Location E11-1047
Academic Staff in charge Prof. Jinrong LIU
Technician Jiaming DENG
Telephone (853) 8822-2725
Open Access Reservation Period Monday: 9:00 – 17:00


The research objectives include: (1) Development of control algorithms that integrate intelligence, optimization, and learning techniques. (2) Control application of autonomous unmanned systems and multi-robot coordination. (3) Data-driven modeling and learning-based control for robot dynamics.


  1. Vicon Motion Capture System
  2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (F450, SFP250)
  3. Automatic Mobile Robots
  4. Unmanned Surface Vehicles
  5. Quadruped Robot (Unitree Go2)
  6. Quadcopter Test Platform
  7. Multi-Unmanned System Verification Platform

Courses supported

EMEN7032 Intelligent Theory and Engineering Applications
EMEN7037 Advanced Mathematics for Electromechanical Engineering