Selected Journal Papers (* denotes corresponding or co-first author)
- Xiaosong Chen, Hanqing Zhuang, Yang Liu, Huanle Xu*, and Wing Cheong Lau, Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits with Fairness Constraints: An Online Convex Optimization Perspective, to appear in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
- Shutian Luo, Chenyu Lin, Kejiang Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Guodong Yang, Huanle Xu*, and Chengzhong Xu*, Optimizing Resource Management for Shared Microservices: A Scalable System Design, in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), Vol. 42, Issue 1-2, 2024.
- Yang Liu, Huanle Xu, and Wing Cheong Lau, Cloud Configuration Optimization for Recurring Batch-Processing Applications, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 34, Issue 5, 2023.
- Shutian Luo, Huanle Xu*, Chengzhi Lu, Kejiang Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Jian He, and Chengzhong Xu*, An In-Depth Study of Microservice Call Graph and Runtime Performance, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 33, Issue 12, 2022.
- Rui Li, Alex X. Liu, Huanle Xu, Ying Liu, and Huaqiang Yuan, “Adaptive Secure Nearest Neighbor Query Processing over Encrypted Data”, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 19, Issue 1, Feb 2022.
- Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, and Wing Cheong Lau, “Optimal Job Scheduling with Resource Packing for Heterogeneous Servers”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Vol.29, Issue 4, Aug 2021.
- Tong Wu, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang, Yang Liu, Wing Cheong Lau, and Huanle Xu, “Missing Data Recovery in Large Power Systems Using Network Embedding”, in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol.12, Issue 1, Jan 2021.
- Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, Wing Cheong Lau, Tiantong Zeng, Jun Guo, and Alex Liu, “Online Resource Allocation with Machine Variability: A Bandit Perspective”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Vol.28, Issue 5, Oct 2020.
- Huanle Xu, Gustavo de Veciana, Wing Cheong Lau, and Kunxiao Zhou, “Online Job Scheduling with Redundancy and Opportunistic Checkpointing: A Speedup-Function-Based Analysis”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol.30, Issue 4, April 2019.
- Zhibo Yang, Huanle Xu*, Jianyuan Deng, Chen Change Loy, and Wing Cheong Lau, “Robust and Fast Decoding of High-Capacity Color QR Codes for Mobile Applications”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), Vol.27, Issue 12, Dec 2018.
- Huanle Xu, Wing Cheong Lau, Zhibo Yang, Gustavo de Veciana, and Hanxu Hou, “Mitigating Service Variability in MapReduce Clusters via Task Cloning: A Competitive Analysis”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol.18, Issue 10, Oct 2017.
- Huanle Xu and Wing Cheong lau, “Optimization for Speculative Execution in Big Data Processing Clusters”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol.28, Issue 2, Feb 2017.
Selected Conference Papers (* denotes corresponding or co-first author)
- Shutian Luo, Jianxiong Liao, Chenyu Lin, Huanle Xu*, Zhi Zhou, and Chengzhong Xu, Embracing Imbalance: Dynamic Load Shifting among Microservice Containers in Shared Clusters, accepted by ASPLOS 2025.
- Liao Chen, Chenyu Lin, Shutian Luo, Huanle Xu*, and Chengzhong Xu, Grad: Intelligent Microservice Scaling by Harnessing Resource Fungibility, accepted by HPCA 2025.
- Wenyan Chen, Chengzhi Lu, Huanle Xu*, Kejiang Ye, Chengzhong Xu, Multiplexing Dynamic Deep Learning Workloads with SLO-awareness in GPU Clusters, accepted by Eurosys 2025.
- Zizhao Mo, Huanle Xu*, and Wing Cheong Lau, Fast and Fair Training in Heterogeneous GPU Clusters, accepted by ICS 2025.
- Da Sun Handason Tam, Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, Siyue Xie, and Wing Cheong Lau, FastPERT: Towards Fast Microservice Application Latency Prediction via Structural Inductive Bias over PERT Networks, accepted by AAAI 2025.
- Chengzhi Lu, Huanle Xu*, Yudan Li, Wenyan Chen, Kejiang Ye, Chengzhong Xu, SMIless: Serving DAG-based Inference with Dynamic Invocations under Serverless Computing, in the Procs. of SC 2024.
- Liao Chen, Shutian Luo, Chenyu Lin, Zizhao Mo, Huanle Xu*, Kejiang Ye, and Chengzhong Xu, Derm: SLA-aware Resource Management for Highly Dynamic Microservices, in the Procs. of ISCA 2024.
- Zizhao Mo, Huanle Xu*, and Chengzhong Xu, Heet: Accelerating Elastic Training in Heterogeneous Deep Learning Clusters, in the Procs. of ASPLOS 2024.
- Xiaosong Chen, Huanle Xu*, and Chengzhong Xu, Optimizing Dynamic Data Center Provisioning through Speed Scaling: A Primal-Dual Perspective, in the Procs. of SPAA 2024.
- Zizhao Mo, Huanle Xu*, and Wing Cheong Lau, Optimal Resource Efficiency with Fairness in Heterogeneous GPU Clusters, in the Procs. of Middleware 2024.
- Wenyan Chen, Zizhao Mo, Huanle Xu*, Keying Ye, and Chengzhong Xu, Interference-aware Multiplexing for Deep Learning in GPU Clusters: A Middleware Approach, in the Procs. of SC 2023.
- Da Sun Handason Tam, Yang Liu, Huanle Xu*, Siyue Xie, and Wing Cheong Lau, PERT-GNN: Latency Prediction for Microservice-based Cloud-Native Applications via Graph Neural Networks, in the Procs. of KDD 2023.
- Chengzhi Lu*, Huanle Xu*, Keying Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Guodong Yang, and Chengzhong Xu*, Understanding and Optimizing Workloads for Unified Resource Management in Large Cloud Platforms, in the Procs. of Eurosys 2023.
- Shutian Luo*, Huanle Xu*, Kejiang Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Jian He, Guodong Yang, and Chengzhong Xu*, Erms: Efficient Resource Management for Shared Microservices with SLA Guarantees, in the Procs. of ASPLOS 2023.
- Shutian Luo*, Huanle Xu*, Kejiang Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Guodong Yang, and Chengzhong Xu*, The Power of Prediction: Microservice Auto Scaling via Workload Learning, in the Procs. of ACM SoCC 2022.
- Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, and Wing Cheong Lau, Multi Resource Scheduling with Task Cloning in Heterogeneous Clusters, in the Procs. of ICPP 2022.
- Yang Liu, Huanle Xu, and Wing Cheong Lau, Dragster: Dynamic Resource Allocation with Guarantee on Streaming Throughput Expected Regret, in the Procs. of ICPP 2022.
- Shutian Luo*, Huanle Xu*, Chengzhi Lu, Kejiang Ye, Guoyao Xu, Liping Zhang, Yu Ding, Jian He, and Chengzhong Xu*, Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba trace analysis, in the Procs. of ACM SoCC 2021. (Best Paper Award)
- Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, Wing Cheong Lau, and Rui Li, Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits with Concave Rewards and Fairness Constraints, in the Procs. of IJCAI, June 2020.
- Yang Liu, Huanle Xu, and Wing Cheong Lau, Accordia: Adaptive Cloud Configuration Optimization for Recurring Data-Intensive Applications, in the Procs. of ICDCS, Nov 2020.
- Rui Li, Alex X.Liu, Ying Liu, Huanle Xu, and Huaqiang Yuan, Insecurity and hardness of nearest neighbor queries over encrypted data, in the Procs. of ICDE , May 2019.
- Huanle Xu, Yang Liu, Wing Cheong Lau, Jun Guo, and Alex Liu, “Efficient Online Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Clusters with Machine Variability”, in the Procs. of IEEE Infocom, May 2019.
- Yang Liu, Huanle Xu*, and Wing Cheong Lau, “Online Job Scheduling with Resource Packing on a Cluster of Heterogeneous Servers” in the Procs. of IEEE Infocom, May 2019.
- Huanle Xu, Gustavo de Veciana, and Wing Cheong Lau, ’’Addressing Job Processing Variability Through Redundant Execution and Opportunistic Checkpointing: A Competitive Analysis’’, in the Procs. of IEEE Infocom, May 2017.
- Huanle Xu and Wing Cheong Lau, “Task-Cloning Algorithms in a MapReduce Cluster with Competitive Performance Bounds”, in the Procs. of IEEE ICDCS, 2015.
- Huanle Xu, Pili Hu, Wing Cheong Lau, Qiming Zhang, and Yang Wu, “DPCP: A Protocol for Optimal Pull Coordination in Decentralized Social Networks”, in the Procs. of IEEE Infocom, Apr 2015.
- Huanle Xu and Wing Cheong Lau, “Optimization For Speculative Execution In a Map-Reduce-Like Cluster”, in the Procs. of IEEE Infocom, Apr 2015.