, Meng-Yun Zhao, Micheal Beer, Wei-Xin Ren, Dimitrios Chronopoulos (2020): A unified scheme to solving arbitrary complex-valued ratio distribution with application to statistical inference for frequency response functions and transmissibility functions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143,106802.(JCR Q1)
  21. Wang-Ji Yan*, Papadimitriou C, Katafygiotis LS, Chronopoulos D. (2020): An analytical perspective on Bayesian uncertainty quantification and propagation in mode shape assembly. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 135: 106376. (JCR Q1)
  22. Wang-Ji Yan*, Meng-Yun Zhao, Qian Sun and Wei-Xin Ren (2019): Transmissibility-based system identification for structural health monitoring: Fundamentals, approaches and applications. Mechanical Systems and Signal Proessing, Vol. 117, pp. 453-482. (JCR Q1) 
  23. Wang-Ji Yan*, Long Yang, Xia Yang and Wei-Xin Ren (2019): Statistical modeling for fast Fourier transform coefficients of operational vibration measurements with non-Gaussianity using complex-valued t distribution. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 132, pp.293-314. (JCR Q1)
  24. Wang-Ji Yan* and Lambros Katafygiotis (2019): An analytical investigation into the propagation properties of uncertainty in a two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 118, pp. 503-533. (JCR Q1)
  25. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2019): Two notes on Circularly-symmetric complex normal ratio distribution for scalar transmissibility functions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 133. 106285. (JCR Q1)
  26. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2018): Circularly-symmetric complex normal ratio distribution for scalar transmissibility functions. Part III: Application to statistical modal analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 98, pp. 1000-1019. (JCR Q1)
  27. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2016): Circularly-symmetric complex normal ratio distribution for scalar transmissibility functions. Part II: Probabilistic models and validation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 80, pp.78-98. (JCR Q1)
  28. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2016): Circularly-symmetric complex normal ratio distribution for scalar transmissibility functions. Part I: Fundamentals. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 80, 58-77. (JCR Q1)
  29. Wang-Ji Yan* and Lambros Katafygiotis (2015): A two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis. Part II: mode shape assembly and case studies. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol.54, pp.156-171.(JCR Q1)
  30. Wang-Ji Yan* and Lambros Katafygiotis (2015): A two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis. Part I: posterior most probable value and uncertainty. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol.54, pp.139-155.(JCR Q1)
  31. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2012): Statistical structural damage detection based on the closed-form of element modal strain energy sensitivity. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol.28, pp.183-194.(JCR Q1)
  32. Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen (2020): A new probabilistic frequency-domain approach for influence line extraction from static transmissibility measurements under unknown moving loads, Engineering Structures, 468, 115083.(JCR Q1)
  33. Wang-Ji Yan*, Dimitrios Chronopoulos, Costas Papadimitriou, Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla and Guo Shu Zhu (2020): Bayesian inference for damage identification based on analytical probabilistic model of scattering coefficient estimators and ultrafast wave scattering simulation scheme. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, 115083.(JCR Q1)
  34. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2018): Generalized proper complex Gaussian ratio distribution and its application to statistical inference for frequency response functions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 144(9): 04018080.(JCR Q2)
  35. Wang-Ji Yan, Hua-Ping Wan and Wei-Xin Ren (2017): Analytical local and global sensitivity of power spectrum density functions for structures subject to stochastic excitation. Computers and Structures, 182, pp.325-336.(JCR Q1)
  36. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2017): Commentary discussion of ‘Numerical methods for evaluating the sensitivity of element modal strain energy’. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 137, pp. 40-42. (JCR Q1)
  37. Wang-Ji Yan* and Lambros Katafygiotis (2016): Application of transmissibility matrix and random matrix to Bayesian system identification with response measurements only. Smart Materials and Structures, 25, pp.105017. (JCR Q1)
  38. Wang-Ji Yan, Zhou-Quan Feng and Wei-Xin Ren (2016): New insights into coherence analysis with a view towards extracting structural natural frequencies under operational conditions. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 77, pp.187-202. (JCR Q1)
  39. Wang-Ji Yan* and Lambros Katafygiotis (2015): A novel Bayesian approach for structural model updating utilizing statistical modal information from multiple setups. Structural Safety, Vol.52, pp.260-271. (JCR Q1)
  40. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2015): An enhanced power spectral density transmissibility (EPSDT) approach for operational modal analysis: theoretical and experimental investigation. Engineering Structures, Vol. 102, pp.108-119. (JCR Q1)
  41. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2014): A closed-form of modal flexibility sensitivity and its application in structural damage detection. Journal of Vibration and Control, 20, No.12, pp.1816-1830. (JCR Q1)
  42. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2013): Use of continuous wavelet transmissibility for operational modal identification. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.139, No.9, pp.1444-1456. (JCR Q2)
  43. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2012): Operational modal parameter identification from power spectrum density transmissibility. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.27, No.3, pp.202-217. (JCR Q1)
  44. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren (2011): A direct algebraic method to calculate the sensitivity of element modal strain energy. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.27, No.5, pp. 694-710. (JCR Q2)
  45. Wang-Ji Yan, Tian-Li Huang and Wei-Xin Ren (2010): Damage detection method based on element modal strain energy sensitivity. Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp.1075-1088. (JCR Q3)
  46. Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan*, Wei-Xin Ren, Linbo Cao and Hai-Yi Wu. (2023) Quantification of Statistical Error in the Estimate of Strain Power Spectral Density Transmissibility for Operational Strain Modal Analysis . Structural Control and Health Monitoring, (JCR Q1)
  47. Lin-Feng Mei, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen, Michael Beer. (2022) Structural novelty detection Based on Laplace asymptotic expansion of the Bhattacharyya distance of transmissibility function and Bayesian resampling scheme. Journal of Sound and Vibration 540: 117277. (JCR Q1)
  48. Yan Xiaoan, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen, Zhixin Yang, and Xianbo Wang. An adaptive variational mode extraction method based on multi-domain and multi-objective optimization for bearing fault diagnosis. Structural Health Monitoring, (2022): 14759217221133283. (JCR Q1)
  49. Zhi-Wei Chen*, Long Zhao, Wang-Ji Yan*, Ka-Veng Yuen and Chen Wu. (2022) A statistical influence line identification method using Bayesian regularization and a polynomial interpolating function. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e3080. (JCR Q1) 
  50. Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan*, and Wei-Xin Ren*. (2021) Analytical investigation into error propagation of power spectral density transmissibility (PSDT) based on coherence function. Journal of Sound and Vibration 514: 116429. (JCR Q1)
  51. Zechao Wang, Mingyao Liu, Wang-Ji Yan*, et al. (2021) A Model-Driven Scheme to Compensate the Strain-Based Non-Intrusive Dynamic Pressure Measurement for Hydraulic Pipe. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70: 1-12. (JCR Q1)
  52. T.T. Hao, C.J. Wang, Wang-Ji Yan*, W.X. Ren, K.V. Yuen (2021): Experimental investigation on the dynamic responses of vented hydrogen explosion in a 40-foot container. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (36): 19229-19243. (JCR Q1)
  53. Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan* and Wei-Xin Ren* (2019): Application of transmissibility measurements to operational modal analysis of railway, highway, and pedestrian cable-stayed bridges, Measurements: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 148, 106880. (JCR Q1)
  54. Wang-Bao Zhou and Wang-Ji Yan* (2017): Refined nonlinear finite element modelling towards ultimate bending moment calculation for concrete composite beams under negative moment. Thin-walled Structures, Vol. 116, pp. 201-211. (JCR Q1)
  55. Wang-Bao Zhou, Shu-Jin Li and Wang-Ji Yan* (2016): Practical formulas towards distortional buckling failure analysis for steel-concrete composite beams. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 25, No. 18, pp.1055-1072. (JCR Q3)
  56. Feng Z., Zhang J., Xuan X., Wang Y., Hua X., Chen Z. and Wang-Ji Yan, Bayesian time domain approach for damping identification and uncertainty quantification in stay cables using free vibration response. Engineering Structures, 315, 2024, 118477. (JCR Q1)
  57. Zhang, W.J., Yuen, K.V. and Wang-Ji Yan, 2024. Two‐stage nonparametric framework for missing data imputation, uncertainty quantification, and incorporation in system identification. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. (JCR Q1)
  58.   Zhang, L., Wang, Z.C., Wei, Q., Li, R.Y., Zhou, Z.D., Wang-Ji Yan, et al. 2024. A novel fiber Bragg grating-based smart clamp with macro strain measurement: design, modeling, and application to incipient looseness detection. Structural Health Monitoring, p.14759217241245303. (JCR Q1)
  59. Wang, Z.C., Gao, P.X., Zhou, Z.D., Tijsseling, A.S., Qu, Y.Z., Wang-Ji Yan, et al., 2023. A Numerically Stable Flexural Dynamics Model of Complex Multi-span Fluid-conveying Pipes with Flexible Components and its Application to Clamp Stiffness Identification. Thin-Walled Structures, p.111488. (JCR Q1)
  60. Wang, Z.C., Qu, Y.Z., Wang-Ji Yan, Yuen, K.V., et al., 2023. Transfer matrix Method-based dynamic model to compensate the pulsating pressure in Strain-based nonintrusive pressure measurement for the L-shaped pipe. Measurements: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 218, p.113149.
  61. Q. Sun, C. Rainieri, W.X. Ren, Wang-Ji Yan and G. Fabbrocino, (2023) Automated operational modal analysis of bell towers subjected to narrowband input, Structures. No. 54, pp. 78-88.
  62. Wu W., Cantero-Chinchilla S., Wang-Ji Yan, Chiachio Ruano M., Remenyte-Prescott R. and Chronopoulos D. (2023). Damage Quantification and Identification in Structural Joints through Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Features and an Inverse Bayesian Scheme. Sensors, 23(8), p.4160.
  63. Y.C. Zhu, S. Cantero-Chinchilla, H. Meng, Wang-Ji Yan and D. Chronopoulos, (2023) Damage detection, quantification and localization for resonant metamaterials using physics-based and data-driven methods, Structural Health Monitoring. pp. 14759217231152434 (JCR Q1)
  64. Yuen Ka-Veng*, Wen-Jing Zhang, and Wang-Ji Yan. Bayesian nonparametric general regression with adaptive kernel bandwidth and its application to seismic attenuation. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55 (2023): 101859. (JCR Q1)
  65. Cantero-Chinchilla S., Fabro, A.T., Meng, H., Wang-Ji Yan,  et al., (2022): Robust optimised design of 3D printed elastic metastructures: A trade-off between complexity and vibration attenuation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, p.116896. (JCR Q1)
  66. Wu W., Malik, M.K., Cantero-Chinchilla, S., Lawrie, T., Wang-Ji Yan, et al. (2022): Guided waves-based damage identification in plates through an inverse Bayesian process. Ultrasonics, 106773. (JCR Q1)
  67. Chen ZW, Ruan, XZ, Liu, KM, Wang-Ji Yan, Liu, JT (2022): Fully automated natural frequency identification based on deep-learning-enhanced computer vision and Power Spectral Density Transmissibility, Advance in Structural Engineering, 13694332221107572. (JCR Q3)
  68. Zhi-Wei Chen, Kui-Ming Liu, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2021): Two-Stage automated operational modal analysis based on power spectrum density transmissibility and support vector machines, Internatioanl Journal of Stability and Dynamics, 21(05), p.2150068. (JCR Q2)
  69. Li-Zhong Jiang, J. Yu, W. Zhou, Wang-Ji Yan, et al. (2020): Applicability analysis of high-speed railway system under the action of near-fault ground motion, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.139, pp.106289. (JCR Q2)
  70. Dan Li, Yang Wang, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2020): Acoustic emission wave classification for rail crack monitoring based on synchrosqueezed wavelet transform and multi-branch convolutional neural network, Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 1475921720922797. (JCR Q1)
  71. Chronopoulos, C. Droz, R. Apalowo, M. Ichchou, Wang-Ji Yan (2017): Accurate structural identification for layered composite structures, through a wave and finite element scheme. Composite Structures, Vol.182, pp. 566-578. (JCR Q1)
  72. Jin-Rui Zhang, Hong-Yan Ma, Wang-Ji Yan and Zong-Jing Li (2016): Defect detection and location in switch rails by acoustic emission and Lamb wave analysis: A feasibility study. Applied Acoustics, Vol.105, pp.67-74.(JCR Q1)
  73. Wei-Xin Ren, Xiao-Xia Xu and Wang-Ji Yan (2013): Operational modal parameter identification based on covariance-driven continuous wavelet transform and singular value decomposition. Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.16, No.3, pp.579-591. (JCR Q3)
  74. Wei-Xin Ren, Cong-Cong Su, Wang-Ji Yan (2010): Dynamic modeling and analysis of arch bridges using beam-arch segment assembly. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science, 70, No. 1, pp.67. (JCR Q3)
  75. Teng-Teng Hao, Chang-Jian Wang, Wang-Ji Yan*, Wei-Xin Ren (2020): Structural dynamical characteristics induced by vented hydrogen explosion. Explosion and Shock Waves, 40(6): 065401-1-12.
  76. Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2019): Application of PSDT for modal analyis of bridge engineering. Chinese Journal of Highway and Transportation, 32 (11), 83-90.
  77. Qin Chao, Wang-Ji Yan*, Qian Sun, Wei-Xin Ren (2019): Operational modal analysis of bridge engineering based on Bayesian spectral density approach using a variable separation technique. Engineering Mechanics, 36(10), 212-222.
  78. Wang-Ji Yan, Peng-Peng Wang, Qian Sun, Wei-Xin Ren (2018): Recent advances in system identification using transmissibility function. Engineering Mechanics, 35(05), pp. 1-9+26.
  79. Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2017): Operational modal analysis for bridge engineering based on the dynamic transmissibility measurements. Engineering Mechanics, 34(11), 194-201.
  80. Wang-Ji Yan, Shi-Ze Cao, Wei-Xin Ren (2017): Uncertainty quantification for system identification utilizing the Bayesian theory and its recent advances. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 38(1), pp.1000-0887.  doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.370571
  81. Hua-Ping Wan, Wei-Xin Ren, Wang-Ji Yan (2016) Analytical global sensitivity analysis for uncertainty in structural dynamica properties of bridges, Journal of Vibration Engineering, 29(3), 429-435.  16385/j.cnki.issn.1004-4523.2016.03.008
  82. Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2010): Sensitivity analysis for elemental modal strain energy based on algebraic method. Journal of Vibration and Shock, Vol. 29(4), pp.34-39.
  83. Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren (2009): Sensitivity analysis for modal flexibility based on algebraic method. Journal of Railway Science and Technology, 6(5) pp. 37-41. 10.19713/j.cnki.43-1423/u.2009.05.008

Conference Paper

  1. Wang-Ji Yan,Fast Bayesian Model Updating with Advanced Stochastic Simulation, Metamodeling and Distributed Parallelization Strategies,  the 8th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Shanghai, China, 24-26 July, 2021. 
  2. Meng-Yun Zhao, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren and Michael Beer. Probabilistic modelling for frequency response functions and transmissibility functions with complex ratio statistics, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hannover, Germany, 22 – 26 September 2019.
  3. Wang-Ji Yan, Dimitrios Chronopoulos, Structural anomaly detection based on probabilistic metric distance of transmissibility functions, 8th IOMAC-International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13th-15th May 2019.
  4. Wang-Ji Yan, Dimitrios Chronopoulos, Costas Papadimitriou, Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla, Guo-Shu Zhu, Bayesian damage characterization based on probabilistic model of scattering coefficients and hybrid wave finite element model scheme, Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece, 24-26 June 2019.
  5. Meng-Yun Zhao, Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren. On the computation of probability density function of transmissibility function utilizing an efficient numerical method, 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Qingdao, China, July 22-25, 2018.
  6. Lin-bo Cao, Qian Sun, Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren. Operational modal parameter identification of bridge based on power spectrum density transmissibility, 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Qingdao, China, July 22-25, 2018.
  7. Wang-Ji Yan, Long Yang, Wei-Xin Ren. Application of new theorems on ratio statistics to transmissibility analysis in modal domain, 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, TU Wien Vienna, Austria, 6-10 August, 2017.
  8. Wang-Ji Yan, Qian Sun and Wei-Xin Ren. Power Spectral Density Transmissibility (PSDT): An effective tool towards operational modal analysis insensitive to natural excitation, 24th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, Australia, 6-9 December, 2016.
  9. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren. A new theorem on multivariate statistics and its application in uncertainty quantification for transmissibility, Sixth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Shanghai, 28-30 May, 2016.
  10. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. Explicit closed-form approximation for uncertainty behavior of operational modal analysis: correlation and parametric analysis, International Symposium on Symposium on Reliability of Engineering System (SRES2015), Hangzhou, China, 15 -17 October, 2015.
  11. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. A variable separation technique for fast Bayesian operational modal analysis in the frequency domain, 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Hefei, China, 24 -27 October, 2014.
  12. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. Fast Bayesian approach for ambient modal analysis and model updating: Experimental studies using wireless sensors, 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Porto, Portugal, 30 June-2 July, 2014.
  13. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. Decentralized Bayesian substructuring damage detection approach using nonstationary response measurements, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, New York, USA, 16-20 June, 2013.
  14. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. Incomplete modal data-based structural model updating accommodating multiple uncertainties by employing wireless sensor network, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, New York, USA,16-20 June, 2013.
  15. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. Mode shape assembly for ambient modal analysis using a two-stage Bayesian spectral density approach, 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12-14 June, 2013.
  16. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. A two-stage Bayesian approach for ambient modal analysis using wireless sensor: case of closely spaced modes, Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Notre Dame, 17-20 June, 2012.
  17. Wang-Ji Yan and Lambros Katafygiotis. A two-stage Bayesian approach for ambient modal analysis using wireless sensor: case of separated modes, Fifth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Singapore, 22-25 May, 2012.
  18. Wang-Ji Yan and Wei-Xin Ren. Sensitivity study of modal strain energy for structural damage detection, 2nd International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement (SCAMI-2), Changsha, 19-22 November, 2007.

Patents and Software

  1. Wang-Ji Yan, Long Yang, Wei-Xin Ren, Qian Sun, Shi-Ze Cao, A structural vibration frequency domain response signal statistical law detection method under environmental excitation, CN201811331486, 2019-04-09.
  2. Wang-Ji Yan, Shi-Ze Cao, Peng-Peng Wang, Wei-Xin Ren, Long Yang, An Algorithm for Modifying Structural Model Parameters Based on Frequency Response Function, ZL201811325598.6, 2022-04-19. 
  3. Ze-Chao Wang, Wang-Ji Yan,  Ka-Veng Yuen, An FBG-based Hierarchically Amplified Mechanical Long-gage Strain Transducer with Temperature Compensation,  CN202111664953.4, 2022.
  4. Teng Teng Hao, Wang-Ji Yan, Xin Yu Jia. (2023) A physical-model-free Bridge Weigh-In-Motion Method and Device. UMPT0583-2023.
  5. Wang-Ji Yan, Hai-Yi Wu, Qian Sun,  (2022): Copyright of Operational Modal Analysis Software Based on Power Spectral Density Transmissibility, PolyMAX, and Bayesian Approaches. 2022R11L2336828.
  6. Jiang-Zhen Jiang, Wang-Ji Yan, Xin-Yu Jia, Shi-Ze Cao, (2023): Copyright of Structural Stochastic Model Updating based on  Surrogate Model. 2023SR0342711. 


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