![]() | Wai-Meng QUACH, 郭偉明 (Stephen) Associate Professor (wmquach@um.edu.mo) https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/people/wmquach/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PMt3lKwAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.impactio.com/researcher/wmquach Impactio Academic Ranking: Top 0.01% in Structural Engineering, Top 0.03% in Materials Science, & Composite Material Bio | Profile | Research | PhD/PostDoc Opportunities |
郭偉明, 澳門大學土木與環境工程系副教授, 博士生導師, 國際期刊《Advances in Structural Engineering》副主編, 以及中國國家科技計劃專家庫– 專家(結構工程)[只有三名本澳結構工程專家被成功提名]。 從2013-2016年間, 擔任澳門大學土木與環境工程系系主任, 也曾任澳門金屬結構學會創會理事長(2007-2010)。 在任系主任期間(2013-2016), 他領導工程系建立了一個健全的學術品質體系, 以提高課程品質。 在2016年, 帶領工程系取得香港工程師學會工程專業課程認證(土木專業本科課程), 同時獲得《華盛頓協議》的認可^。
郭教授是鋼結構、冷彎鋼結構、和殘餘應力方面的專家, 尤其針對由冷成形過程所引致的幾何缺陷、殘餘應力和冷作硬化效應對鋼結構性能的影響作深入研究。 其研究領域還涉及:增材制造技術在土木建築中應用、高性能結構材料、復合材料結構、結構增強及修復技術。 作為項目負責人, 先後主持澳門科學技術發展基金及國內外 (包括:馬來西亞教育部基礎研究基金項目、廣東省實驗室重大專項團隊項目)等11項課題。 在相關領域發表80餘篇期刊及會議論文, H-指數超過 21, 總引用超過1600次, 單篇最高引用超過250次 (Impactio Academic Ranking** : Top 0.01% in Structural Engineering, Top 0.03% in Materials Science, & Composite Material, respectively)。
** Impactio is America’s leading platform in academic impact analytics and scientific networking.
^ As the usual practice, only top 30% universities in a country can receive this recognition for their engineering programmes with a high academic quality.
Prof. Wai-Meng Quach (Stephen) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Macau, and an Associate Editor for “Advances in Structural Engineering – An International Journal”. He is also an Expert (Structural Engineering) in the National Science and Technology Programs Expert Database, China (only 3 persons with structural engineering profession in Macau were nominated and included). He was the Head of the CEE Department at the University of Macau (2013-2016), the founding Chairman of Executive Board of the Macau Society of Metal Structures (MSMS, 2007-2010), and the Honorary Advisor of the Macau Construction Association (MCA, 2008-2010).
His research interests include steel structures, cold-formed steel, additive manufacturing for construction, High performance structural materials, composite structures, strengthening and repair. He has been the principal investigator (PI) of some internal and external research projects funded by the Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e da Tecnologia (FDCT) of Macao S.A.R, the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) of the Malaysia Ministry of Education, and the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory. Findings from these projects already led to the publication of two proceedings and over 80 papers in journals and conferences. His H-index: over 21. His total citations: over 1600. The highest citations of a single paper: over 250. Impactio Academic Ranking** : Top 0.01% in Structural Engineering, Top 0.03% in Materials Science, & Composite Material, respectively.
Prof. Quach received his BSc degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Macau, his Master degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Manchester (known as University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology – UMIST before October 2004), and his PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005. In 1996, he was awarded a Top-Student Prize from UMIST for his outstanding performance in his graduate study. Immediately after he graduated from UMIST in 1997, he obtained an academic position at the University of Macau.
As the recognition of his academic contributions, he has been invited to give public lectures and to serve as the session chair in some international and technical conferences/symposiums. He has also been being active in organizing academic activities. He has been the chairman, co-chair and member of the International Scientific Committee, organizing committees and editorial committees of some international and technical conferences/symposiums. He also serves as a reviewer (or examiner) for some research grant proposals, international journals, and conferences.
Prof. Quach has been devoting his time in the education, program development and improvement over the past decades. He was the Department head, the Faculty Coordinator and Departmental Coordinator for the Engineering Program Accreditation in years 2010~2016. As the department head, he led the department to complete the full accreditation exercise of the BSc programme in Civil Engineering; and achieve the full accreditation over 5 professional disciplines (including “Structural”, “Geotechnical”, “Building”, “Civil”, and “Logistics and Transportation”) granted by the HKIE under the recognition of the Washington Accord^ in year 2016.
Since 1997, he has taught a wide range of subjects at the University of Macau (UM), both within and outside structural engineering, from fundamental engineering disciplines to design courses. He has also developed some new courses on design aspects and successfully supervised various research projects for final year undergraduate students and graduate students. As a result of his supervision, three of his undergraduate students have received Ocean-Tech Awards due to their excellent performance in thesis work and the research outcomes from his graduate students have been published in journals and conferences (including invited lectures).
Prof. Quach has also been devoting his time in the university and community service. He was the Student Advisor of the CEE Department for the FST Training and Placement Network in years 2008~2013. He was the Faculty Representative in the Staff-Student Consultative Committee in years 2005 and 2006. In September 2008, he also visited Sichuan to serve as the technical advisor for Sichuan Post-disaster School Reconstruction Project hosted by DSEJ Macao S.A.R. Since 1999, he has served as the member of the Organizing Committee and Referee Panel for Macau High School Fun Science Competition over many years, in order to promote science and engineering in high schools.