Yuan WU 吳遠

Associate Professor

State Key Lab of Internet of Things for Smart City
Department of Computer and Information Science,
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau

(+853) 8822-4395   (+853) 8822-2426
Building N21-5011J, University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=H1bxY_4AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China (2010)

Master of Engineering in Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, China (2006)

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering, Zhejiang University, China (2004)

Professional Experience

Associate Professor, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China (Aug. 2019 – present)

Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology, China (Dec. 2018 – July 2019)

Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology, China (Sept. 2012 – Nov. 2018)

Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology, China (Aug. 2011 – Aug. 2012)

Research Associate, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (Aug. 2010 – July 2011)

Visiting Student & Research Collaborator, Princeton University, NJ, USA (Sept. 2009 – Feb. 2010)

Professional Affiliations

Vice Chair of Macau Chapter, IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)

Vice-Chair of Meetings and Conference Committee (MCC),IEEE Communications Society Asia/Pacific Region

Vice-Chair of SIG on Green Computing and Data Processing, IEEE Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee

Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA

Fellow of European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), Class of 2020

Distinguished Member of China Computer Federation (CCF), China 中国计算机学会杰出会员

Member of China Institute of Electronics

Member of China Institute of Communications

Member of China Association of Automation

Professional Services

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

Associate Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Associate Editor, Elsevier Computer Network

Associate Editor, China Communications

Associate Editor, IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society

Guest Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine

Guest Editor, IEEE Communications Magazine

Guest Editor, IEEE Network Magazine

Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Guest Editor, IET Communications

Services for Conferences

    • Symposium Co-chair for 2025 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), SAC Symposium: Satellite and Space Communications, Taipei, Dec. 8-12, 2025 (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    • Symposium Co-chair for 2024 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Green Communications Systems and Networks Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 8-12, 2024 (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    • Symposium Co-chair for 2024 The 13th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Symposium of Cloud and Edge Computing Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024
    • Symposium Co-chair for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids Conference (SmartGridComm), Oslo, Norway, Sept. 17-20, 2024
    • Program Committee for 17th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom’2024), Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 19-22, 2024
    • Publication Chair for IEEE International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC’2024), Kanazawa, Japan, July 1-3, 2024
    • Workshop Co-chair for 2024 the Sixth International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN’2024), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’2024), Vancouver, Canada, May 20-23, 2024
    • Local Organizing Committee Chair, 2024 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Privacy Computing (BDPC’2024), Macau, China, Jan. 10-12, 2024
    • Symposium Co-Chair for 2023 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, for the Internet of Things Symposium, Dalian, China, Aug. 10-12, 2023
    • Technical Track Co-chair for 2023 IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things, for the tack of Applications and User Cases, Aveiro, Portugal, Oct. 12–27, 2023
    • Symposium Co-Chair for 2023 the 3rd Macau Conference on Smart City Technologies, Nov. 7-9, Macau, China
    • Conference General Chair for 2023 the 12th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications, EAI MOBILWARE 2023. Macau, China, Nov. 17-19, 2023
    • Workshop Co-chair for 2023 the Fifth International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’2023), New York area, USA, 17-20 May 2023
    • Workshop Co-chair for 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, Workshop on “ICDT Integrated 6G Networks: Embracing Native-AI and Digital Twin”, Aug. 11-13, 2022
    • Track Co-chair for 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring), for the track of “IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking” (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    • Publicity Chair for 2022 The 2nd Macau Conference on Smart City Technologies, Nov. 4-5, Macau, China
    • Publicity Chair for 2022 IEEE the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN’2022), IEEE INFOCOM Workshop
    • Track Co-chair for the 2021 IEEE 93th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’2021-Spring), for the track of “IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking” (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    • TPC Co-chair for 2021 the 11th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (EAI MONAMI’2021), Oct. 27-29, 2021
    • Publicity Chair for 2021 The 1st Macau Conference on Smart City Technologies, Dec. 12-13, Macau, China
    • Track Co-chair for 2020 IEEE 92th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’2020-Fall), for the track of “Wireless Networks: Protocols and Security” (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    • Conference Co-chair for EAI Machine Learning & Intelligence for Communications (EAI MLICOM’2018), July 6-8, 2018
    • Track Co-chair for 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC’2017-Fall), for the track of “Green Communications and Networks” (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)

Research Interests

Edge/Cloud Computing and Edge Intelligence

Green and Cognitive Communications

Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Computing

Intelligent Communications Systems and Networks

Vehicular Communications and Networks

Energy Informatics and Smart Grid

Convex/Non-convex Optimization, Cross Layer Design, Game Theory, Deep Learning and their applications in Wireless Communications and Networking

Research Awards and Honors

Selected Journal Papers

* Funded by the UM or the Zhuhai UM Science and Technology Research Institute
   Bolded Yuan Wu: Corresponding Author
    1. S. Feng, X. Lu, D. Niyato, Yuan Wu, and X. Shen, “System-Level Security Solution for Hybrid D2D Communication in Heterogeneous D2D-Underlaid Cellular Network,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, July 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3423351.
    2. N. Huang*, H. Dong*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, S. Ma, and R. Lu, “Edge Intelligence Oriented Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Multi-Cell Cooperative Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 8810-8824, June 2024.
    3. J. Huang, B. Ma, Yuan Wu, Y. Chen, X.S. Shen, “A Hierarchical Incentive Mechanism for Federated Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, June 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3423399.
    4. N. Huang*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, S. Zhou, and R. Lu, “Image Analysis Oriented Integrated Sensing and Communication via Intelligent Reflecting Surface,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, June 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2024.3414393.
    5. B. Lu*, B. Fan*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, H. Zhang, and R. Lu, “Predictive Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in DT-empowered Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 5474-5487, June 2024.
    6. Y. Li*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, W. Jia, and R. Lu, “NOMA Assisted Two-Tier VR Content Transmission: A Tile-based Approach for QoE Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 3769-3784, May 2024.
    7. N. Huang*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, J. Gao, and Z. Su, “Networked Integration of Sensing and Communication for Extended Reality: Framework, Challenges and Solutions,” IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 269-276, May 2024.
    8. Y. Fu, Y. Shan, Q. Zhu, K. Hung, Yuan Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “A Distributed Microservice-aware Paradigm for 6G: Challenges, Principles, and Research Opportunities,” IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 163-170, May 2024.
    9. C. Dou*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, Z. Shi, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Integrated Sensing and Communication Enabled Multi-Device Multi-Target Cooperative Sensing: A Fairness-aware Design,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May 2024, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3406930.
    10. S. Bi, Z. Zhuo, X. Lin, Yuan Wu, and Y.-J. Zhang, “Physical Environment Map Aided 3D Deployment Optimization for UAV-assisted Integrated Localization and Communication in Urban Areas,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 15490-15503, May 2024.
    11. C. Dou*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Channel Sharing aided Integrated Sensing and Communication: An Energy-Efficient Sensing Scheduling Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4802-4814, May 2024.
    12. M. Wu*, R. Yang, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, J. Kang, and S. Xie, “Joint Optimization of Model Partition and Resource Allocation for Split Federated Learning over Vehicular Edge Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, May 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3399011.
    13. L. Qian, X. Dong, M. Wu, Yuan Wu, and L. Zhao, “Long-Term Energy Consumption Minimization in NOMA-Enabled Vehicular Edge Computing Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Apr. 2024, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2024.3404991.
    14. C. Peng, Z. Wu, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, J. Kang, Q. Huan, and S. Xie, “Joint Energy and Completion Time Difference Minimization for UAV-enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Apr. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3395993.
    15. G. Cai, B, Fan*, Y. Dong, T. Li, Yuan Wu, and Y. Zhang, “Task-Efficiency Oriented V2X Communications: Digital Twin Meets Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 149-155, Apr. 2024.
    16. Z. Tang*, F. Mou, J. Lou, W. Jia, Yuan Wu, and W. Zhao, “Multi-user Layer-aware Online Container Migration in Edge-assisted Vehicular Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1807-1822, Apr. 2024.
    17. L. Qian, C. Wang, Q. Wang, M. Wu, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “OFDM Receiver Design with Learning-Driven Automatic Modulation Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 429-441, Apr. 2024.
    18. M. Dai*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, R. Lu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Multi-UAV Aided Multi-Access Edge Computing in Marine Communication Networks: A Joint System-Welfare and Energy-Efficient Design,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Apr. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3388501.
    19. Z. Tang*, F. Mou, J. Lou, W. Jia, Yuan Wu, and W. Zhao, “Joint Resource Overbooking and Container Scheduling in Edge Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Apr. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3386936.
    20. W. Xu, J. Yu, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Joint Channel Estimation and Reinforcement Learning-based Resource Allocation of Intelligent Reflecting Surface-aided Multicell Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 11862-11875, Apr. 2024.
    21. L. Qian, S. Zhou, M. Wu, and Yuan Wu, “Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and SIC Ordering in Energy-Harvesting Relay-aided NOMA NB-IoT Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 468-481, Mar. 2024.
    22. W. Xu, J. Yu, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy-Latency Aware Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-cell Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 362-374, Mar. 2024.
    23. P. Li*, H. Zhang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, R. Yu, D. Niyato, and X. Shen, “Filling the Missing: Exploring Generative AI for Enhanced Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Feb. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3371772.
    24. Y. Chen, J. Xu, Yuan Wu, J. Gao, and L. Zhao, “Dynamic Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for NOMA-aided Mobile Edge Computing: An Energy Efficient Design,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Feb. 2024, DOI:10.1109/TSC.2024.3376240.
    25. M. Wu, K. Li, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and I. Lee, “Secure Computation Offloading and Service Caching in Mobile Edge Computing Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 432-436, Feb. 2024.
    26. Q. Xu, Z. Su, D. Fang, and Yuan Wu, “BASIC: Distributed Task Assignment with Auction Incentive in UAV-Enabled Crowdsensing System,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2416-2430, Feb. 2024.
    27. L. Qian, M. Li*, P. Ye, Q. Wang, B. Lin, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Secrecy-driven Energy Minimization in Federated Learning-assisted Marine Digital Twin Networks,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 5155-5168, Feb. 2024.
    28. Y. Chen, J. Zhao, Yuan Wu, J. Huang, and X. Shen, “QoE-aware Decentralized Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for End-Edge-Cloud Systems: A Game-Theoretical Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 769-784, Jan. 2024.
    29. T. Wang*, P. Li*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, Z. Su, and R. Lu, “Quantum-Empowered Federated Learning in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks,” IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 96-103, Jan. 2024.
    30. M. Wu*, G. Chen, J. Kang, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, and M. Pan, “Federated Split Learning with Data and Label Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 1223-1238, Jan. 2024.
    31. T. Wang*, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “UAV Swarm-Assisted Two-Tier Hierarchical Federated Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, pp. 943-956, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2024.
    32. J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, T.H. Luan, P.K. Mu, G. Li, M. Dong, and Yuan Wu, “Digital Twin Enabled Task Offloading for IoV: A Learning Based Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, pp. 659-672, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan.-Feb., 2024.
    33. Y. Zhao*, Q. Wu, G. Chen, W. Chen, R. Liu, M. Zhao, Yuan Wu, and S. Ma, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-Tier Hybrid Computing,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 83-97, Jan. 2024.
    34. X. Huang*, P. Li*, H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, D.I. Kim, and Yuan Wu, “Federated Learning-Empowered AI-Generated Content in Wireless Networks,” IEEE Network, Jan. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2024.3353377.
    35. Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, Y. Song*, L. Qian, and W. Jia, “Dynamic User-Scheduling and Power Allocation for SWIPT Aided Federated Learning: A Deep Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 6956-6969, Dec. 2023.
    36. N. Huang*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Mobile Edge Computing aided Integrated Sensing and Communication with Short-Packet Transmissions,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2023.3344479.
    37. M. Dai*, Z. Luo*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “Incentive Oriented Two-Tier Task Offloading Scheme in Marine Edge Computing Networks: A Hybrid Stackelberg-Auction Game Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 8603-8619, Dec. 2023.
    38. B. Fan*, Y. Dong, T. Li, and Yuan Wu, “Blockchain-FRL for Vehicular Lane-Changing: Towards Traffic, Data and Training Safety,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 24, pp. 22153-22164, Dec. 2023.
    39. Y. Chen, K. Li, Yuan Wu, J. Huang, and L. Zhao, “Energy Efficient Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in Air-Ground Integrated MEC Systems: A Distributed Online Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2023.3346431.
    40. N. Huang*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and R. Lu, “Energy-Efficient Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Multi-access Edge Computing Design,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2053-2057, Dec. 2023.
    41. X. Huang*, C. Peng, Yuan Wu, J. Kang, W. Zhong, D.I. Kim, and L. Qi, “Joint Interdependent Task Scheduling and Energy Balancing for Multi-UAV Enabled Aerial Edge Computing,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 23, pp. 20368-20382, Dec. 2023.
    42. Yuan Wu, M. Dai*, L. Qian, Z. Su, T.Q.S. Quek, and D.W.K. Ng, “SWIPT-Empowered Sustainable Wireless Federated Learning: Paradigms, Challenges, and Solutions,” IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 206-213, Nov. 2023.
    43. M. Dai*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, Z. Su, and R. Lu, “Latency Minimization Oriented Hybrid Offshore and Aerial based Multi-access Computation Offloading for Marine Communication Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 6482-6498, Nov. 2023.
    44. B. Li, Z. Qian, L. Liu, Yuan Wu, D. Lan, and C. Wu, “Computation Offloading for Edge Computing in RIS-Assisted Symbiotic Radio Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 4033-4045, Nov.-Dec. 2023.
    45. X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, J. Kang, W. Zhong, D.I. Kim, and S. Xie, “Service Reservation and Pricing for Green Metaverses: A Stackelberg Game Approach,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 86-94, Oct. 2023.
    46. C. Dou*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Sensing-Efficient NOMA-aided Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Joint Sensing Scheduling and Beamforming Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 13591-13603, Oct. 2023.
    47. P. Li*, G. Cheng, X. Huang*, J. Kang, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, M. Pan, and D. Niyato, “Snowball: Energy Efficient and Accurate Federated Learning with Coarse-to-Fine Compression over Heterogeneous Wireless Edge Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 6778-6792, Oct. 2023.
    48. S. Bi, J. Yu, Z. Yang, X. Lin, and Yuan Wu, “Joint 3D Deployment and Resource Allocation for UAV-assisted Integrated Communication and Localization,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1672-1676, Oct. 2023.
    49. N. Huang*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and H. Zhou, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle aided Integrated Sensing and Computation with Mobile Edge Computing,”  IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 19, pp. 16830-16844, Oct. 2023.
    50. X. Tang, X. Li, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, J. Ye, F. Tang, and Q. Chen, “Digital Twin Assisted Task Assignment in Multi-UAV Systems: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 17, pp. 15362-15375, Sept. 2023.
    51. C. Dou*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Energy-Efficient Hybrid NOMA-FDMA Assisted Distributed Two-Tier Edge-Cloudlet Multi-Access Computation Offloading,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1234-1249, Sept. 2023.
    52. B. Qian, T. Ma, Y. Xu, K. Yu, Yuan Wu, and H. Zhou, “Enabling Fully-Decoupled Radio Access with Elastic Resource Allocation,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1025-1040, Aug. 2023.
    53. B. Qian, T. Ma, K. Yu, Y. Xu, Yuan Wu, and H. Zhou, “3C Resource Sharing for Personalized Content Delivery in B5G Networks: A Contract Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 13442-13457, Aug. 2023. 
    54. J. Yu, Y. Li*, X. Liu, B. Sun, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “IRS Assisted NOMA Aided Mobile Edge Computing with Queue Stability: Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4296-4312, July 2023. 
    55. S. He, Y. Sun, Yuan Wu, M. Dong, and Z. Shi, “Pushing the Charging Distance beyond Near Field by Antenna Design,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 13, pp. 11357-11368, July 2023.
    56. Q. Wang, B. Su, C. Wang, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “ConvLSTM based Spectrum Sensing at Very Low SNR,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 967-971, June 2023.
    57. H. Zhou, Z. Zhang, Yuan Wu, M. Dong, and V.C.M. Leung, “Energy Efficient Joint Computation Offloading and Service Caching for Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 950-961, June 2023.
    58. T. Wang*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, J. Gao, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Latency Oriented Secure Wireless Federated Learning: A Channel-Sharing Approach with Artificial Jamming,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 9675-9689, June 2023.
    59. P. Li*, G. Cheng, X. Huang*, J. Kang, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, and M. Pan, “AnycostFL: Efficient On-Demand Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Edge Devices”, in Proceedings of IEEE 2023 International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’2023), May 17-20, 2023, New York Area, USA (CCF-A conference)
    60. T. Wang*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Energy-Efficient Wireless Federated Learning: A Secrecy oriented Design via Sequential Artificial Jamming,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 6412-6427, May 2023.
    61. M. Li*, L. Qian, B. Lin, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Secure Computation Offloading for Marine IoT: An Energy-Efficient Design via Cooperative Jamming,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 6518-6531, May 2023.
    62. W. Lu, Y. Mo, Y. Feng, Y. Gao, N. Zhao, Yuan Wu, and A. Nallanathan, “Secure Transmission for Multi-UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Based on Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1270-1282, May-June 2023. (ESI Highly Cited)
    63. P. Li*, Y. Zong, C. Zhang, Yuan Wu, and R. Yu, “FedRelay: Federated Relay Learning for 6G Mobile Edge Intelligence,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 5125-5138, Apr. 2023.
    64. H. Hou, S. Bi, L. Zheng, X. Lin, Yuan Wu, and Z. Quan, “DASECount: Domain-Agnostic Sample-Efficient Wireless Indoor Crowd Counting via Few-shot Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 7038-7050, Apr. 2023.
    65. M. Wu*, G. Chen, P. Li*, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, M. Pan, and R. Lu, “Split Learning with Differential Privacy for Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Mar. 2023, DOI: 10.1109/MWC.015.2200462.
    66. Q. Xu, Z. Su, D. Fang, and Yuan Wu, “Hierarchical Bandwidth Allocation for Social Community-Oriented Multicast in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1915-1930, Mar. 2023.
    67. C. Qiu*, Q. Wu, M. Hua, X. Guan, and Yuan Wu, “Achieving Multi-beam Gain in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Energy Transfer,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 4052-4057, Mar. 2023.
    68. M. Dai*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, J. Gao, and Z. Su, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assisted Wireless Networks: Advancements, Challenges, and Solutions,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4117-4147, Mar. 2023.
    69. Z. Wang, R. Liu, Q. Liu, L. Han, Yuan Wu, and J.S. Thompson, “QoS-Oriented Sensing-Communication-Control Co-Design for UAV-Enabled Positioning,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 497-511, Mar. 2023.
    70. B. Fan*, Z. Su, Y. Chen, Yuan Wu, C.-Z. Xu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Ubiquitous Control Over Heterogeneous Vehicles: A Digital Twin Empowered Edge AI Approach,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 166-173, Feb. 2023.
    71. N. Huang*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, T.Q.S. Quek, and X. Shen, “Wireless Federated Learning with Hybrid Local and Centralized Training: A Latency Minimization Design,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 248-263, Jan. 2023.
    72. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, N. Yu, F. Jiang*, and W. Jia, “Energy-Efficient Multi-access Mobile Edge Computing with Secrecy Provisioning,” IEEE Transactions Mobile Computing, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 237 – 252, Jan. 2023.
    73. M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, Z. Su, B. Lin, and N. Chen, “UAV-assisted Multi-access Computation Offloading via Hybrid NOMA and FDMA in Marine Networks,”  IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 113-127, Jan.-Feb. 2023.
    74. B. Li, K. Xie, W. Zhong, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and S. Xie, “Operation Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping and Charging Systems: A Bilevel Optimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 528-540, Jan. 2023.
    75. L. Qian, H. Zhang, Q. Wang, Yuan Wu, and B. Lin, “Joint Multi-domain Resource Allocation and Trajectory Optimization in UAV assisted Maritime IoT Networks,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 539-552, Jan. 2023.
    76. Y. Wang, H. Peng, Z. Su, T. H. Luan, A. Benslimane, and Yuan Wu, “A Platform-Free Proof of Federated Learning Consensus Mechanism for Sustainable Blockchains,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 3305-3324, Dec. 2022.
    77. L. Qian, W. Zhang, Q. Wang, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Alternative Optimization for Secrecy Throughput Maximization in UAV-aided NOMA Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 2580-2584, Dec. 2022.
    78. W. Zhong, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, R. Yu, and J. Kang, “Decentralized Energy Management for Wireless Power Transfer Assisted Platoon Autonomous Driving: A Leader-to-Follower Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2073-2083, Dec. 2022.
    79. T. Wang*, Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Secrecy driven Federated Learning via Cooperative Jamming: An Approach of Latency Minimization,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1687-1703, Oct.-Dec. 2022.
    80. M. Dai*, Y. Li*, P. Li*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Sum, “A Survey on Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computing Networks for Smart Oceans,” (Invited Paper) Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 70-98, Oct. 2022.
    81. N. Huang*, T. Wang*, Yuan Wu, Q. Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Integrated Sensing and Communication Assisted Mobile Edge Computing: An Energy-Efficient Design via Intelligent Reflecting Surface,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2085-2089, Oct. 2022.
    82. D. Ye, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and R. Yu, “Incentivizing Semisupervised Vehicular Federated Learning: A Multidimensional Contract Approach With Bounded Rationality,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 18573-18588, Oct. 2022.
    83. Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, M. Dai*, B. Lin, W. Jia, and X.S. Shen, “Hybrid NOMA-FDMA Assisted Dual Computation Offloading: A Latency Minimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 3345-3360, Sept.-Oct. 2022.
    84. Yuan Wu, Y. Song*, T. Wang*, M. Dai*, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer assisted Federated Learning via Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1846-1861, Sept. 2022.
    85. B. Sun, Y. Jiang, Yuan Wu, Q. Ye, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Performance Analysis of Mobile Cloud Computing with Bursty Demand: A Tandem Queue Model,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9951-9966, Sept. 2022.
    86. J. Huang, M. Wang, Yuan Wu, Y. Chen, and X. Shen, “Distributed Offloading in Overlapping Areas of Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journals, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 13837-13847, Aug. 2022.
    87. B. Fan*, L. Jiang. Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, and Yuan Wu, “UAV Assisted Traffic Offloading in Air Ground Integrated Networks with Mixed User Traffic,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no 8, pp. 12601-12611, Aug. 2022.
    88. Yuan Wu, G. Ji*, T. Wang*, L. Qian, B. Lin, and X. Shen, “Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Assisted Secure Computation Offloading via Cooperative Jamming,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 7751-7768, July 2022.
    89. Y. Jiang, Q. Ye, B. Sun, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Data-Driven Coordinated Charging for Electric Vehicles with Continuous Charging Rates: A Deep Policy Gradient Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journals, vol. 9, no. 14, pp. 12395-12412, July 2022.
    90. X. Huang*, Y. Zhong, Yuan Wu, P. Li*, and R. Yu, Privacy-preserving incentive mechanism for platoon assisted vehicular edge computing with deep reinforcement learning, China Communications, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 294-309, July 2022.
    91. B. Li. K. Xie, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and S. Xie, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based Incentive Mechanism Design for Platoon Autonomous Driving with Social Effect,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 7719-7729, July 2022.
    92. Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, and W. Jia, “Optimal Dynamic Spectrum Allocation assisted Latency Minimization for Multi-User Mobile Edge Computing,” Digital Communications and Networks, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 247-256, June 2022.
    93. Y. Chen, F. Zhao, X. Chen, and Yuan Wu, “Efficient Multi-Vehicle Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in 6G Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 4584-4595, May 2022. (ESI Highly Cited)
    94. P. Zeng*, D. Qiao, Q. Wu, and Yuan Wu, “Throughput Maximization for Active Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Powered Communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 992-996, May 2022.
    95. W. Lu, Y. Ding, Y. Gao, S. Hu, Yuan Wu, Z. Nan, and Y. Gong, “Resource and Trajectory Optimization for Secure Communications in Dual-UAV-MEC Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2704-2713, Apr. 2022. (ESI Highly Cited)
    96. Yuan Wu, Y. Song*, T. Wang*, L. Qian, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Non-orthogonal Multiple Access assisted Federated Learning via Wireless Power Transfer: A Cost-Efficient Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 2853-2869, Apr. 2022. (ESI Highly Cited)
    97. C. Peng, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, and J. Kang, “Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing: Offloading Optimization and Path Planning,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 861-865, Apr. 2022.
    98. N. Huang*, T. Wang*, Yuan Wu, S. Bi, L. Qian, and B. Lin, “Delay Minimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Federated Learning”, China Communications, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 216-229, Apr. 2022.
    99. M. Dai*, T. Wang*, Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and Z. Su, “Digital Twin Envisioned Secure Air-Ground Integrated Networks: A Blockchain based Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 96-103, Mar. 2022.
    100. X. Yuan, J. Chen, K. Zhang, Yuan Wu, and T. Yang, “A Stable AI-based Binary and Multiple Class Heart Disease Prediction Model for IoMT”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2032-2040, Mar. 2022.
    101. J. Huang, B. Lv, Yuan Wu, Y. Chen, and X. Shen, “Dynamic Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing Enabled Small Cell Network,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1964-1973, Feb. 2022. (ESI Highly Cited)
    102. T. Wang*, Y. Li*, and Yuan Wu, “Energy-Efficient UAV Assisted Secure Relay Transmission via Cooperative Computation Offloading,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1669-1683, Dec. 2021.
    103. B. Fan*, Yuan Wu, Z. He, Y. Chen, T. Quek, and C.-Z. Xu, “Digital Twin Empowered Mobile Edge Computing for Intelligent Vehicular Lane-Changing,” IEEE Network, vol. 35, no .6, pp. 194-201, Nov./Dec. 2021.
    104. X. Huang*, P. Li*, R. Yu, Yuan Wu, K. Xie, and S. Xie, “FedParking: A Federated Learning based Parking Space Estimation with Parked Vehicle assisted Edge Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 9355-9368, Sept. 2021.
    105. W. Lu, P. Si, H. Han, Z. Liu, Yuan Wu, and Y. Gong, “Trajectory and Resource Optimization in OFDM based UAV-Powered IoT Network,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1259-1270, Sept. 2021.
    106. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, F. Jiang*, N. Yu, W. Lu, and B. Lin, “NOMA assisted Multi-task Multi-access Mobile Edge Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5688-5698, Aug. 2021. (ESI Highly Cited)
    107. L. Qian, C. Yang, H. Han, Yuan Wu, and L. Meng, “Learning Driven Resource Allocation and SIC Ordering in EH Relay Aided NB-IoT Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 2619-2623, Aug. 2021.
    108. Y. Chen, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, Yuan Wu, X. Chen, and L. Zhao, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based Dynamic Resource Management for Mobile Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 4925-4934, July 2021. (ESI Highly Cited)
    109. L. Qian, W. Wu, W. Lu, Yuan Wu, B. Lin, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Secrecy based Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Computing via Cooperative Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 4659-4677, July 2021.
    110. W. Lu, X. Xu. G. Huang, B. Li, Yuan Wu, N. Zhao, and R. Yu, “Energy Efficiency Optimization in SWIPT Enabled WSNs for Smart Agriculture,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol 17, no. 6, pp. 4335-4344, June 2021. (ESI Highly Cited)
    111. S. Fu, Y. Tang, Yuan Wu, N. Zhang, H. Gu, C. Chen, and M. Liu, “Energy-Efficient UAV enabled Data Collection via Wireless Charging: A Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol 8, no. 2, pp. 10209-10219, June 2021.
    112. L. Huang, L. Zhang, S. Yang, L. Qian, and Yuan Wu, “Meta-Learning based Computation Offloading for Dynamic Mobile Edge Computing Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, pp. 1568-1572, vol. 25, no. 5, May 2021.
    113. L. Liu, B. Sun, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Latency Optimization for Computation Offloading with Hybrid NOMA-OMA Transmission”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 6677-6691, Apr. 2021.
    114. L. Huang, Y. Zhang, W. Pan, J. Chen, L. Qian, and Yuan Wu, “Visualizing Deep Learning-based Radio Modulation Classifier,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, pp. 47-58, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2021.
    115. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, B. Ji, and X. Shen, “Optimal ADMM-Based Spectrum and Power Allocation for Heterogeneous Small-Cell Networks with Hybrid Energy Supplies,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol 20, no. 2, pp. 662-677, Feb. 2021.
    116. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, X. Xu, B. Ji. Z. Shi, and W. Jia, “Distributed Charging-Record Management for Electric Vehicle Networks via Blockchain,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 2150-2162, Feb. 2021.
    117. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, N. Yu, F. Jiang*, H. Zhou, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Learning driven NOMA assisted Vehicular Edge Computing via underlay Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no.1, pp. 977-992, Jan. 2021.
    118. W. Lu, P. Si, X. Liu, B. Li, Z. Liu, N. Zhao, and Yuan Wu, “OFDM based bidirectional multi-relay SWIPT strategy for 6G IoT networks,” China Communications, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 80-91, Dec. 2020.
    119. B. Fan*, Z. He, Yuan Wu, J. He, Y. Chen, and L. Jiang, “Deep Learning Empowered Traffic Offloading in Intelligent Software Defined Cellular V2X Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 13328-13340, Nov. 2020.
    120. Z. Zhu, L. Qian, J. Shen, L. Huang, and Yuan Wu, “Joint Optimization of UAV Grouping and Energy Consumption in MEC-enabled UAV Communication Networks,” IET Communications, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 2723-2730, Oct. 2020.
    121. Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, Yuan Wu, L. Qi, X. Chen, and X. Shen, “Joint Task Scheduling and Energy Management for Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing with Hybrid Energy,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8419-8429, Sept. 2020.
    122. L. Qian, A. Feng, N. Yu, W. Xu, and Yuan Wu, “Vehicular Networking enabled Vehicle State Prediction via Two-level Quantized Adaptive Kalman Filtering,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7181-7193, Aug. 2020.
    123. Yuan Wu, B. Shi, L. Qian, F. Hou, J. Cai, and X. Shen, “Energy-Efficient Multi-Task Multi-access Computation Offloading via NOMA Transmission for IoTs,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 4811-4822, July 2020.
    124. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, J. Ouyang, Z. Shi, B. Lin, and W. Jia, “Latency Optimization for Cellular assisted Mobile Edge Computing via Non-orthogonal Multiple Access”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no .5, pp. 5494-5507, May 2020.
    125. X. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Combinatorial Auctions for Resource Allocation with Supply Costs and Capacity Limits,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 655-668, Apr. 2020.
    126. X. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Posted-Price Retailing of Transactive Energy: An Optimal Online Mechanism without Prediction,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 5-16, Jan. 2020.
    127. L. Qian, B, Shi, Yuan Wu, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “NOMA enabled Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things via Joint Communication and Computation Resource Allocations,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 718-733, Jan. 2020.
    128. X. Diao, J. Zheng, Yuan Wu, Y. Cai, and A. Anpalagan, “Fair Data Allocation and Trajectory Optimization for UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 2357-2361, Dec. 2019.
    129. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, K. Ni, C. Zhang, and X. Shen, “Delay-Minimization Nonorthogonal Multiple Access enabled Multi-User Mobile Edge Computation Offloading,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 392-407, June 2019.
    130. Yuan Wu, J. Shi, K. Ni, L. Qian, W. Zhu, Z. Shi, and L. Meng, “Secrecy-based Delay-aware Computation Offloading via Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 4201-4213, June 2019.
    131. L. Qian, A. Feng, Y. Huang, Yuan Wu, B. Ji, and Z. Shi, “Optimal SIC Ordering and Computation Resource Allocation in MEC-aware NOMA NB-IoT Networks,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2806-2816, Apr. 2019.
    132. J. Zheng, Y. Cai, Yuan Wu, and X. Shen, “Dynamic Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing, A Stochastic Game Theoretic Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 771-786, Apr. 2019. (ESI Highly Cited)
    133. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, B. Ji, L. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “HybridIoT: Integration of Hierarchical Multiple Access and Computation Offloading for IoT-Based Smart Cities,” IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 6-13, Mar./Apr. 2019.
    134. L. Huang, X. Feng, C. Zhang, L. Qian, and Yuan Wu, “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Joint Task Offloading and Bandwidth Allocation for Multi-user Mobile Edge Computing,” Digital Communications and Networks, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 10-17, Feb. 2019.
    135. Yuan Wu, X. Wang, L. Qian, and K. Ni, “Resource-Efficient NOMA Transmission via Joint Bandwidth and Rate Allocations,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no.2, pp. 318-321, Feb. 2019.
    136. Yuan Wu, K. Ni, C. Zhang, L. Qian, and D.H.K. Tsang, “NOMA Assisted Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing: A Joint Optimization of Computation Offloading and Time Allocation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 12244-12258, Dec. 2018.
    137. Yuan Wu, X. Yang, L. Qian, L. Huang, and X. Shen, “Optimal Dual-Connectivity Traffic Offloading in Energy-Harvesting Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1041-1058, Dec. 2018.
    138. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, H. Mao, X. Yang, and X. Shen, “Optimal Power Allocation and Scheduling for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Relay-Assisted Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 2591-2606, Nov. 2018. (ESI Highly Cited) 
    139. Yuan Wu, H. Mao, K. Ni, X. Feng, L. Qian, L. Huang, and Z. Shi, “Resource Optimization for Downlink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems: A Joint Channel Bandwidth and Power Allocations Approach,” IET Communications, vol. 12, no. 19, pp. 2429-2437, Nov. 2018.
    140. Yuan Wu, Y. He, L. Qian, J. Huang, and X. Shen, “Optimal Resource Allocations for Mobile Data Offloading via Dual-Connectivity,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 2349-2365, Oct. 2018.
    141. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, H. Mao, X. Yang, H. Zhou, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Secrecy-Driven Resource Management for Vehicular Computation-Offloading Networks,” IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 84-91, June 2018.
    142. X. Yang, X. Wang, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, W. Lu, and H. Zhou, “Small-Cell Assisted Secure Traffic Offloading for Narrow-Band Internet of Thing (NB-IoT) Systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1516-1526, June 2018.
    143. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, L. Huang, and X. Shen, “Optimal Relay Selection and Power Control for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Relay Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 471-481, June 2018.
    144. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, J. Zheng, H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Green-Oriented Traffic Offloading through Dual-Connectivity in Future Heterogeneous Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no . 5, pp. 140-147, May 2018.
    145. C. Yu, L. Yu, Yuan Wu, and Y. He, “Transmit-Power Minimization for NOMA-enabled Traffic Offloading with Security Provisioning,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 986-989, Feb. 2018.
    146. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Vehicular Small Cell Networks: Architecture and Solution,” IEEE Network, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 15-21, Dec. 2017.
    147. L. Qian, Yuan Wu H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Dynamic Cell Association for Non-orthogonal Multiple-access V2S Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 2342-2356, Oct. 2017.
    148. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Joint Uplink Base Station Association and Power Control for Small-Cell Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 5567-5582, Sept. 2017.
    149. Yuan Wu, J. Zheng, K. Guo, L. Qian, X. Shen, and Y. Cai, “Joint Traffic Scheduling and Resource Allocations for Traffic Offloading with Secrecy-Provisioning”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 8315-8332, Sept. 2017.
    150. J. Zheng, Yuan Wu, N. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y. Cai, and X. Shen, “Optimal Power Control in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks: A Game-Theoretic Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 4139-4150, July 2017.
    151. Yuan Wu, and L. Qian, “Energy-Efficient NOMA-enabled Traffic Offloading via Dual-Connectivity in Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1605-1608, July 2017. (Top-ten downloaded in April 2017)
    152. X. Tan, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tang, “A Stochastic Shortest Path Framework for Quantifying the Value and Lifetime of Battery Energy Storage Under Dynamic Pricing,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 769-778, Mar. 2017.
    153. Yuan Wu, J. Chen, L. Qian, J. Huang, and X. Shen, “Energy-Aware Cooperative Traffic Offloading via Device-to-Device Cooperations: An Analytical Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 97-114, Jan. 2017. (ESI Highly Cited)
    154. Yuan Wu, K. Guo, J. Huang, and X. Shen, “Secrecy-based Energy-Efficient Data Offloading via Dual-Connectivity over Unlicensed Spectrums,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3252-3270, Dec. 2016.
    155. X. Tan, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Pareto Optimal Operation of Distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems for Energy Arbitrage under Dynamic Pricing,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 2103-2115, July 2016.
    156. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, J. Wang, and W. Zhang, “Energy-Efficient Distributed User Scheduling in Relay-Assisted Cellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 4060-4073, June 2016.
    157. Yuan Wu, X. Tan, L. Qian, D.H.K. Tsang, W.-Z. Song, and L. Yu, “Optimal Pricing and Energy Scheduling for Hybrid Energy Trading Market in Future Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 11, no. 6, 1585-1596, Dec. 2015.
    158. Yuan Wu, J. Wang, L. Qian, and R. Schober, “Optimal Power Control for Energy Efficient D2D Communication and Its Distributed Implementation,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 815-818, Feb. 2015.
    159. Yuan Wu, Q. Zhu, J. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Revenue Sharing based Resource Allocation for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 2280-2296, Nov. 2014.
    160. Yuan Wu, and W.-Z. Song, “Cooperative Resource Sharing and Pricing for Proactive Dynamic Spectrum Access via Nash Bargaining Solution,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 2804-2817, Nov. 2014.
    161. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and Q. Chen, “Transmit Power Minimization for Outage-Constrained Relay Selection over Rayleigh-Fading Channels,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1383-1386, Aug. 2014.
    162. L. Qian, Y.-J. Zhang, J. Huang, and Yuan Wu, “Demand Response Management via Real-Time Electricity Price Control in Smart Grids,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 1268-1280, July 2013.
    163. L. Qian, Yuan Wu, S. Zhang, and Q. Chen, “Pareto Optimal Power Control via Bisection Searching in Wireless Networks” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 709-712, Apr. 2013.
    164. L. Qian, Y.-J. Zhang, Yuan Wu, and J. Chen, “Joint Base Station Association and Power Control via Benders’ Decomposition,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1651-1665, Apr. 2013.
    165. Yuan Wu, V.K.N. Lau, D.H.K. Tsang, and L. Qian, “Energy-Efficient Delay-Constrained Transmission and Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 3100-3113, Sept. 2012.
    166. Yuan Wu, D.H.K. Tsang, L. Qian, and L. Meng, “Sensing based Joint Rate and Power Allocations for Cognitive Radio Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 113-116, Apr. 2012.
    167. Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing and Transmission for Cognitive Radio System,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 545-547, May 2011.
    168. Yuan Wu, T. Zhang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Joint Pricing and Power Allocation for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks with Stackelberg Game Model,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12-19, Jan. 2011.

Selected Conference Papers

    1. H. Dong*, P. Li*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and X. Hei, “Coordinated Multi-Point Aided Integrated Sensing, Communication and Computation System: An Energy Efficient Design”, in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2024), Aug. 7-9, 2024, Hangzhou, China
    2. C. Dou*, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and T.Q.S. Quek, “Multi-Access Edge Computing Empowered Integrated Hybrid Sensing and Communication: A Computation-Efficient Design,” in Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication (Ucom’2024), July 5-7, 2024, Xi’an, China
    3. B. Lu*, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, D. Niyato, T.Q.S. Quek, and C.-Z. Xu, “Digital Twin Aided Predictive Scheduling and Bandwidth Allocation for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Perception Systems,” in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 99th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Spring), June 24-27, 2024, Singapore (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    4. M. Cheng, Z. Su, Yuan Wu, Q. Xu, M. Dai*, and D. Fang, “MEC-Enabled Cooperative Rendering in Metaverse: A Coalition Formation Game Approach,” in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2024), June 9-13, 2024, Denver, CO, USA (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    5. M. Dai*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, Z. Su, and X. Shen, Computing on Surface: A Multi-Task Multi-Access Offloading Scheme in Maritime Edge Networks,” in Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Cloud and Network Computing (ICCNC’2024), May 31-June 2, 2024, Jinhua, China (ICCNC’2024 Best Paper Award)
    6. C. Dou*, H. Dong*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, X. Hei, and L. Qian, “Joint User Pairing and CRB Optimization for NOMA-aided Integrated Sensing and Communication,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2023), The 8th Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications for Internet of Things, Dec. 4-8, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    7. Q. Wang, L. Qian, M. Li*, W. Jiang, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Learning-Driven Transmission Latency Minimization in EH-relay assisted IoT Networks,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2023), Dec. 4-8, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    8. M. Li*, L. Qian, Q. Qang, Yuan Wu, B. Li, and X. Yang, “High Altitude Platforms-assisted Hierarchical Computing Offloading in Marine-IoT Networks: A Delay Minimization Approach,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2023), Dec. 4-8, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    9. S. Feng, X. Lu, D. Niyato, Yuan Wu, and W. Wang, “System-level Security Solution for Heterogeneous D2D-underlaid Cellular Network,” in Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2023), Nov. 2-4, 2023, Hangzhou, China
    10. N. Huang*, C. Dou*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “Joint Sensing, Compression and Communication for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE The 23rd International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT’2023), Oct. 20-22, 2023, Wuxi, China (ICCT’2023 Best Paper Award)
    11. Z. Du*, X. Huang*, Yuan Wu, P. Tan*, P. Li*, L. Qian, and H. Zhou, “Camera-Selecting Device-Edge Co-Inference for Real-Time Multi-Camera 3D Pose Estimation,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), Oct. 10-13, 2023, Hong Kong (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    12. Z. Luo*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “NOMA-Enabled Delay Minimization for Marine Multi-access Edge Computing Networks: A Contract Incentive Scheme,”  in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC’2023), Sept. 26-28, 2023, Shanghai, China
    13. P. Tan*, M. Dai*, Z. Du*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, Z. Su, and Z. Shi, “AI-Assisted Action in Edge Computing System: A Joint Latency and Accuracy Oriented Approach,” in Proceeding of the 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’2023), Sept. 5-8, 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada
    14. M. Wu, X. Dong, L. Qian, M. Li*, and Yuan Wu, “Long-Term Energy Consumption Minimization in NOMA-Enabled Vehicular Edge Computing,” in Proceeding of the 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’2023), Sept. 5-8, 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada
    15. M. Dai*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “Integrated Sensing and Multi-Access Computation Offloading in Smart Oceans: A Utility Maximization Design,” in Proceeding of the 31th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC’2023), July 4-7, 2023, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    16. P. Li*, G. Cheng, J. Kang, R. Yu, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and D. Niyato, “FAST: Fidelity-Adjustable Semantic Transmission over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2023), May 28 to June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    17. J. Yu, Y. Li*, X. Liu, B. Sun, Yuan Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy Efficient IRS Assisted NOMA Aided Mobile Edge Computing via Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2023), May 28 to June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    18. Y. Sun, B. Cheng, K. Yu, J. Zhao, J. Sue, Yuan Wu, and H. Zhou, “Joint User Association and Base Station Sleeping Scheme for Uplink Fully-Decoupled RAN,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2023), May 28 to June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    19. L. Qian, M. Li*, X. Dong, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Energy Minimization with Secrecy Provisioning in Federated Learning-assisted Marine Digital Twin Networks,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2023), May 28 to June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    20. L. Chen, S. Bi, X. Lin, Z. Yang, Yuan Wu, and Q. Yet, “Learning-Aided Multi-UAV Online Trajectory Coordination and Resource Allocation for Mobile WSNs,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE INFOCOM Workshop: PerAI-6G 2022: Pervasive Network Intelligence for 6G Networks, May 17-20, 2023, Hoboken, NJ, USA
    21. Z. Luo*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Su, “UAV-aided Two-tier Computation Offloading for Marine Communication Networks: An Incentive-based Approach,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’2023), Mar. 26-29, 2023, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (WCNC’2023 Best Paper Award) (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference) 
    22. Z. Luo*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, F. Hou, and Z. Su, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle aided Hybrid Two-Tier Maritime Edge Computing Networks,” in Proceedings of 2022 Cross Strait Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Dec. 17-18, 2022, Beijing, China (Conference First Prize Award)
    23. H. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Kai, and Yuan Wu, “Energy-Efficient Dependency-Aware Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing: A Digital Twin Empowered Approach,”  in Proceedings of 2022 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (IEEE iSCI’2022), Dec. 9-11, 2022, Wuhan, China (iSCI’2022 Best Paper Award)
    24. L. Qian, M. Li*, X. Dong, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Secure Computation Offloading via Cooperative Jamming in Marine IoT Networks,” in Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2022), Dec. 4-8, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    25. X. Liu, W. Ni, H. Tian, and Yuan Wu, “Simultaneous Federated Learning and Information Transmission Over Time-Varying MIMO Channels,” in Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2022), The 7th Workshop on Edge Learning over 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond, Dec. 4-8, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    26. C. Dou*, N. Huang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and Z. Shi, “Learning-Driven Cost-Efficient Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing via NOMA-SWIPT Transmission,” in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2022), Oct. 15-17, 2022, Nanjing, China
    27. Q. Wang, W. Ma, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and P.-Y. Kam, “Design and Analysis of Amplitude-Phase-Form Detection in Residual Phase Noise,” in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2022), Oct. 15-17, 2022, Nanjing, China
    28. Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, S. Bi, L. Qian, T.Q.S. Quek, and Z. Shi, “Two-tier Multi-access Partial Computation Offloading via NOMA: A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Energy Minimization,” in Proceedings of the 31st Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC’2022), Aug. 11-12, 2022, Shenzhen, China (WOCC’2022 Best Paper Award)
    29. Y. Song*, G. Ji*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and B. Lin, “Joint Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Wireless Power Transfer Aided Federated Learning,” in Proceedings of the 31st Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC’2022), Aug. 11-12, 2022, Shenzhen, China
    30. G. Ji*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and Z. Su, “Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Assisted Secure Dual-UAV Mobile Edge Computing Networks,” in Proceedings of the 31st Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC’2022), Aug. 11-12, 2022, Shenzhen, China
    31. T. Wang*, N. Huang*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and B. Lin, “Energy Efficient Digital Twin with Federated Learning via Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Transmission” in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2022 Spring (VTC2022-Spring), June 19-22, 2022, Helsinki, Finland (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    32. X. Xiang*, B. Fan*, M. Dai*, Yuan Wu, and C.-Z. Xu, “V2X Communication Aided Emergency Message Dissemination in Intelligent Transportation Systems” in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’2022), June 6-8, 2022, Jiangsu, China
    33. P. Tan*, Y. Li*, M. Dai*, and Yuan Wu, “Dynamic Task Division and Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Systems: A Latency Oriented Approach via Deep Q-Learning Network,” in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’2022), June 6-8, 2022, Jiangsu, China
    34. X. Huang*, W. Zhong, J. Nie, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, Yuan Wu, and M. Guizani, “Joint Parking and Power Management for Electric Vehicle Edge Computing: A Bilevel Optimization Approach,” in Proceedings of International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC’2022), May 30-June 3, 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia (IEEE IWCMC’2022 Best Paper Award)
    35. D. Yao*, M. Dai*, T. Wang*, Yuan Wu, and Z. Su, “Intelligent Sensing and Communication assisted Pedestrians Recognition in Vehicular Networks: An Effective Throughput Maximization Approach,” in Proceedings of 2022 IEEE INFOCOM Workshop: PerAI-6G 2022: Pervasive Network Intelligence for 6G Networks, May 2-5, 2022, Virtual Conference
    36. L. Qian, W. Zhang, H. Zhang, Yuan Wu, and X. Yang, “Secrecy Capacity Maximization for UAV aided NOMA Communication Networks,” in Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2022), May 16-20, 2022, Seoul, South Korea (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    37. Y. Song*, T. Wang*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and Z. Shi, “Non-orthogonal Multiple Access assisted Federated Learning for UAV Swarms: An Approach of Latency Minimization,” in Proceedings of 2021 The 17th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC2021), June 28-July 2, 2021, Harbin, China (IEEE IWCMC’2021 Best Paper Award)
    38. T. Wang*, X. Huang*, Y. Song*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and B. Lin, “Energy Optimization for NOMA assisted Federated Learning with Secrecy Provisioning,” in Proceedings of IEEE CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2021), July 28-30, 2021, Xiamen, China
    39. T. Wang*, Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, B. Lin, and W. Jia, “Optimal Channel Sharing assisted Multi-user Computation Offloading via NOMA,” in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Workshop, IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN’2021), May 10, 2021, Virtual Workshop
    40. Y. Li*, Yuan Wu, and W. Jia, “Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Enabled Multi-user Latency Minimization in Mobile Edge Computing,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2020), Dec. 17-19, 2020, Tokyo, Japan
    41. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, J. Ouyang, W. Lu, B. Lin, and Z. Shi, “Non-orthogonal Multiple Access assisted Mobile Edge Computing via Device-to-Device Communications,” in Proceedings of The 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), Oct. 4-7, 2020, Victoria, Canada (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    42. W. Lu, W. Wu, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, N. Yu, and L. Huang, “Optimal Power Allocation for Secure Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Transmission,” in Proceedings of The 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), Oct. 4-7, 2020, Victoria, Canada (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    43. Yuan Wu, X. Xu, L. Qian, B. Ji, Z. Shi, and W. Jia, “Revenue-Sharing based Computation-Resource Allocation for Mobile Blockchain,” in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS: ICCN: ICCN 2020: International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking, July 6-9, 2020, Toronto, ON, Canada
    44. L. Qian, X. Zhou, N. Yu, and Yuan Wu, “Electric Vehicles Charging Scheduling Optimization for Total Elapsed Time Minimization,” in Proceedings of The 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), May 25-July 31, 2020, Virtual Conference (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    45. Yuan Wu, D. Wang, X. Xu, L. Qian, L. Huang, and W. Lu, “Secrecy-Driven Energy-Efficient Multi-user Computation Offloading via Mobile Edge Computing,” in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2019) Workshop, Dec. 9-13, 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    46. L. Qian, Z. Zhu, N. Yu, and Yuan Wu, “Joint Minimization of Transmission Energy and Computation Energy for MEC-aware NOMA NB-loT Networks,” in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2019), Dec. 9-13, 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    47. L. Qian, A. Feng, X. Feng, and Yuan Wu, “Deep RL-based Time Scheduling and Power Allocation in EH Relay Communication Networks,” in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2019), May 20-24, 2019, Shanghai, China (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    48. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, X. Yang, J. Zheng, H. Zhou, and X. Shen, “Dual-Connectivity Enabled Traffic Offloading via Small Cells Powered by Energy-Harvesting,” in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2017), Dec. 4-8, 2017, Singapore (IEEE TCGCC 2017 Best Paper Award) (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    49. W. Lu, Yuan Wu, M. Wang, H. Peng, X. Liu, and J. Hua, “Spectrum Sharing in OFDM Two-Way Relaying Systems with Joint Optimal Subcarrier and Power Allocation,” in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’2017), Dec. 4-8, 2017, Singapore (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    50. L. Qian, C. Kai, Yuan Wu, and L. Huang, “Optimal Power and Rate Allocation in Buffer-aided NOMA Relay Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2017), Oct. 22–24, 2017, Qingdao, China
    51. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, and X. Shen, “Optimal Relay Selection and Power Control for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Relay Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2017), May 21-25, 2017, Paris, France (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    52. H. Chai, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, H. Zhou, W. Lu, J. Zheng, and C. Yu, “Backhaul-aware Optimal Access Election for Traffic Offloading in Small-Cell Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2017) Workshops, May 21-25, 2017, Paris, France (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    53. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, H. Mao, W. Lu, H. Zhou, and C. Yu, “Joint Channel Bandwidth and Power Allocations for Downlink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems,” in Proceedings of IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017-Fall), Sept. 24-27, 2017, Toronto, Canada (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    54. Y. Yan, L. Qian, Yuan Wu, and W. Lu, “Optimal Resource Allocation for Data Offloading in Energy-Harvesting Small-Cell Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017-Fall), Sept. 24-27, 2017, Toronto, Canada (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    55. Yuan Wu, H. Chai, L. Qian, W. Lu, Q. Zhao, and C. Yu, “Energy-Aware Optimal Data Offloading over Unlicensed Spectrums,” in Proceedings of IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Fall), Sept. 18-21, 2016, Montreal, Canada (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    56. Yuan Wu, Y. He, L. Qian, and X. Shen, “Traffic Scheduling and Power Allocations for Mobile Data Offloading via Dual-Connectivity” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2016), May 23-27, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (IEEE ICC2016 Best Paper Award) (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    57. J. Zheng, Y. Cai, Yuan Wu, and X. Shen “Stochastic Computation Offloading Game for Mobile Cloud Computing,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2016), July 27-29, 2016, Chengdu, China
    58. Yuan Wu, J. Zheng, K. Guo, L. Qian, X. Shen, and Y. Cai, “Secrecy Guaranteed Optimal Traffic Offloading via Dual-Connectivity in Small Cell Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2016), Oct. 13-15, 2016, Yangzhou, China (WCSP2016’ Best Paper Award)
    59. Yuan Wu, K. Guo, L. Qian, J. Wang, and W. Lu, “Joint Access-Selection and Power Allocation for Mobile Data Offloading in Cellular Networks,” in Proceedings of 12th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC’2016), Sept. 5-9, 2016, Cyprus
    60. J. Chen, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, W. Lu, and X. Qiu, “Joint Access-Selection and Power Allocation for Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proceedings of The 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Spring), May 15-18, 2016, Nanjing, China (IEEE VTS Flagship Conference)
    61. L. Qian, H. Wu, and Yuan Wu, “Optimal Power Control for DF Cooperative Transmission over Rayleigh-Fading Channels,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2015), Nov. 2-4, 2015, Shenzhen, China
    62. Yuan Wu, J. Wang, L. Qian, and R. Schober, “Energy-Aware Revenue Optimization for Cellular Networks via Device-to-Device Communication,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2015), June 8-12, 2015, London, UK (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    63. Yuan Wu, Y. He, L. Qian, and B. Ji “Energy-Aware Spectrum Sharing for Dynamic Spectrum Access via Monotonic Optimization,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2015), Workshop on MIMO and Cognitive Radio Technologies in Multi-hop Network, June 8-12, 2015, London, UK (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    64. Yuan Wu, X. Tan, L. Qian, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Management of Local Energy Trading in Future Smart Microgrid via Pricing,” in Proceedings of the fourth IEEE workshop on Smart Data Pricing, Workshop of IEEE INFOCOM’2015, Apr. 27, 2015, Hong Kong
    65. L. Qian, C. Qian, Yuan Wu, and Q. Chen, “Power Controlled System Revenue Maximization in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2014), June 10-14, 2014, Sydney, Australia (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference)
    66. R. Zhang, Yuan Wu, W. Zhang. L. Yu, and W.-Z. Song, “Two-Sided Energy Scheduling Algorithm for Smart Grid with Storage Cost,” in Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2013), Oct. 24-26, 2013, Hangzhou, China
    67. Yuan Wu, D.H.K. Tsang, L. Qian, and L. Meng, “Network-Welfare Maximization for Cognitive Radio Networks via Optimal Matching,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’2012), Aug. 15-17, 2012, Beijing, China
    68. Yuan Wu, V.K.N. Lau, D.H.K. Tsang, and L. Qian, “Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategy for Cognitive Radio Systems,” in Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’2012) Workshops, Apr. 1-4, 2012, Paris, France (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference) 


    1. Yuan Wu, Y. Li, L. Qian, and X. Shen, “NOMA empowered Multi-access Edge Computing and Edge Intelligence,” in Next Generation Multiple Access (Editors: Y. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Ding, X. Shen), published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 19 Jan., 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394180523.ch8
    2. Y. Chen, N. Zhang, Yuan Wu, and X. Shen, “Energy Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing,” Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, Series ISSN: 2366-1186, Series E-ISSN: 2366-1445
    3. Yuan Wu, L. Qian, J. Huang, and X. Shen, “Radio Resource Management for Mobile Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer Verlag, Springer International Publishing, ebook ISBN 978-3-319-51037-8, Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-51036-1, Jan. 2017
    4. L Qian, Yuan Wu, Y.J. Zhang, and J. Huang, “Demand Response Management via Real-time Electricity Price Control in Smart Grids”, Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management, and Business Models (Editors: Hussein Mouftah and Melike Erol-Kantarci), CRC Publisher Inc, pp 171-191, April 2016. ISBN 9781498719704
    5. Yuan Wu, X. Tan, L. Qian, D. H.K. Tsang, W. Song, and L. Yu, “Management of Scheduling and Trading in Hybrid Energy Trading Market,” in the book series of Smart Grid as a Solution for Renewable and Efficient Energy (Edited by N. Hassan, and A. Ahmad), April 2016, IGI e-Editorial Discovery, DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-0072-8, ISBN13: 9781522500728


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