Peng Un MAK麥炳源
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering & Miniaturized Sensors |
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, USA (1997)
- Visiting Scholar at Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine, the Anschutz Medical Campus, University of Colorado, USA (2012/2013)
- Academic Education & Intensive Clinical Training: Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University & Ranong Provincial Hospital, Thailand (Aug. 2014)
Awarded Teaching Assistant full scholarship (Michigan State Univ.) BEFORE arriving USA
B.Sc. Courses in UM (with posted office hours since 1997)
- Physics I (ECEN1008)
- Digital Systems (ECEB110)
- Chemistry and Modern Society (CHEM111, GEST014 or GEST1010)
- Quality Control (ELEC200)
- Applied Electronics II (ELEC223)
- Applied Electromagnetics (ELEC240)
- Electromagnetism (ECEB250 or ECEN2005)
- Biology (ECEB254 or ECEN2009)
- Semiconductor Device Physics (ECEB255)
- Telecommunications (ELEC361)
- Propagation and Radiation (ELEC381)
- System Design (ELEC437) or Design Project I (ECEB410) or Graduation Project I (ECEN4000)
- Project (ELEC402) or Design Project II (ECEB420) or Graduation Project II (ECEN4001)
- Telecommunication Electronics (ELEC440)
- 電子及機械 (Electronics & Machines) [cooperation with ESFSM, Macau Gov.]
Postgraduate Courses in UM (with posted office hours since 1998)
- Introduction to Research (IMSE001 or ELCE701 or ECEN7001)
- Advanced Topics in Telecommunications (IMSE013)
- Laser and Semiconductor Physics (ELCE712)
- Biomedical Transducers and Instruments (ELCE723 or ECEN7021)
- Thesis (ELCE799) or Academic Thesis (ECEN7999)
- Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN8001)
- Thesis (IMSE999) or Doctoral Thesis (ELCE899 or ECEN8999)
Had organized over 35+ organization/industry visits (Macau, Hong Kong, Zhuhai, Guangzhou) to broaden our UM students practical knowledge.
Overall contact hours/semester in UM (excluding TAs) ~ 8.8 hours/week
Also supervise/co-supervise EEE(later ECE)/FST students at all levels (BSc, MSc, PhD)
Supervision/Co-supervision record of students:
- BSc (since 1998 enrolment): 100+ final year projects;
- MSc (since 2000 enrolment): 16+ Master Theses; 1 on-going
- PhD (since 2006 enrolment): 4 (graduated); 2+ on-going
Welcome self-motivated personnel to join. Competitive financial supports may be available!
Voted several times (including the most recent 2010 before discontinuity of this activity) of “Most Favorite Teacher” organized by FST-SA
Research Interests include (but not limited to the followings):
- Bio-signals extraction & processing (mainly electrical)
- Human Body Communications (HBC) & Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
- Neural signal in-vivo acquisition and control (electrically and/or optically)
- Bio-electromagnetism; Applied-Electromagnetics
- Miniaturized Sensors, such as CMUT
- Macau and Global Higher Education & Chinese Culture
Research Projects
(voluntarily no-pay from projects) Mostly externally |
A. Internally from RC/UM (without start-up fund)
- Initial Implementation of Intra Body Communications (IBC)
- Initial Investigation on Biomedical Signal Processing using Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT)
- General Purpose Intelligent Adaptive Biosignal Acquisition System
- Face Recognition Access Control System
- Graphic-Based WAP Access for TETRA
- Biometrics Based Security System
- Smart Information System for High Occupancy Parking Lots (SISHOPL)
B. Externally for recent years from FDCT/Macau.gov and National Nature Science Foundation of China* 中國国家自然科学基金
* cooperation with Fuzhou University; Sun Yat-sen University China
# cooperation with Anschutz Medical Campus, University of Colorado, USA
- Investigation and development of next generation optrode* – by FDCT-NSFC
- An integrated design for Real-time Closed Loop Optogenetic Neural Control (CLONC) system for advanced neuroscience applications# – by FDCT
- Design & Fabrication of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (CMUT) for Performance Enhancement – by FDCT
- Development of a system-in-a-chip (SOC) integrated circuit for closed-loop neuronal manipulation of in vivo behaving animals# – by FDCT
- Studying the aqueous outflow system and the cornea of the eye using label-free nonlinear optical imaging techniques# – by FDCT
- Miniaturized and automatic controlled circuitry for rapid early detection system for AMI using fluorescence immuochromatography assay technique* [港澳台科技合作]
- Modeling of Intrabody Communication for Implantable Electric Devices Based on the Visible Human Data* – by National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Investigation of Galvanic-type Intra-Body Communication: Model & Experimental Analysis * – by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011 [one of the first interdisciplinary project with Mainland in UM and Macau SAR]
- Investigation of Intra-Body Communication (phase I: Modeling and Initial Feasible Experiments), by FDCT
- General Purpose Intelligent Adaptive Biosignal Acquisition System, by FDCT
Selected Publications
Author/Co-authorship (over 2000+ citations, H-index: over 20+) in reverse chronological order (Total 150+ peer-reviewed publications, in which 100+ are EI, MEDLINE, CPCI-S, or Scopus and 40+ articles are at least SCI/SCIE or SSCI)
33 recent sample journal papers
- “Parallel architecture to accelerate superparamagnetic clustering Algorithm” Electronics Letters, Vol. 56(14) , pp. 701 – 704, IET@2020 (ISSN: 0013-5194)
- “Experimental Characterization of an Embossed Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Cell” Micromachines, 11(2); MDPI@2020 (ISSN 2072-666X)
- “Learning Across Multi-Stimulus Enhances Target Recognition Methods in SSVEP-based BCIs” Vol. 17, No. 1, 016026, J. Neural Eng. IOPscience@2020 (ISSN: 1741-2552)
- “Low-latency single channel real-time neural spike sorting system based on template matching” PLOS One, 14(11), e0225138, PLOS@2019 (ISSN: 1932-6203)
- “Brain Rhythm Sequencing Using EEG Signals: A Case Study on Seizure Detection” IEEE–Access, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 160112-160124, IEEE@2019 (ISSN: 2169-3536)
- “Fatigue Evaluation Using Multi-Scale Entropy of EEG in SSVEP-based BCI” IEEE–Access, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 108200-108210, IEEE@2019 (ISSN: 2169-3536)
- “An Analytical Model for Bandwidth Enhancement of Air-Coupled Unsealed Helmholtz Structural CMUTs” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2019, Article ID 3896965, 16 pages, MDPI@2019 (ISSN: 1687-7268)
- “Experimental Verifications of Low Frequency Path Gain (PG) Channel Modeling for Implantable Medical Device (IMD)” IEEE–Access, Vol. 7, 11934-11945, IEEE@2019 (ISSN: 2169-3536)
- “Fabrication of embossed capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers using sacrificial release process” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 16, No. 2, p.1-11, IEICE@2019 (ISSN: 1745-1361)
- “Monolithic Multi-band CMUTs for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography (PACT) with in vivo Biological Tissue Imaging” IEEE-Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr, Freq. Control, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 465-475, IEEE@2018 (ISSN: 0885-3010)
- “Time-Efficient Bit-Error-Rate Estimation Approach Using Jitter Characteristics for Human Body Communication Channel” IET Sci. Meas. Technol. vol. 12(1), pp.145-150, IET@2018 (ISSN: 1751-8822)
- “Development of a multi-band photoacoustic tomography imaging system based on a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer array” Applied Optics, vol. 56, no. 14, pp. 4012-4018, OSA@2017 (ISSN: 1559-128X)
- “Direct Measurement of Elbow-Joint-Angle Using Galvanic Couple System” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 757-766 , IEEE@2017 (ISSN: 0018-9456)
- “An Integrated Circuit for Simultaneous Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording and Optogenetic Neural Manipulation” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., vol. 64(3), pp. 557-568, IEEE@2017 (ISSN: 0018-9294)
- “A Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assay (LFIA) Strip Reader Based on Scheduler and 8051 IP Core” Automatika, vol. 57, no.4, pp.1079–1088, Taylor & Francis@2016 (ISSN: 1848-3380)
- “Improved Analytical Modeling of Membrane Large Deflection with Lateral Force for the Underwater CMUT Based on Von Kármán Equations” IEEE Sensors J., Vol. 16, No. 17, pp. 6633-6640, IEEE@2016 (ISSN: 1530-437X)
- “Three Dimensional Segmentation and Quantitative Measurement of the Aqueous Outflow System of Intact Mouse Eyes based on Spectral Two-photon Microscopy Techniques” Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., Vol. 57(7), pp. 3159-3167, ARVO@2016 (ISSN: 1552-5783)
- “Development of A Calibration Strip for Immunochromatographic Assay Detection Systems” Sensors, vol. 16 (7), 1007, MPDI@2016 (ISSN 1424-8220) doi:10.3390/s16071007
- “Effects of Human Limb Gestures on Galvanic Coupling Intra-Body Communication for Advanced Healthcare System” BioMedical Eng. OnLine 2016 15(1):60 (ISSN: 1475-925X)
- “Design of a Collapse-Mode CMUT with an Embossed Membrane for Improving Output Pressure” in IEEE–Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 63(6), pp. 854-863, IEEE@2016 (ISSN: 0885-3010)
- “A Novel Field-Circuit FEM Modeling and Channel Gain Estimation for Galvanic Coupling Real IBC Measurements” Sensors, vol. 16 (4), 471, MPDI@2016 (ISSN 1424-8220)
- “Output Pressure Enhancement of CMUTs by Using Multiple Helmholtz Resonance Apertures” Electronics Letters, vol. 51(18), pp. 1390 – 1392, IET@2015 (ISSN: 0013-5194)
- “Circuit Models and Experimental Noise Measurements of Micropipette Amplifiers for Extracellular Neural Recordings from Live Animals,” BioMed Research International vol. 2014, Article ID 135026, 14 pages, Hindawi@2014 (ISSN: 2314-6141)
- “15-nW Biopotential LPFs in 0.35-µm CMOS Using Subthreshold-Source-Follower Biquads with and without Gain Compensation” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. vol. 7 (5), pp. 690-702, IEEE@2013 (ISSN: 1932-4545)
- “Study of Channel Characteristics for Galvanic-type Intra-Body Communication Based on a Transfer Function from a Quasi-Static Field Model” Sensors, vol. 12 (12), pp. 16433-16450, MPDI@2012 (ISSN 1424-8220)
- “A 0.83-µW QRS Detection Processor Using Quadratic Spline Wavelet Transform for Wireless ECG Acquisition in 0.35-µm CMOS” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. Vol. 6(6), pp.586-595, IEEE@2012 (ISSN: 1932-4545 )
- “Individual alpha neurofeedback training effect on short term memory” Int. J. Psychophysiol., vol. 86 (1), pp. 83-87, Elsevier@2012 (ISSN: 0167-8760)
- “Galvanic Intrabody Communication for Affective Acquiring and Computing” IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing, vol. 3 (2), pp. 145-151, IEEE@2012 (ISSN: 1949-3045)
- “Robust deterministic annealing based EM algorithm” Electronics Letters, vol. 48(5), pp. 289-290, IET@2012 (ISSN: 0013-5194)
- “Trial Pruning Based on Genetic Algorithm for Single-Trial EEG Classification” Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 38 (1), pp. 35-44, Elsevier@2012 (ISSN: 0045-7906)
- “Quasi-static Modeling of Human Limb for Intra-Body Communications with Experiments” IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 15 (6), pp. 870-876, IEEE@2011 (ISSN: 1089-7771)
- “Investigation and Comparison of Two Models in Galvanic Coupling Intra-body Communications” China Communications 《中國通信》, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 35-40, IEEE@2010 (ISSN: 1673-5447)
- “Frequency-bandwidth-tunable powerline notch filter for biopotential acquisition systems” Electronics Letters, Vol. 45(4), pp. 197 – 199, IET@2009 (ISSN: 0013-5194)
sample refereed Book Chapters/Series contributions (~ LNEE/LNCS)
- “Chapter 94: Investigation Performance on Electrocardiogram Signal Processing Based on an Advanced Algorithm Combining Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT)”, In Li, S.; Jin, Q.; Jiang, X.; Park, J.J. (Ed).Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education. ITME 2013, vol. 269 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) (with ISSN: 1876-1100) (pp. 959-968). Springer@2014 (ISBN 978-94-007-7617-3)
- “Canonical Correlation Analysis Neural Network for Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Based Brain-Computer Interfaces”, Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2013, Part II, Vol. 7952 of Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) (pp. 276-283) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag @2013 (ISBN 978-3-642-39068-5)
- “Object Recognition Test in Peripheral Vision: A Study on the Influence of Object Color, Pattern and Shape”, In F.M. Zanzotto, S. Tsumoto, N. Taatgen,;Y.Y. Yao. (Ed). Brain Informatics: BI 2012, Volume 7670 of Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) (with ISSN: 0302-9743) / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 18-26), Berlin: Springer (@2012). (ISBN 978-3-642-35138-9)
- “Robust Learning of Mixture Models and Its Application on Trial Pruning for EEG Signal Analysis”, In Longbing Cao, Joshua Zhexue Huang, James Bailey, Yun Sing Koh, Jun Luo (Ed). New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining: PAKDD 2011, Volume 7104 of Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) (with ISSN: 0302-9743) / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. (pp. 408-419), Berlin: Springer@2012 (ISBN 978-3-642-28320-8)
- “Face Retrieval with Relevance Feedback Using Lifting Wavelet Features”, Wavelet Analysis and Applications [Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (ANHA)] p.477-487, Springer (Birkhauser book series) @2006 (ISBN: 3-7643-7777-1)
- “A New Enhanced Nearest Feature Space (ENFS) Classifier for Gabor Wavelets Features-Based Face Recognition“, Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) pp.124-131 , Springer-Verlag@2004 ( ISBN 3-540-22146-8)
33 samples (as presenter and/or corresponding author) refereed Conference Publications
- “Scalp Level Connectivity for Representative Channels in Emotional Status” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2018 WC), IFMBE Proceedings 68/2, pp. 227-231, Springer@2018 (ISBN 978-981-10-9038-7)
- “Studies of Scalp Level Connectivity and Representative Channels in Epilepsy” The 2017 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON-2017), Hokkaido University, IEEE@2017 (ISBN: 978-1-5386-0882-1)
- “Acceptance Angle Measurement of CMUTs and PZT Ultrasonic Transducers” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-China (ICCE-China) IEEE@2016 (ISBN: 978-1-5090-6193-8)
- “Investigation of Residual Ag Amount into Human Body using Ag/AgCl Electrodes during IBC” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-China (ICCE-China) IEEE@2016 (ISBN: 978-1-5090-6193-8)
- “Reception Performance Ehancement of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers Via Modified Membrane Structures” The 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 61, pp. 109-114, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd@2017 (ISBN: 978-981-10-4220-1)
- “An ASIC based Strip Reader Controller in 0.18 μm CMOS Technology for Lateral Flow Immunoassay” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-China (ICCE-China), IEEE@2016 (ISBN: 978-1-5090-6193-8)
- “Initial Investigation of Channel Capacity for Galvanic Coupling Human Body Communication” The 2016 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON-2016) IEEE@2016 (ISBN 978-1-5090-3940-1)
- “Analytical Model with Lateral Force for Conventional CMUT Membranes under Large Deflection using Von K´arm´an Equations” 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), pp. 1-4, IEEE@2016 (ISBN: 978-1-4673-9897-8)
- “Beta/Theta Neurofeedback Training Effects on the Spectral Topography of EEG” Proc. of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 4741-4744, IEEE@2015 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-9270-1)
- “Modeling Analysis of Implantable Galvanic Coupling Intra-Body Communication Channel,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China, Apr. IEEE@2015 (ISBN: 978-1-4799-8742-9)
- “Investigation on Error Performance for Galvanic-type Intra-body Communication with Experiment” The 2014 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON-2014) IEEE@2014 (ISBN 978-1-4799-6801-5)
- “Bit Error Rate Estimation for Galvanic-type Intra-body Communication using Experimental Eye-diagram and Jitter Characteristics” Proc. of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 5195-5198, IEEE@2013 (ISBN: 978-1-4577-0216-7)
- “Signal Transmission through Human Muscle for Implantable Medical Devices using Galvanic Intra-body Communication Technique” Proc. of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 1651-1654, IEEE@2012 (ISBN: 978-1-4577-1787-1)
- “Flashing Color on the Performance of SSVEP based Brain-Computer Interfaces” Proc. of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 1819-1822, IEEE@2012 (ISBN: 978-1-4577-1787-1)
- “Portable Heart Rate Detector Based on Photoplethysmography with Android Programmable Devices” IEEE Proc. of the 35th Int’l Conference of Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2012) Czech Republic, pp. 605- 609, IEEE@2012 (ISBN:978-1-5673-1116-8)
- “Quasi-Static Field Modeling with Bone and Joint Effects in Intra-body Communication” Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2011) FP1.4-P0417, Dec. IEEE@2011 (ISBN: 978-1-4577-0030-9)
- “In Vivo Validation of Quasi-Static Field Model in Intra-body Communication” Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2011) pp. 114-117, ACM@2011 (ISBN: 978-1-936968-29-9)
- “The Physical Layer Design of Intra-Body Communication: Model, Transmitter and Receiver” Digest of Technical Paper – IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 615-616, IEEE@2011 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-8709-7)
- “ECG Heart Beat Detection via Mathematical Morphology and Quadratic Spline Wavelet Transform” Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 609-610, IEEE@2011 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-8709-7)
- “Hardware-accelerated implementation of EMD” Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. Biomed. Eng. Informatics (BMEI2010), vol. 2, pp.912-915, IEEE@2010 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-6498-2)
- “Modeling for Intra-Body Communication with Bone Effect” Proc. of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 693-696,IEEE@2009 (ISBN 978-978-1-4244-3296-7)
- “Simple Electrical Model and Initial Experiments for Intra Body Communications” Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 697-700, IEEE@2009 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-3296-7)
- “Quasi-Static Field Modeling and Validation for Intra-Body Communication” The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), June, IEEE@2009 (ISBN 978-1-4244-2902-8)
- “A preliminary two dimensional model for Intra-body Communication of Body Sensor Networks” Proc. of Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2008), pp.273-277, IEEE@2008 (ISBN 978-1-4244-2957-8)
- “Accurate Removal of Baseline Wander in ECG Using Empirical Mode Decomposition” Proc. of NFSI & ICFBI 2007 Hangzhou, China, (The Joint Meeting of the 6th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart & the International Conference on Functional Biomedical Imaging), pp.177-180, IEEE@2007 (ISBN:1-42440949-7)
- “ECG Parameter Extractor of Intelligent Home Healthcare Embedded System” Proc. of the 27th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology International Conference, pp. 110-113, IEEE@2005 (ISBN: 0-7803-8740-6)
- “Face Image Retrieval in Video Sequences Using Lifting Wavelets Transform Feature Extraction” IEEE Proc. of Ninth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE2005) pp.167-171, IEEE@2005 ( ISBN: 0-7803-8920-4)
- “Gabor Wavelets Transform and Extended Nearest Feature Space Classifier for Face Recognition” Proc. of the Third International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2004), pp.246-249, IEEE Computer Society@2004 (ISBN 0-7695-2244-0)
- “A Front-end Platform of the Network-based Intelligent Home Healthcare Embedded System” Proc. of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, pp. 3116-3119, IEEE@2004 (ISBN: 0-7803-8439-3)
- “Experimental Measurement of the Impressed Electric Field in a Multipolar Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Source” Proc. of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, pp. 131, Madison, Wisconsin, IEEE@1995 (ISBN: 0-7803-2669-5)
- “An Evaluation of an End Excited Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Source” Proc. of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, pp. 85, Santa Fe, New Mexico, IEEE@1994 (ISBN: 0-7803-2006-9)
- “Study of the Electron Gas Behavior in an ECR Multipolar Plasma Source” Proc. of 1992 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, pp. 115-116, Tampa, Florida, IEEE@1992 (ISBN: 0-7803-0716-X)
- “Influence of Static Magnetic Field Configuration and EM Field Pattern on ECR Discharge Performance” Proc. of 1991 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, pp. 195, Williamsburg, Virginia, IEEE@1991 (ISBN: 0-7803-0147-1)
- US patent Pub. No.: US2019/0000377 A1: “An Integrated Circuit for Simultaneous Electrophysiology Recording and Optogenetic Neural Control”
Professional Services & Experience
25+ years of teaching (tertiary institutions) & research (industries & universities) experience in US and Macau
Invited PhD examiner since 2001 (both in UM and other University)
Editorial Board Member: American Journal of Medical and Biological Research by Science and Education Publishing (SciEP)
Recent ad hoc Reviewer:
- Journals:
- IET – Electronics Letters
- IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering (T-BME)
- IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (T-Bio-CAS)
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), recipient of “2015 Best Reviewer”
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM)
- Sensors (MDPI)
- Conferences:
- (EMBC 2009-2016) the Annual International Conference of the IEEE- Engineering in Medicine and Biology International Conference [Flag-ship conference of IEEE-EMBS]
- The 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2014) London, Great Britain, 2014
- BHI 2014 : International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics
- 2012 The 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’12) and the 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI’12)
- (BMIC 2011-2012) The International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics (July USA)
- (ICICS 2009-2011) The International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing
- 2011 The Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia) Macau SAR
Sample Conference/Symposium Services:
- 2019 Member of Referee for Young Investigator Competition Oral Session B in the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (ICBHI-2019), Taipei, Taiwan
- 2018 Publicity Chair for The 13th IEEE-EMBS International School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (MDBS2018) at Macau
- 2016 Fundraiser for The 21st Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ASP-DAC 2016, Macau SAR
- 2015 Track Chair & Technical Program Committee Member, (IEEE-TENCON 2015), Macau SAR
- 2011 Program committee member: (BMIC 2011) The 5th International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics:– Orlando, Florida, USA
- 2011 Program committee member: 2011 The Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia) Macau SAR
- 2010 Section Chair: (PHM-2010) IEEE – Prognostics & System Health Management Conference at Macau
- 2010 Section Chair: The 4th International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics,Orlando, Florida, USA
- 2009 Program Co-Chair: IEEE Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau Joint Workshop on Information Theory and Communications, University of Macau
- 2008 Session Chair/Co-chair for Asia Pacific Conference of Circuits and Systems (2008 APCCAS) at Venetian, Macau
- 2006 Session Chair for (RIUPEEEC 2006) The 4th Regional Inter-University Postgraduate Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference at UM
- 2005 Local Organization Vice-Chair: The 4th International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications (WAA2005), Macau SAR
- 2004 Session Chair for (AVLSI ‘04) The 2004 IEEJ International Analog VLSI Workshop organized by IEEJ (Japan) and UM
- 2004 Session Chair for The 5th IEEE (HK/Macau) AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference at UM
- 2003 Session Chair for (EPMESC IX 2003) The 9th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Scienceat UM
- 2002 Organizing Committee member for The 13th Chinese Process Control Conference at ZhuHai and Macau
Sample Invited Talks
- (Jun. 25, 2018) Keynote Talk: “Current Trends on Biomedical Engineering Roles” at The 13th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and BioSensors (MDBS-2018), Macau SAR.
- (Oct. 28, 2017) “Time-Efficient Bit Error Rate Estimation Approach Using Jitter Characteristics for Human Body Communication Channel” at National university science south-building, University Town, invited by Institute of Biomedical Instrument, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, FuJian, China
- (Jan. 21, 2017) “Neural spike acquisition system for Optogenetics” at Lecture Building (International Collaborative Workshop on Biomedical Engineering) invited by Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan
- (July 30, 2009) “HHT Introduction, Applications in Biosignal Processing and Hardware Implementation” at Shenzhen-HK-Macau Joint Workshop on Biomedical & Health Engineering, organized by Joint Universities Consortium on Biomedical Engineering (JUCBE), hosted by Key Lab for Biomedical Informatics and Health Engineering, and Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering (IBHE), Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Shenzhen, China
- (June 18, 2007) “The Flexible Front-end Extraction of Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) in Biomedical Engineering Application” at Yishan Hotel (a.k.a. Academic Exchange Center of FuZhou University) invited by Institute of Biomedical Instrument, Fuzhou University, FuJian, China
Sample UM/Macau Services
- (2019 – present) Selection panelist of Honours College for FST applicants
- (2018 – present) Affiliate of CKPC
- (2014 – present) BME Exchange Camp primarily for Macau high school teachers
- (2013 – present) Working members of ECE Final Year Project committee
- (2011 – present) SciExpress – BME Summer Camp『科學速遞-生物醫學工程開步走』夏令營 primarily for Macau high school students
- (2011 – present) Working members of Student Advisory Committee
- (1999, 2000, 2003, 2020) Judge member of IEEE Student project competitions in HK and/or Macau
- (2015 – 2017) Non-resident fellow of CKPC
- (2013 – 2014) LRT dynamic model of Barra Station for GIT.gov.mo (voluntarily non-paid)
- (2000 – 2012) members of various selection committees (Faculty members and administrative staff, Student exchanges, Recommended Direct Admission, Master student admission, etc.)
- (2000 – 2008) Regular referee or adjudicator member in Macau Fun Science Middle-School Competition and/or China Adolescents Science and Technology Invention Contest
- (2000/2001) Coordinator of Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme, FST
- (1999/2000) Chairperson of University Staff-Student Consultative Committee
- (1998/1999) Vice-Chairperson of University Library Committee
- (1998) The 1st Branch Counselor (1999) of University of Macau IEEE Student Branch with commendation/award to our student branch “for Outstanding Leadership and Results in IEEE Membership Development Activities” from IEEE in 1999/2000
- (since 1997) As one of the 1st batch of return back Macau (回流澳門本地人) to serve.
Professional Affiliations & Honors
- Founding Member & Executive Board Chair of Macau Society of Biomedical Engineering (MSBME) ( 澳門生物醫學工程學會), a Constituent Society member of IFMBE (國際醫學生物工程聯合會)
- Life member of Associação de Educação de Macau 澳門中華教育會
- Senior Member of the Macao Association for Promotion of Science and Technology (APCTM) 澳門科學技術協進會
- Founding Member of IEEE Macau (Section)
- Key Laboratory of Medical Instrumentation and Pharmaceutical Technology, FuZhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China.
- Senior Member (高級會員) of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering 中国生物医学工程学会 (CSBME), China
- Senior Member (高級會員) of the Chinese Institute of Electronics 中国电子学会 (CIE), China
- Life member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK
- Life member of Phi Kappa Phi
- Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), U.S.A.
- Member of Eta Kappa Nu (now a.k.a. IEEE-HKN)
Professional Training completed in Mahidol University, Thailand, or in the Anschutz Medical Campus, University of Colorado, USA or Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Animal research related
- Animal Program Orientation
- Disease Prevention and Control in the Animal Housing Facilities
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Regulations
- Occupational safety related
- Lab Safety
- Fire Safety
- Electrical Safety
- Laser Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Tropical Disease related
- Tropical medicine
- Travel medicine
- Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, etc.)
Sample Student Honors and Awards under Supervisory/Co-supervisory
- Mr. Ng K. F., Wong K. C. & Mio K. C.: “1st Runner-up” Award in 2016 IEEE Project Competition, Macau (Jun. 2016)
- Mr. Ng K. F., Wong K. C. & Mio K. C.: “Best of Department of ECE” in FST Dean’s Final Year Project List 2015/2016
- Mr. S. Zhang: Best Paper Award in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE China) (Apr. 2015)
- Mr. Che U. K. & Lao C. K., “Heart Rate Detector based on Photoplethysmography” FST Dean’s Final Year Project List 2011/2012
- Mr. WANG, Lei, “Real Time Frequency Analyzer Based on HHT“, the Second Prize (二等奖) in the 2009 Innovate Asia (2009)
- Mr. C. T. Ma, “A low-power low-noise bio-potential signals (EEG/ECG/EMG) Readout Front-End in 90-nm CMOS” the 2nd runner-up prize in IEEE Project Competition Macau (2008)
- Mr. U.F. Chan & Mr. W.W. Chan, “Flexible Implementation of Front-end Acquisition System for Bio-signal using FPAA” the Youth Best Paper Award in Chinese Conference on Medicine and Biology (2007)
- Mr. T.H. Leong, “Model, Characteristics and Design of Compact PCB Transformer for Power Electronics Applications” the 1st runner-up prize in IEEE Project Competition, Macau (2006)
- Mr. J. K. Zhu, the Second Prize in Face Recognition Division of the National Biometric Verification Competition (2004)
- Mr. H.K. Chan & Mr. C.K. Choi, “Vision-Based Crosswalk Surveillance System (電腦視覺的斑馬線監控系統)” the 2nd runner-up prize of “澳門機動車輛研發項目設計比賽” by IACM, UM, and AEM (2004)
Contact Details
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau, E11-3037
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, HengQin (HQ) campus
Macau, Macau SAR, China
Room: E11-3037
Telephone: (853) 8822-4393
Fax: (853) 8822-2426
Email: fstpum