UM-CAT: The University of Macau’s online computer-aided translation platform for Portuguese, Chinese, and English.
UM-NMT: An online neural machine translation for Portuguese and Chinese.
PCT-Dict/UM-Dict: The Portuguese-Chinese bidirectional electronic dictionary.
PCT-Assist: A machine-aided translation system for Portuguese and Chinese. This stand-alone software has been replaced by the online UM-CAT system (Wong and Chao, 2010).
TransLite: A language-independent translation framework based on Constraint Synchronous Grammar.
SyntaxTree Builder & Aligner: An online parallel treebank annotation and construction platform, featured with syntactic creation and parallel tree alignment functions (Xing et al., 2016).
Pomotion: Portuguese Morphological Variation analyzer, featured with word lemmatizer and verb conjugator.
Enmotion: English Morphological Variation analyzer, featured with word lemmatizer, inflector, and verb conjugator.
iSentenizer-μ: A multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection Model based on i+Learning (Intelligent and Incremental Learning) algorithm (Wong et al., 2014).