
Feb 26 | Thu

由澳門科學技術發展基金資助,澳門大學科技學院土木及環境工程系、地球物理暨氣象局及環境委員會共同合作的科研項目“利用走航平台以監測澳門的空氣質量狀況”於二○○九年二月二十四日完成為期七日在澳門各區進行的監測活動。 主辦單位於二○○九年二月十 ...

澳門大學土木及環境工程系科普講座系列 – 趣味岩土工程在澳門
Jan 13 | Tue

由澳門大學土木及環境工程系舉辦的科普講座系列 - “趣味岩土工程在澳門”於2009年1月12日假培正中學舉行。講座由甄偉文博士主講。 甄偉文博士在二零零三年於香港科技大學取得土木工程博士學位,並於同年獲得大學博士後研究資助,留校作研究及教學 ...

PhD Candidate from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of UM Awarded Second Prize of the Best Paper Award
Dec 03 | Wed

Caption: Mr. Ka-In Hoi (Middle) and his thesis supervisors Professor Kai-Meng Mok, Dean of Faculty of Science and Techn ...

Students of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering won the Excellent Team Work Prize in the “2nd National Competition of Structural Design for University Undergraduates 2008”
Nov 10 | Mon

Our student team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering won the Excellent Team Work Prize in the '2 ...

UM Fresh PhD Graduate Tang U Wa Won His Third Paper Award in the U.S.
Oct 22 | Wed

After winning two best student paper awards at the 12th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies and ...

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